Worst job

Alright it's time for a trip down memory lane:eek: What was the worst job you ever had? I would have to say walking beans. Who the hell thought of walking bean fields all day to pull a few weeds:mad: Pay sucked and it took all summer. Thank god for round up:D
When I was in the Navy they had us stand duty on top of the barrarks to make sure the Iraqies didn't attack the base. Well sure enough on my watch a boat was zooming around the harbor so I turned them in. Turned out to be a boat load of are hard working senators and congressmen:eek: And they were made at me. What a bunch of lame asses:D MPs said they had stuff on that boat that would put them in jail:eek:
walking beans does suck, I think you forgot about the dew soaked clothes as well from the waist down. Bailing wheat straw in July and being the guy stuck in the barn mow stacking and sweating at about 120 with no air ranks right up there for me as well.
Jackhammering hardpan in a deep, wet pit.
Day 1, first job as teacher/coach, walked into a gym with 68 migrant kindergartners in a PE class...WOW...not a college in the world gets you ready for that! Must have not been too bad though; 30 years later and I continue getting up and going to school :D.
Day 1, first job as teacher/coach, walked into a gym with 68 migrant kindergartners in a PE class...WOW...not a college in the world gets you ready for that! Must have not been too bad though; 30 years later and I continue getting up and going to school :D.

NICE hyperbole from a man who obviously loves his "kids"!!! :10sign:
walking beans does suck, I think you forgot about the dew soaked clothes as well from the waist down. Bailing wheat straw in July and being the guy stuck in the barn mow stacking and sweating at about 120 with no air ranks right up there for me as well.

I remember doing both of these as a kid back in the late 50's and early 60's. Walked beans for 50 cents and hour. We had dew soaked pants and don't forget about the skeeters. :( And bailing all that hay and straw. Riding the hay rack behind the bailer. Then unloading them and restacking or putting them in the elevator and sending them up into the hay mow in the barn. Can you say HOT! Geeze, how many times did we handle all those little "idiot bundles". But, good times were had and it brings back some nice memories. And they fed you very well. A lunch in the field every morning and afternoon and a full meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, etc. at noon. Yum, yum!
When i was a youngster I worked for a plumber cleaning drains. One time we rolled up to a clog in one of the tougher neighborhoods in downtown Kansas City for a guy that owned a bunch of slum houses. When we went in you could smell it from the front porch. These people had plugged the crapper completely up to the top and had started to crap in the bath tub. Not too bad of a job except it was also full of all kinds of female personal items. I did i mention that it was about 95 and no a/c. Needless to say i soon found another job.
2 years in a row on new years day a water hydrant mysteriouly froze up. had to dig thru 2 foot of frost and dig down 6 feet to repair. jim had to hold me by the ankles, hole was always very narrow at the bottom. then:confused the water came on and i was dropped on my head. i thought i was going to drown before you guys quite laughing and pulled me out.:confused:
Riding fencelines & doctoring cattle in the Montana high country all summer way back when I was 17. Wait a minute . . . maybe that was the BEST job & the best summer I ever had?
Can't decide! Insulated an attic when it was 109 degrees out once. Lost 15 pounds in 1 hour! Spent the next 2 hours in the stock tank.

The agency had an algae problem at the new concrete raceway hatchery when I was an aide. The "BRAINS" of the agency dumped 3 semi loade of alum in the raceways with the intent of disolving it and spraying it onto the water source ponds to floculate the algae. Problem is that they used well water to fill the raceways and alum doesn't dissolve at 55 degrees. We spent 10 days in those raceways 12 hours a day with picks, shovels, and roto tillers getting the stuff to dissolve. Do you know what 10 days soaking in alum does to yer hide???

I installed the foil backed 3/4 inch insulation boxing on a house in August sunlight once, m-i-c-r-o-w-a-v-e-d.

Pumping out pit toilets ranks up there too, rank being the key word!
I have 2 and they both involve animals. The not so bad one is cleaning out a sheep barn after the winter. Had to have a mask on and it still hurt to breath. and the stupid rams would head butt your knees while your tying to shovel. You had to keep one eye on what you were doing and the other on the three rams.
The worst job I ever had is scalding hogs. Butcher day is no fun but when you add scalding and scraping hogs to the list it sucks. we have two 55 gallon drums of water kept at 185 degrees to dip them into and then scrape all the hair and top layer of skin off. We only scald in the summer usually around 80 or 90 out side much hotter on the kill floor. It smells terrible its hot and by the end of it your covered in skin and hair.

Its a good thing they look good roasting whole on them big grills.:D