Health Issues


Well-known member
Unknown to all but a couple of you on this site I was diagnosed with a form of Lymphoma in April. It's proper name is Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma and it appears in the skin. I've been fighting a skin problem for 4-5 years and the dermatologists said it was only dry skin and old age. I had spots on my thighs, buttocks and then under my arms. And they itched like crazy. Those of you that were at the hunt by Granite Falls in April saw I was quite flushed. That was because I had received a steroid shot to settle down the itching. After the CT Scan, PET Scan and bone marrow biopsies came back negative my treatment was to have UVB Narrow Band light treatments 3 times a week for 3 months. I finished my last treatment last week and met with both my dematologist and my oncologist. All my spots are gone and it appears the light tratments worked and has put this thing in remission at least for now. The test will be to see if it comes back and how soon if it does. It is so fantastic to not have the itching I can't tell you how good I feel. I just hope and pray it stays away for along time. It is a very treatable form of cancer and really not something I'm likely to die from, but still is the "C" word.

My thoughts and prayers go out to any of you or your loved ones that are currently dealing with a cancer. I hope your treatment results are as good as mine have been. Praise the Lord!

That is some great news to hear. Keep up the faith.
:thumbsup::thumbsup: Good deal George. 9 PM and just got home. Next weekend i will be home if you can drive over. I just got 50 nice birds. Too bad today did not work out. Seems the older we get the more running we have to do.:D I thought it would slow down. Got great training in at the club though. 1st stop Bismark ND. Maybe River can win Blue out there again.:thumbsup: 3 weeks away. take care my friend.
Very good News George, I'll pray that it stays away and you live a long and happy life.

I'm fighting a serous health issue myself but we aren't going to talk about it right now. What's important is that you have this nasty thing in remission. God Bless
Zeb, I don't have your cancer but I have had the itching problem. Man it is the pits for sure. My doctors gave me some stuff to put on my body and it helps. I know the feeling of being down and not able to perform the way we like. I hope you get well soon and my prayers are with you........Bob
That is some good news and your right the "C" word is a bitch

Here is to ya BUD :cheers:
I sure am glad to hear that you are OK, hopefully it will just stay away. I to have my own health issues but it happens and we just gotta deal with it. Stay well, hunt alot, enjoy life.:cheers:
Very glad you are doing well now George.

It's such a rush to know your getting better and past an illness.

Last Winter/Spring I had 2 Melanoma surgeries first one was very scary, life appeared to be limited. A second surgery and lab tests CLEAR!!:thumbsup:

So ALL, stop and smell the roses.:cheers:
George great news, glade your feeling much better. Hears to you never having to deal with the c word again.:cheers::)
Good to hear a positive outcome! Just in time for bird season! It's a nice gift and it makes us all appreciate everything in life a little more. Health issues,( serious) heart arythmias, have made me conscience of a lot I took for granted. I notice I have more patience as well, and slower to anger over what now seems trivial. Just glad to still be here to deal with it!
Better health just in time for the upcoming season!
To a healthy season for everyone and many more to come.:cheers:
Thanks guys for all the nice responses and comments. You can stop now. :) I just wanted to share the good news. If a guy has to get a cancer this one is probably a good as it gets. Very treatable with UV light so no chemo or radiation needed, at least at this point. We just hope it stays away for many years.
Zeb, my brother in law in MN appears to have the exact same thing you describe although Im not sure of the medical name for his. Same symptoms and treatment to the T.
I like your attitude and outlook on life. Keep the faith Buddy!:)
Great News


Glad to hear that the prognosis for this disease is excellent. IF you have to have any form of cancer, one that is easily monitored and can be treated is the one to have. Have wonderful bird season and many more to come.

Zeb, My open heart surgery was good for something. My loving wife just gave me a 28 gauge 1100 Remington Sporting Clay Semi-Auto shotgun. They have almost no recoil and are real gentle for a hunter with my health problems to use. For the number shells you shoot hunting the doc says go for it, chances of chest bone damage is close to nil. The best part is if you are a decent shot you can use a 28 gauge for everything including pheasant.......Bob
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