It may be. But Tom you won't have to worry about anybody waking you up in the middle of the night or 3-4 in the morning, bed bugs, bad smells, nasty rooms. The list goes on and on. In reality it may cost u a few more dollars, but look what u gain. Also no hotels, motels fees. Independence, where u stay, Hopefully very close to where u are hunting. No driving an hour or more every morning to hunt. The list goes on and on.I'll be pulling my trailer to SD this year. It's probably going to be the most expensive part of my trip.
Absolutely, I hope I can still do it at 79 also. Chase Roosters, then Elk. I will chase Grouse and Woodcock and then Roosters.Birdman, Good luck to you as well. Safe travels. At my age I don't know how many more of these trips in me but as long as I can I will![]()
Saturday I put 30 gal of that gas in my truck & pulled the 7000 pound boat 80 miles to get a new winter canvas made for it. 11 mpg towing & 22.9 mpg coming back not towing. 4 people in the screw. No issues with the fuel so far. Cheapest gas around here is $3.35That gas is over 3 years old. I woudn't use it for anything. It'll cause more damage than good at this point.
You must not use your boat very much either...
That is a heavy boat. What kind is it?7000 pound
I've got a Toyota Rav4 Hybrid coming in November that gets 41 mpg. I'm so damn sick of buying gas every week for my wife's current SUV. They have me by the balls right now.40 mpg would be nice.