A Good Life


Boys, if you're lucky enough to still have your Pops around, appreciate him while he's here. It was a tough winter. The old boy lost his battle with Cancer on Jan. 30th. He stayed with me his last two months and he died a good death, at home, with family, friends and his beloved Springers at his side. I know if he could, he'd say that pheasant hunting was one of the reasons he lived "a good life".

November - 2011
A good life indeed! Feel sorry for only those left behind, becuase he is in a much better place!

Your father was a lucky man to have a son that was there for him in the time of need. I extend my condolences to you and your family. Precious photo
Another big joy in his good life was having a good son. Nothing can beat that, I'm sure.
My condolences, Good family, good friends, good bird dogs, good ol boy your Pops.
Show us a pic of your dads dogs. I bet they will miss him too.
During his last days, they never left his side. It was quite a thing to see. I took this just a few hours before he passed.


Thanks for the comments and condolences guys.
My condolences Jmb. Great photo of your father and a truly moving pic of his loyal companions, it brought a tear to my eye. A life filled with family, friends and good bird dogs truly is a good life.
Yeah cool pic. Old guy and his pups. :)
My eyes got some extra moisture, kinda cloudy. :confused:
Your Pops, left properly.:thumbsup:
My condolences Jmb. Great photo of your father and a truly moving pic of his loyal companions, it brought a tear to my eye. A life filled with family, friends and good bird dogs truly is a good life.

Ditto, ditto, ditto.;) hard to beat that kind of loyalty between man, dog and family. Great photo, very moving, and would make a great artist scetch for a wall memory. I know a fella in IL that does them for about
60$ and it looks so real. If your interested I can get his email. Take care
Man brother those are some pictures. Unfortunately I lost my father some thirty years ago. Time will heal. Those old timers are some kinda people. Take care.
Some great memories you have. May God bless your family in this time of need.