Christmas Eve/day dinner plans


Active member
What is the tradition at your house?

Open gifts Christmas eve, Christmas day?

Any traditional holiday dinners?

Things you look forward to every year in the eat category?

Spill your guts...LOL
Filet mignon for Christmas eve dinner, garlic mashed potatoes, corn on the cob if I can find some good, cranberry/walnut jello salad and pies for dessert.
Every year, this is very hard to make many ill informed people know just how good this is.

Cooked wrong, it may be one of the worst things you ever have eaten. Cooked right, as good as lobster IMO. My mom is a old fashion Norwegian women. She has cooked fresh bread nearly every week of her life, in my parents 50 + year marriage. Everyday is a Christmas style dinner. Full spread.

Our tradtion is Lutifisk rolled in potato lefsa smothered in butter, salt and pepper. My mother cooks the Lutifisk much like a Professional chef would cook lobster. When the water is boiling, the Lutifisk is eased into the water and cooked only until the fish flakes away, NOT UNTIL IT IS SLIMY LIKE SNOT. We always have a beef/pork roast on the side, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, home made bread. numerous kinds of pies. real whip cream. This is on Christmas Eve. This is when we open gifts

Christmas day is usually the big Turkey, wild goose, duck spread with home made dressing, Acorn squash with butter and brown sugar, sweet potatoes with butter & brown sugar, green beans from the garden, cranberries, pies, whip cream, spirits and our Lord Jesus. All shared with family and friends, all are welcome..this is what Christmas is about.
We have a big meal on Christmas eve, followed by midnight mass downtown in the city. Interesting having mass at midnight with people from all walks of life. You have rich people in furs, along with street people coming in from the cold, and a bunch of middle of the road people kinda like me. Good way to spend Christmas eve. Christmas morning is presents followed by the family tradition of a Christmas movie and dinner out. Broke it to my wife my son and I were leaving to go hunt on Monday for a couple days. Better go get a bigger present
Big family gathering near Wichita Christmas day. We shoot some pool, maybe talk about hunting. The meal is very casual: two homemade soups with lots of snacks, cookies, candy, and nuts lying around. Then there's a white elephant gift drawing with somewhat complicated rules. It amuses the kids.
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Every year, this is very hard to make many ill informed people know just how good this is.

Cooked wrong, it may be one of the worst things you ever have eaten. Cooked right, as good as lobster IMO. My mom is a old fashion Norwegian women. She has cooked fresh bread nearly every week of her life, in my parents 50 + year marriage. Everyday is a Christmas style dinner. Full spread.

Our tradtion is Lutifisk rolled in potato lefsa smothered in butter, salt and pepper. My mother cooks the Lutifisk much like a Professional chef would cook lobster. When the water is boiling, the Lutifisk is eased into the water and cooked only until the fish flakes away, NOT UNTIL IT IS SLIMY LIKE SNOT. We always have a beef/pork roast on the side, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, home made bread. numerous kinds of pies. real whip cream. This is on Christmas Eve. This is when we open gifts

Christmas day is usually the big Turkey, wild goose, duck spread with home made dressing, Acorn squash with butter and brown sugar, sweet potatoes with butter & brown sugar, green beans from the garden, cranberries, pies, whip cream, spirits and our Lord Jesus. All shared with family and friends, all are welcome..this is what Christmas is about.

I would like to spend these two days with you. I will stay out of the way. Just let me eat the food!
Christmas eve dinner usually varies from year to year. However, this Christmas I am smoking a pork shoulder, making dutch oven baked beans, homeade Carolina bbq sause, coleslaw, and washing it down with an extra hoppy IPA and Pendelton whiskey. Oh, and Christmas gifts on the morning of the 25th. Cheers and Merry Christmas to all of those that like to chase tail!.
Broke it to my wife my son and I were leaving to go hunt on Monday for a couple days. Better go get a bigger present

I just took a $10k hit on an 06 Impala for this very reason:cheers: I'm plannin' to hunt the day after Christmas too.

On the holiday food.....SHRIMP AND STEAK! Momma will bake a bunch of cookies and a couple pies, but the boys and I are in it for the protien overload. Really lookin' forward to cookin' dinner with the boys for mom:thumbsup:
With the wife and I each having 2 children from previous marriages the holidays always get quite hectic. We normally get together with the wife's family on Christmas Eve. Everyone brings something and we basically just graze. I always make up a batch of oyster stew.

Looks like the wife and I will be alone on Christmas Day this year so I bought a couple of 12 oz. lobster tails to fix. Those suckers were $22.99 each!! :eek: Oh well, we will eat well and spend a quiet day witht he pooches.
Every year, this is very hard to make many ill informed people know just how good this is.

Cooked wrong, it may be one of the worst things you ever have eaten. Cooked right, as good as lobster IMO. My mom is a old fashion Norwegian women. She has cooked fresh bread nearly every week of her life, in my parents 50 + year marriage. Everyday is a Christmas style dinner. Full spread.

Our tradtion is Lutifisk rolled in potato lefsa smothered in butter, salt and pepper. My mother cooks the Lutifisk much like a Professional chef would cook lobster. When the water is boiling, the Lutifisk is eased into the water and cooked only until the fish flakes away, NOT UNTIL IT IS SLIMY LIKE SNOT. We always have a beef/pork roast on the side, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, home made bread. numerous kinds of pies. real whip cream. This is on Christmas Eve. This is when we open gifts

Christmas day is usually the big Turkey, wild goose, duck spread with home made dressing, Acorn squash with butter and brown sugar, sweet potatoes with butter & brown sugar, green beans from the garden, cranberries, pies, whip cream, spirits and our Lord Jesus. All shared with family and friends, all are welcome..this is what Christmas is about.

I would like to spend these two days with you. I will stay out of the way. Just let me eat the food!

Want to carpool?:10sign:
Lutifisk for Christmas? Really onpoint! Good way to spoil the dinner. :)

I grew up in a Norwegian community and still remember all the Lutheran churchs in town having Lutifisk suppers every fall. I think you could smell it all over town. Guess it's been close to 50 years since I last tried it but I do remember I didn't go back for seconds. Sounds like what your mother cooks might be better, as most of the Lutifisk I remember was the slimy, snot like stuff. Think I'll still with the beef/pork roast.
Lutifisk for Christmas? Really onpoint! Good way to spoil the dinner. :)

I grew up in a Norwegian community and still remember all the Lutheran churchs in town having Lutifisk suppers every fall. I think you could smell it all over town. Guess it's been close to 50 years since I last tried it but I do remember I didn't go back for seconds. Sounds like what your mother cooks might be better, as most of the Lutifisk I remember was the slimy, snot like stuff. Think I'll still with the beef/pork roast.

You will never get good Lutifisk at any big Lutifisk feed. It's not something you can cook in mass quantity and try and keep it from turning to mush. Very finicky dish to prepare. Most who go to those things are there for the tradition and gossip. Most of them have never had it prepared right, oh they will say they have but trust me. They haven't. That's all I will eat on Christmas Eve..plate after plate until I'm stuffed.
Being an inveterate bachelor (I have 2 former wives & decided that I have NO desire to collect the entire set . . . I'll stick with collecting guns) . . . the pup & I are chasing Roosters. However, all plans are subject to change after reading this & I am not too far away . . . sounds like a fine menu!
I am smoking a pork shoulder, making dutch oven baked beans, homeade Carolina bbq sause, coleslaw, and washing it down with an extra hoppy IPA and Pendelton whiskey.
Go Idaho! Now I might have to throw a few Pheasants on the Loosiana grill . . .
You Guys are a roit.:D

Kids are all grow up and gone gifts for the grandkids, and thats about it for gifts. We figure the adults can afford what they want and get it as we need.

Turkey, goose, and pheasant, for dinner with all the fixings. Thats if goose and pheasant have been harvested.

Christmas is more about a family get together. A celebration of Christ's Birthday.:)
The wife and I will go to church in the afternoon and then head over to the sisters house for dinner and gift opening. The kids are out of the house and will join us over at the sisters place.

Christmas day is pretty mellow and then we head over to my mom's side of family (both my parents are passed away) and most everyone that was at Christmas Eve dinner will be over there too!:eek:

There is lefsa with butter and sugar and some wonderful turkey gravvy mushroom stuffing that are my favorites. Get to visit with all the swedish and polish cousins. The french and germans are on my dad's side of the family and we see those guys on 4th of July sometimes.

This has been my families tradition since I can remember.

Onpoint - you guys really know how to feast!

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You will never get good Lutifisk at any big Lutifisk feed. It's not something you can cook in mass quantity and try and keep it from turning to mush. Very finicky dish to prepare. Most who go to those things are there for the tradition and gossip. Most of them have never had it prepared right, oh they will say they have but trust me. They haven't. That's all I will eat on Christmas Eve..plate after plate until I'm stuffed.

My mother made lutifisk in a white sauce that we then put over potatoes. She was sweedish and that was her family tradition. I would like to have one more of those meals.
I would like to have one more of those meals.


Hot dang we have room :thumbsup: Any more and we will have a convoy up to OnPoints:D

You guys make it here tommorow night and we are having Duck Ka-bobs.(lots of Garlic and Pepper with more Garlic)
I will also be grilling up some woodcock. Hope it looks just like this. Everyone make it a good day Merry Christmas:10sign:

My mother made lutifisk in a white sauce that we then put over potatoes. She was sweedish and that was her family tradition. I would like to have one more of those meals.

That is the Swedish tradition to have it in a cream sauce. I can't knock it because I have not had it that way. I have to take my mother who is 80 Christmas shopping this AM. I listen to my folks talk about how tough they are feeling and how old they are, both are 80 years old. My dad still eat's a nice steak, has a beer and a shot of Brandy near every night and my mother still bakes bread a couple times a week, cooks full home made meals every day.

I was a nurse and worked a nursing pool. I would work in hospitals and nursing homes all over the place. I took care of people who were barely in their 60's who couldn't even toilet themselves and I had to dress them, Etc.

Where I'm going with this is, on this Christmas/holiday season. Be thankful for how well you have it and if you can, give to those who aren't as fortunate or are in poor health. God Bless you all and have a Merry Christmas and safe travel's over these holidays. :cheers:

Goldeneye, a toast to one fine looking meal and even better spirits, nectar of the Gods
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