It creeps in. Where do we go after the President executive orders gun restrictions?

some good points...but the car analogy really isn't the same. it is a privledge to drive a car...yet it is a right GUARANTEED by our US Constitution that I, you, and all other citizens can and should be gun owners

Priveledge to drive a car? When we got cars, all you had to do is drive it. It became a "privledge" because we let it! Again the creeping advance on restrictions. Analysis is the same. The forefathers didn't not specifically address cars, because we never had any. They also didn't not forsee multiclip magazines, cop killer bullets, or assualt rifles to be what we have now. It was a "brown bess", and logical extensions. But the truth is, firearms legislation is worth squat, and could make all of us criminals.
Priveledge to drive a car? When we got cars, all you had to do is drive it. It became a "privledge" because we let it! Again the creeping advance on restrictions. Analysis is the same. The forefathers didn't not specifically address cars, because we never had any. They also didn't not forsee multiclip magazines, cop killer bullets, or assualt rifles to be what we have now. It was a "brown bess", and logical extensions. But the truth is, firearms legislation is worth squat, and could make all of us criminals.

The "Founding Fathers" recognized the timeless principle that our rights (in this case our right to freedom and right to bear arms) are not superseded or nullified by technological advances. While automobiles replaced horses and BAR's replaced the "brown bess" human nature remains the same. Taking away our cars and taking away our guns doesn't change the fact that we have rights it does however render us easier to control and less able to defend our rights and our property.
One point,

Why is it all of these mentally ill people, that have been behind the gun because we all know the gun did not shoot itself, committed suicide.

That is right. They killed themselves after they killed other people. Does that not tell you that they were insane? Not the gun, Not the tool!! The idiot behind the trigger. Enough said.:thumbsup:
I've grown up around guns my whole life. Would love to have a decked out AR-15 rifle with all the cosmetics I can put on it. Just cannot afford one. Someday I'll have one, "Just Because".......

I've got a "Obama Lover" at work that keeps giving me a hard time about why any of us need a "30" round clip. He say's he believes in the 2nd amendment, but being the city boy he is and his belief in everything liberals do is perfect, I believe he would be perfectly fine with Government taking ALL of our guns away. This guy just pisses me off to no end............. You can explain everything to these people about guns, but they have their own "AGENDA" with taking people's rights away....

It's only the beginning of all this for the next 4 years, so I'd better suck it up and do my best to stay calm and not beat this punk...... LOL

I am fortunate in that every guy I work with sees this the same way we do. However, there is one woman that is in our "Sr. Management" group here and she is a PROUD Obama voter. 2 weeks after he was re-elected, she got herself into a concealed-carry class and bought a nice, new 9mm:mad: It's tough not day-dreaming about "beating" ppl like that! Now that she has a gun to protect herself and her family, she is in FULL support of any and all gun-control measures:mad:

I am fortunate in that every guy I work with sees this the same way we do. However, there is one woman that is in our "Sr. Management" group here and she is a PROUD Obama voter. 2 weeks after he was re-elected, she got herself into a concealed-carry class and bought a nice, new 9mm:mad: It's tough not day-dreaming about "beating" ppl like that! Now that she has a gun to protect herself and her family, she is in FULL support of any and all gun-control measures:mad:

When they swallow, there own crap, they run for the hills. Dam sad if you ask me. I've run into a few Proud Obama voters, They don't have a clue. Ask them if they know how is the 1st presedent of the Us. Or the 16th or any other. It's quit comedic. And dam sad.
One point,

Why is it all of these mentally ill people, that have been behind the gun because we all know the gun did not shoot itself, committed suicide.

That is right. They killed themselves after they killed other people. Does that not tell you that they were insane? Not the gun, Not the tool!! The idiot behind the trigger. Enough said.:thumbsup:

I'm going to try and do this in the most tactful way I can. I in no way want to offend you. You are a former military person. Let me ask you, where did you keep your weapon when you were not deployed and were state side when in the military? They were turned in each day after any daily maneuvers. Every round was to be accounted for, every clip/magazine,Etc. Even solders are not trusted to keep their arms stored outside the armory. My friend who spent 20 plus years in the Navy was given a Christmas gift by his wife and kids. It was a muzzel loader kit gun. He was going out on a 6 month Med cruise and wanted to take the kit with and build the gun in his off time. He had to go through hell and high water to get this approved by command. He also had to make sure he had no powder, caps or ball's for the gun on board. Is that not gun control?

I'll agree to all of you that mental issues play a huge roll in this whole gun issue. Who deserves the help more then anybody with mental heath issues? Those coming home from these wars. Yet they, like nearly everybody are left to fend for themselves and we are seeing the results of such neglect by everybody from doctors, insurance company's and our government.

Watch this video on what is going on in our military. This is sad, really sad. These patriots deserve far better then this and protecting them from prosecution until they kill somebody isn't the proper approach either. Something should have been done long before turning a hero into a criminal.

It also is going on in our private sector. Labeling the mentally ill as some kind of freak that needs to be eliminated like some kind of trash/criminal is wrong. They are sick, just as sick as any other illness.
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Mentally ill.

Back decades ago, it only took a couple people to say you were mentally ill and you were branded for life. Over that time, here we stand, 30 or so laws have been passed protecting the rights of mentally ill people , so not to be stigmatized by society as such. I get that !!! I understand they need help in their recovery if that is possible!! There is no way in hell the ACLU and Military is going too just let people have this info. Doctors can not divulge this info as well, in fear of losing their license and being sued by the individual!! National Data Base is a Pipe Dream at best!!!! Military will not give personal info on PTSD!!!! PTSD individuals can pass any background check for guns with flying colors!!!! It could take 10 plus years to get through all the litigation for a Data base for the Mentally ill!!!!
Mentally ill.

Back decades ago, it only took a couple people to say you were mentally ill and you were branded for life. Over that time, here we stand, 30 or so laws have been passed protecting the rights of mentally ill people , so not to be stigmatized by society as such. I get that !!! I understand they need help in their recovery if that is possible!! There is no way in hell the ACLU and Military is going too just let people have this info. Doctors can not divulge this info as well, in fear of losing their license and being sued by the individual!! National Data Base is a Pipe Dream at best!!!! Military will not give personal info on PTSD!!!! PTSD individuals can pass any background check for guns with flying colors!!!! It could take 10 plus years to get through all the litigation for a Data base for the Mentally ill!!!!

Most of these suicides are committed with a gun. Most never make the news, unlike the mass school shootings but these go on day after day. Folks we have a huge mental health issue. Want to save peoples gun rights? address the mental health issue. I would hate to wager how many people are taking their own life in the private sector. Not to mention those they may choose to take others with them. IMO, these school shootings are a that just takes many with them. Nearly all of the shooters take their own life.

I believe not one of us have any problem focusing on Mental Health. Because we all know that IS the ISSUE!!!!!!!

Problem is, "DEAR LEADER" and his Chronies don't quite get it. It's all about limiting the power of the law abiding citizens to him and his kind.

Anyone going to Pheasant Fest in Minneapolis? I'll be heading down there Friday evening with my kids/wife, should be a good time. Weekend of February 15th, 16th, and 17th......
I'm going to try and do this in the most tactful way I can. I in no way want to offend you. You are a former military person. Let me ask you, where did you keep your weapon when you were not deployed and were state side when in the military? They were turned in each day after any daily maneuvers. Every round was to be accounted for, every clip/magazine,Etc. Even solders are not trusted to keep their arms stored outside the armory. My friend who spent 20 plus years in the Navy was given a Christmas gift by his wife and kids. It was a muzzel loader kit gun. He was going out on a 6 month Med cruise and wanted to take the kit with and build the gun in his off time. He had to go through hell and high water to get this approved by command. He also had to make sure he had no powder, caps or ball's for the gun on board. Is that not gun control?

I'll agree to all of you that mental issues play a huge roll in this whole gun issue. Who deserves the help more then anybody with mental heath issues? Those coming home from these wars. Yet they, like nearly everybody are left to fend for themselves and we are seeing the results of such neglect by everybody from doctors, insurance company's and our government.

Watch this video on what is going on in our military. This is sad, really sad. These patriots deserve far better then this and protecting them from prosecution until they kill somebody isn't the proper approach either. Something should have been done long before turning a hero into a criminal.

It also is going on in our private sector. Labeling the mentally ill as some kind of freak that needs to be eliminated like some kind of trash/criminal is wrong. They are sick, just as sick as any other illness.


1st you are talking about a garrison base, behind the lines or a station/ base of operation inside the US.

2nd Those m16's are fully automatic or 3 round bust weapons.

3rd Mags are issued as 782 gear not turned in until you leave a post. 6 thirty round mags are Issued to all marines and are to be maintained by said marine.

4th Your navy guy/ the squid / has no right to handled or use/ or possess, any weapon abored a us navy ship unless his MOS/ Rank provides for it. The Usmc provids security on all Navy ships. Mutiny ring a bell.

5th It's not gun control because the Marines, Amry, Navy, and Airforce own the guns, not the Individual service member. In the Field is a whole new game.

Not picking on you, just pointing out some flaws in your point. :)
All the NRA needs to do is show senator frankinstien from CA talk gun control and you'll realize how clueless DC is:eek: Why do we pay these people 190000 dollars? I thought tipper Gore was an idiot for picking on music. Let the states decide gun control. Then they'll realize what works. Why is crime zero in the country? We have guns and know how to use them:thumbsup: