Recent content by JMc

  1. JMc

    Hunting with two dogs.

    I hunt two GSP's together and have for the last 20 years; wouldn't do it any other way. One is an outstanding hunter and the other has turned into a rockstar retriever. Lots of water and protein while they hunt. They will lose 10% of their body weight in a three-four week season in Texas.
  2. JMc

    Playing with patterns

    16 Gauge...???
  3. JMc

    New Shotgun

    "gas guns can be picky on functioning correctly" Keep them clean and use LESS, and I mean way less oil than you think you need and they'll go bang every time. Unless, it's an old 1100, then take the stock O-ring off and throw it away, then go to the John Deere house and get a replacement and...
  4. JMc

    Senior Dog Food

    My GSP's are now 10 & 11. I've switched them over to 4Health Lamb and Rice and they are doing well. Not sure it's considered senior food but their coats and stool is good and no more itching from chicken products.
  5. JMc


    Had our butts handed to us in Montgomery TX due to Hurricane Beryl. Hoping the rest of my fellow Texans made it through the storm OK.
  6. JMc

    Hurricane Beryl...

    Well I must say that my first hurricane was quite an experience. After living in the Texas Panhandle for most of my life, I've experienced tornadoes, snow storms, thunderstorms, dust storms, tumbleweed attacks, stung by scorpions (twice), and a host of other unpleasurable moments; however...
  7. JMc

    What's in your vest?

    Leatherman, Smith command lead
  8. JMc

    Water in the field...

    Just thought I would share what I do. For many years, I struggled to find the best way to water my doggos while hunting. Several years ago, I picked up a 20 qt cooler that was in pretty good shape. A light bulb went off and I filled it with water. When the dogs get back to the truck, the cooler...
  9. JMc

    Feeding Time

    I run GSP's and feed them around 6:00 pm. I feed dry kibble on flat cake pans. They have to chase the food around and can't get big mouthfuls of food. On the day of the hunt, I will give them peanut butter bars to keep energy up. Water as much as they want.
  10. JMc

    Looking to add a gsp in the future

    I'm going to stir the pot a bit and as many of you have seen, I'm a GSP rescue guy and have had several rescues out hunt high $$$ dogs. I no longer put much stock in genetics. I have had direct decendents of Rawhides Clown; some were great and some were nuts.
  11. JMc

    protection while hunting

    I use standard Razor compact ear muff; 1) for sound deadening and 2) they help keep my ears warm! I've tried percussive ear plug and just can't get comfortable with them. I use Bose noise canceling ear muffs on planes as I just can't keep ear pods in my ears.
  12. JMc

    New to forum.

    Welcome to the forum; Enjoy!
  13. JMc


    I'm going to make that my ringtone...LOL
  14. JMc

    Which Barrel First For Over/Under

    Bottom for me. For the question of reloading the's a mute point as the birds are long gone after two shots. Unless, of course we're talking about quail and yep, in my case, those suckers are gone as well.
  15. JMc

    Patriot Dog Box

    Hey UPH friends; I have a two-hole Patriot dog box that I need to sell. Excellent condition with top storage. Insulated and ready to go. It's gray in color. It's a big box...apprx. 46" x 46". Top locks and I have the key. Looks just like this one without the Browning sticker. It's located in...