I thought it might be interesting to start a discussion as to the best tactics and dog combination for hard hunted public access pheasants. I consider the public land. walk-in pheasant, the biggest trophy available. I am fortunate to hunt a lot of private ground with unpressured birds also. Tactics on the unpressured birds can be pretty sloppy and still get results. Birds hold for points, move predictably. Now your public bird has seen it all, he may run right out of the area, hunker in the middle of a woodlot, in unpheasant like cover. hole up in the middle of a huge dense CRP field where you can hardly walk, ride out the day on a cattail island in the middle of a marsh. Fly off the public area at dawn and return at the last hour of daylight. I get the chills just thinking about getting out smarted by a bird with a peanut sized brain. It's what keeps me coming back. Now I am mostly a pointing dog devotee, but had a Lab I consider the best dog I ever had the priviledge to be associated with. So if I'm serious about the efficiency of bringing to bag these wiley birds, do I want a close working thorough pointing dog, with high quality retrieving skills, or a wide ranging, out on a limb ground coverer, the one you can let out at a vantage point and watch hunt 80 acres or more while you watch, or some combination of the two. Or would a windshield wiper springer, lab, or other flushing dog be a more efficient companion. Not really looking to start a "best breed", my dog is better than your dog discussion. In fact I'd leave the breed out of it entirely, and focus on the style of dog work, and descriptions of actual public parcel types, ( no specific names or states please, unless you want a lot of company next fall), just size and cover type, how you approach it, dog work style, number of hunters, number of dogs, what works and what doesn't. Maybe we can learn a little from each other, and a good opportunity to share a good story.