when your heart is in the game

Hope and pray for the best for your son. He sure sounds like a thinker ahead of his time and for his age.
Dealing with other peoples children is something I have to do a lot of and you can almost always tell a lot about the parents just by dealing with the kids good or bad and he, I am sure he is a testament to his upbringing.
Well boys for now it looks like he will keep the foot they are going to operate tomorrow and scrape the infection from inside the bone and put in a drip tube so that it can drain on its own and hopefully that will work thanks for all the support from you all:cheers:
That is good news! Thanks for keeping us posted.
that is really good news , i hope things will continue to move in a positive direction for you and the family, keep reminding the boy we all are praying for him and continue to keep his head up:thumbsup:
More great news he is coming home today after only a day to rest from the sergury he is doing exceptionaly well so good that they didnt put in the drip tube for the infection they were able to scrape it all out hopefully things keep going well.
Awesome news Gove. I'm glad he's doing so well. Tell him to keep his head up. He sounds like one tough kid.:thumbsup:
Great news!!!! I might have to swing in to see your trooper on my way into Dighton in the Fall!!! Thanks Again for keeping us updated!!:thumbsup:
WONDERFULL NEWS!!!!!:thumbsup:
update my son now has all the stitches out and got his line taken out today he has almost made a full recovery he has 2 more weeks on crutches :cheers:
Fantastic, that is good news. We will keep praying he recovers fully...........Bob
Phenomenal news GCB!!! You have a wonderful son!!! Your family has my prayers and best wishes.
I sure am glad he's on the mend! I kept watching this thread not knowing how to respond and afraid of what I might read.
My 12 year old son has been a diabetic since he was 3. Its no fun as you know.Keep us updated!!! :cheers:
That is great! This experience will be a pillar of his strength for many years to come. I hope to one day have the pleasure of crossing paths with this young man in the KS back country. Thanks for the update!
Wonderfull news for you and your family. :thumbsup:
hey guys he is definetly better we went shooting rabbits today and he was as dead on as usuall thanks for all the support and cncernn

great to hear your son is doing well. got busy this last week couldnt spent much time on line. i am so glad to here, your son is doing well. god bless you both:thumbsup: