Hunting Dog murdered...


New member
Have any of you guys heard about this? I just recently saw it on facebook..sounds like some pretty awful stuff. I am sure there is a lot more to this story but I will share just what I have heard.

Apparently a young hunting dog got out of his area on new years night and wandered off his property and onto a neighbors. Apparently that neighbor has a lot of domesticated ducks on his property. The dog went after a few of the ducks. The neighbor then walked up to the dog, grabbed it by the collar and put a 22 cal round in the back of its head and left it dead there..on the spot..

Below is a picture of what I have seen posted...I am mortified by this..the only way I could ever consider using deadly force on a dog was if it was trying to viciously hurt a small child..I just don't see how this is plausible. Apparently the guy called the owner of the dog the next day to brag about it and to say he was going to take him to court for the 2 ducks that his dog killed..and is refusing to give the owner of the dog his collar and tags back...I believe this happened in St. Francis..

ouch..the picture has the dog killers contact info on it..Larry John Oliver..

Again, I am not saying all of the above is true..this is just what I have heard..sad stuff all around..
See, life is a long time and that's the amount of time I would have to get even with someone like that. I do have a couple of folks on that list. Karma is a "Bitch"
I would need an army of men and a tranquilizer dart made for a rhino to stop me from going haywire upon finding my dog murdered like that..I just can't fathom it
I'm not saying it was right and not saying I like it, but if the dog was on that property and killed his ducks, it was legal for him to kill the dog. I don't think he went about it the right way if this is the way it happened, but I am betting there is some backstory to it. Here is the statute that covers it.
You are was legal for him to shoot the dog..but common sense should prevail. They need to update that law to say deadly force can only be used if dog can not be subdued or returned to owner in another method. This is just ridiculous.
That picture was pretty tough to look at. Unfortunately their are many like this. Hopefully the execution part was not true. Many years ago my dad had one of our pointers come back with a .22 round in him. We never did figure out who did it, but the dog never hunted again.
Very sad but at least the dog wasn't gut shot like was suggested on another post here.
Although perfectly legal in doing so I am not buying any of it. Why not put his last name in the message?

Sounds like another Facebook rumor to me.
this is the dog owners facebook page..most of it is public..pretty hard to deny what he has posted up there..pretty heartbreaking stuff..again I am sure there is more to the story. Looks like the shooter is returning the collar and tags to the sheriff dept so the owner can get them back..still prrtty horrific.
def not a facebook rumor..the phone number checks out to..
Bullets, speeding car, big club, and anti-freeze (poison) have all been used to kill neighbor's animals.

In general I have found many of the rural people of the great state of Minnesota to be as a$$ backwards as any state in the county. The only real difference between MN Bobby and Southern Bubba is most in MN did manage to graduate from High School.

Probably go Hatfield vs McCoy until one of them ends up moving or in jail.

Not sure if this is the case here, but many of the far northern tier suburbs have issues between neighbors and kids in school as people with money, education, and a job become neighbors and classmates with those that have scraped by in the same area for generations. Not a good mix.
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Iowa too!

Hello LoneRooster,

Similar story here in Iowa the day before Christmas. Dog, a chocolate lab which I believe was a non-hunter crossed into a neighbors yard while the owner was outside of the house watching it. Temps were in the single digits. Door opens on neighbors house and he shot it with a shotgun point blank range and killed it.

The shooter is facing four charges here in Iowa at the present time. The case is set to go before the judge later this month.

Here is the link:
I would spend the rest of my life making sure that guys life was a living hell.
He would move or kill himself.
As the guy in the movie "The Shooter" said "You just don't understand --they killed my dog"

On a good note--this is the way it is done, at least by me, I went to the door to let my dog out on New Years eve and found a Golden Retriver on my steps--I didn't kill it I took it in and spent the days since running the owner to ground--she is now home with her family and I have a warm inner glow --Ya I feel good about it.:)
As the guy in the movie "The Shooter" said "You just don't understand --they killed my dog"

On a good note--this is the way it is done, at least by me, I went to the door to let my dog out on New Years eve and found a Golden Retriver on my steps--I didn't kill it I took it in and spent the days since running the owner to ground--she is now home with her family and I have a warm inner glow --Ya I feel good about it.:)

As the guy in the movie "The Shooter" said "You just don't understand --they killed my dog"

On a good note--this is the way it is done, at least by me, I went to the door to let my dog out on New Years eve and found a Golden Retriver on my steps--I didn't kill it I took it in and spent the days since running the owner to ground--she is now home with her family and I have a warm inner glow --Ya I feel good about it.:)

Well done Jim. I HOPE this is how most would handle the situation. I had a neighbors dog kill a few of my chickens. No big deal, talk to them and they apologized and the neighbors built a fence. A win win for all involved and no neighborhood feud.:cheers:
I live in the area. Similar story, my two goldens were let outside by my daughter after school. My fault they ran to the neighbors where he has free ranging chickens in his yard. The one golden caught a chicken and then proceeded to "fetch it up" as taught. Police were called, my wife was the first to arrive on the scene and was issued a citation which resulted in a misdemeanor and a court date. Apparently this is a "serious" crime. Lost a day of wages, bought a underground fence and 3 collars, spent a weekend installing fence. very spendy lesson. Bad part was the neighbor shows up to my house when my two daughters are home alone and threatens to kill the dogs if they show up in his yard again. Odd thing is he used to feed my dogs when they showed up at his house and all of the sudden it is a problem. I was told by the court that he has every right to shoot my dog if it is "harassing' his "livestock." Since when are chickens, in town, livestock? The law needs to be changed and common sense needs to prevail. I certainly would have a hard time calling this guy a "neighbor" anymore! Anybody got a dog for this guy? Sounds like he needs a little cheering up. If I had a litter of pups, I would offer one to him!