2016-17 Pheasant Season

Sorry I'm not much help with that stuff! My son usually posts mine. :D
He's explained it a hundred times but.....
2016-2917 pheasant season

If you look up Nebraska Hunter you can find some pictures of my son and I. We both hunt over Brittanys. I breed and raised them for many years, but my wife and I are getting older, therefore new litters are not going to happen. Still have my blood line in the area and that's where I got my last pup. She has a litter due 1/5/2017 if anyone is interested.
I use photobucket to post picks. I upload pictures to my computer then upload them to photobucket. Then I just copy and paste the link that photobucket creates for the pictures.
I had 30 minutes to run the dogs before it got too late today. The first point produced a nice doe and the second was a nice rooster. It was nice to see a pheasant!
Ran the dogs today and found a few more birds. Ended up with 21 flushes in about 45 minutes. Not too bad!

All hens.
It is nice to have as an option. It is interesting that on time I'll find bunches of birds and other time nothing.