Hunting Dog murdered...

I can see both sides to this story. It is legal to do this. After thinking it over, I tried to imagine what it would take for me to kill a dog, and it turns out, I may be a dog racist. No problem blasting a Chow, mean pit, he's toast, any dog that put fear in me, done. If the dog wasn't threating to me, and they were farm animals, probably overlook it. If it became a repeated problem, maybe, if I was drunk when it happened, probably. Something similar happened to me, but it was my dog and me that were at fault. This happened at my previous residence. The neighbors rescued rabbits. They had 15 or so rabbits in a pen about the size of a bedroom. The major flaw to the pen was that the fence was only 3 1/2 feet high. My GSP goes over a six foot fence faster than if you opened the gate for him. Long story short, 3 less rabbits. My wife gets a phone call and it says Manny has killed all our rabbits. We put him in the barn, come and get him. As the crow flies, its approx 200 yrds to the pen from my house, but maybe a mile by road. Well, Im thinking the worst, bloodbath. Not wanting to make the situation any worse, I agree with everything they say and offer to pay for damages. The kicker, not one drop of blood anywhere. And turns out its 3 rabbits. He basically mouthed them to death, they had heart attacks. So a few days later, they come buy and give me a bill that was in the $1400.00 dollar range. I asked if it was a joke, they said they wanted me to cover all the vet bills these rabbits had incured. I took the bill, told them I had to talk to my wife and they left. I just blew it off, how can you reason with someone who wants that kind of money for three rabbits. A few monthes later they threatened lawsuits. They came by the house again, it was all very civil, I agreed that yes, I did say I'd pay for damages, but a reasonable person wouldn't figure paying that amount of vet bills for rescued rabbits. I told them I would replace the three rabbits, that was it. They left, never heard from them again, and have moved. The old man did tell me he would shoot my dog if it happened again. I believed him. Its damn near impossible to garuntee it doesn't happen, all I can do is train the dog not to go that way, and pray. I've had good luck with this dog in the two short years I've had him, he's by far the best trained dog I've ever owned.
the dogs must be quartered securely.that will keep them safe.we had here in Co. some one was poisoning them with antifreeze,like a serial killer. dont know they ever caught that monster.
While it's a damn shame about the dog, you have to protect your dog and keep it away from others' livestock.
While it's a damn shame about the dog, you have to protect your dog and keep it away from others' livestock.

Yep exactly. It does not surprise me. The Farmer has the right to protect his property. And who knows, this may have happened 20 times between the 2 and the irresponsible owner still lets fido run with the screw you attitude. I know some who do that all the time. I have shot in the air and yelled a few times in my day, at neighbor half bred mongrel mix dogs trying to trash my bird pen. They get in I could be out 2 grand in minutes. That seemed to work with out drastic action. Also pyrotechnics work good too,LOL.
But i could not get my self to shoot one, it would have to be a real aggressive dog action, attack or something for that. About 30 years ago there was a pack of domestic mutts that went wild. They terrorized several farms and livestock. This happens once and a while. So farmers may have that attitude. I had a dog shot by a neighbor 15 years ago for chasing a cat from my yard, over the road to his yard and treed him right by his house. He woke up, went out and shot my dog. He knew it was my dog, and the dog had never been there before. The dog lived, and in that case, he had to pay the vet bills. They do not always have the right to shoot to kill... Glad I have good neighbors now, whom we all just call each other. The mongrels were from a couple miles away. Dairy farm mutts let to run 24-7. The farmer shot them himself, he told me when I called to ask for pheasant hunting this year in fact. Very responsible pet owner there.
i dont understand the mentality that some have that say i would shoot a certain dog breed of course pit bulls will be on the hit list & any dog that looks like a pit but i cant remember how many times hunters that dont know many dog breeds out side of a golden GSP or lab have said wow you have the biggest pit bull ive ever seen & its hunting with you & not mean at all??? like all pit bulls are dumb mean killers???

i dont even own a pit bull i own a olde english bulldogge the original bulldog
& yes she hunts with us & gets along with everybody you will have the pen break ins & bird/rabbit killings most the time from hunting breeds as thats there mentality get the birds ETC. pit bulls just look tuff they are small dogs i have honestly seen more aggressive toward people big 100 pound labs then i have 35-70 pound pit bulls now towards other dogs that different but i was bite by a 100 pound black lab & it was as bad if not worse then any pit bull bite as i can pick up & throw a pit bull try to do that with a 100 pound lab...

have had a pack of black labs raid break in & kill silver pheasants & ring necks B4 the 3rd time they lost a pack member... i have had to shoot 3 doggs in there A** with a pellet gun as they were breaking into my pens or attacking farm cats all were hunting dogs or breeds goldens & labs 1 was a english cocker but he was not to bad but that little a** hole bit my dad in hand when we went to pick him up he was cold & all ice covered but still circling my bird pens when the owner came & got him for the 3rd time we were chat n & she said he came back with a chicken the other day? im sure it was mine but i just said try & keep em off my land please & kept it civil... i just told the lady i have birds pheasants chickens quail peacoks ETC. & she got the point that time...

what this man did after he had the dog under control is just sick to me & i have have had my pens raided if its the heat of the moment & the dog is in a frenzy & you cant stop em with out fear of get n bite & hes in your pen you have all the write in the world to pop the dog same a a coyote or fox ETC. but to execute a dog after the fact is another story that dose deserve animal cruelty charges or something to that extent as it was a pre meditated action he had time to think it out & then proceed to kill the dog... much different then to fire a warning shot & if it continues then to shoot the dog witch i have no probs with...

but to be honest im tired of people dog owners especially being overly scared of pit bulls & bully breeds & shooting 1st & asking ??? 2nd like police officers do when they shoot a pit bull that was just protecting its family i mean mace the dog or stun gun it but just cuz its a pit bull they get to shoot the dog???

i like pit bulls much better then i like little useless designer ankle bitters & poop eaters breeds that most have today & are pretty much like i said useless & mixed up mutts... not that a mutt cant be a good dog but a dog for the most part was created to help humans do a job them little designer breeds were not... & a pure breed bully breed that will lay down its life for its family has much more respect from me...

labs shepherds ankle bitters & pit bulls all bite alot of people but the pit bull looks the most scary so he gets the bad rap... its the owners that wreck there dog not the breed...

Same law here in Wisconsin, too. A dog on the loose that is harassing cattle or other farm animals is legally fair game. We have neighbors with horses, sheep, and cows all close to us. You really gotta watch your dog. You would hope to get at least an initial warning from people, but you never know.
I have some livestock, chickens, and sheep. I understand the issues of livestock and domestic dogs. I have to guard against my own dogs at home, and with the britts, shorthairs, all "fur" dogs I have, I avoid farmsteads that might have chickens, goats, etc. hunting, for fear of the same. I do have two Labradors, I can hunt them in the farmstead backyard if they would let me! I realized I am more comfortable with the Labs these days! I shoot better and I have no anxiety. Home or away. Getting your dog or somebody else's dog dissuaded from a chicken killing or a sheep killing is impossible with out dramatic intervention.
It's a good thing to have Your pups grow up around Chickens, ducks cattle and other domestic livestock.
My Labs are around this stuff daily and could give a crap about chickens, and all livestock, want nothing to do with them. Woody my Britt pup has pointed out a number of chickens already.:)

We see deer and turkey's daily, the Labs look and enjoy seeing deer but won't chase the deer. Star does love flushing the turkey's though.:cheers:
I can see that. I remember one time I let my dad and a friend take my prize coon dog out, he went to a sheep farm. Dog had a sheep by the throat in 10 seconds. They got him off quick, and no harm. But I never would have cast the dog off in the dang yard,LOL. Goof balls, that could have gone a bad direction.