when your heart is in the game

I have often wondered and pondered for many hours how you can tell if your heart is truly in the hunting game or for that matter any game. Until recently when my 10 year old son came down with a serious bone infection ontop of already bieng a diabetic and he says to me on easter sunday dad lets go get a coyote today , I looked at him puzzled and said are you up to the task and he replied sharply , yes i am he says you see dad i may be loosing my foot forever and i want one last hunt with all my original parts . so I ssaid okay i'll call the boys and we will go . so with a concerned look from his mother and a wink from me we headed out the door for what would be a great hunt we called three in and got two he had so much fun and with that i give him the medal of valour for having his heart completely in the game no matter what the conditions are or what the situation is he has always wanted to go . so hopefully all of you who may read this will take a moment to reflect on someone whom you would give this award to and hopefully after the visit with the doc today he will still be all he can be with all his original parts .
thanks southernblues he does make me proud even prouder to know thsat whether or not he looses his foot due to the infection or not he is still willing to live and do the things that he wants to do he is already thinking of bird season
Thank you to all of you it has defenetly put things into perspective around here as well i think as a whole everyone who doesnt have a care in the world tends to forget those who have a lifetime of challenges to face and we take oour lives for granted me included with happening to my son i have thought long and hard about the things i have done and those i should have done and it has also opened my mind as to how i can help keep him in the field we have some wild ideas but maybe one will work
Thanks for sharing, my prayers are with you and your family. Whenever I feel down God always seems to show me I am truly blessed. Once again thank you for sharing I needed this today! And you have a real trooper, if some of my soldiers could just be half as strong as him I would have one hell of a unit :)
That's very touching, give him a pat on the back from me. I know somewhat what he's feeling. I'm facing serous health troubles myself. I'll pray for him and your whole family. God Bless
Thanks for sharing GCB. Sounds like you got a great kid there :10sign::10sign::10sign: In my book. :10sign::10sign: For the parents to. God Bless.
Good story GCB. I'm praying for you and your family. That son of yours sounds like one heck of a kid. Makes a guy think about some of his choices.
thank you everyone but please keep praying as the doctor says he has to have surgery and from there depending on what they find wether or not he will lose his foot
Well GCB, you do not have to wonder anymore!!!! That young man know's exactly where his heart is! Hope everything works out, but I am sure you do not have to worry at all, that boy will be a winner his whole life!!!!! thanx for the inspiration young man!!!!! God Bless our little ones, they teach us so much!!!!!:10sign::10sign:
This is very encouraging to hear about a young man that has that kind of strength knowing that he cannot help what has to be but is willing to make the most of it all the same and at this young of an age. You have definently taught him well GCB. He, and your family, will be in my prayers also.
Sounds like you have yourself a great kiddo there...here is a quote from Vince Lombardi for the two of you:

Mental toughness is many things. It is humility because it behooves all of us to remember that simplicity is the sign of greatness and meekness is the sign of true strength. Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love.
GCB my prayers are with you and your family , i find sometimes when i'm down the best therapy for me is to be in the outdoors with my family whether or not we kill anything is a bonus just being out in the woods and enjoying what god has created for us to enjoy , and if your ever down around oklahoma i would like to take you and your boy on a turkey or deer hunt. as long as he wants to keep going out to hunt keep going it'll probably be the best thing for all of you:thumbsup:
WOW that is some kid you have:thumbsup:
My daughter cut her foot last summer and got ten stitches. (I was a wreck.)
I truly Pray for your son and family. you should be so proud
well its official he is going for sergury on thursday afternoon whether or not he will lose his foot is yet unknown thanks for all the prayers and i'm glad he can be such an insperation to you all he is a very tough kid who always tries to make the best out of any situation. and he has already came up with ideas on how to keep hunting no matter the outcome i'm sure he will still be out there no matter what thank you all very much for being nothing more than meer strangers I feel we are at the least friends on here
hope everything goes well. praying for you and your family. what a stud of a kid. we should all take a lesson from him. live life to the fullest.