What would you do?


Well, calm down, it's over. The anger you are feeling is mostly likely a sense of betrayal by someone you trusted.

When you have stopped boiling about it, simmer down and drop him a note or email saying he stepped on your trust as a friend.
If you choose, add that you think differently about him, and will need some time--maybe a lot of time--before you have
much more to do with him.

Wish him well and good health.

Then drop it.

Best wishes.

(anger is a corrosive, don't let it eat at you.)
^^^Excellent Advice^^^

Trust lost is rarely regained.
Update on this bonehead. Have taken him goose hunting 3 times after not pheasant hunting with him after what he classifies as a “misunderstanding “
1st time out was ok. 2nd time he shows up 30 min late with a buddy in tow that surprised me since he was not invited but he was a Ok guy so not bad. Today we go out and he kills his limit plus 2. 7 total on a 5 bird limit. Well I guess I got a little excited he says…
Then we stop by the farmers house to thank him
Offered to share our birds and said he would take a couple for his hired man that liked geese so I suggest to the poacher that maybe he should leave his extra geese?? Nope he says I killed them and don’t share what I kill. So he went home with 7 geese and me with 3. The farmer later suggested I find another hunting partner which I took as don’t bring him back
Found another guy to hunt with me in the morning
So what you are saying is that I am not too bright?
November 10, 2022


Well, calm down, it's over. The anger you are feeling is mostly likely a sense of betrayal by someone you trusted.

When you have stopped boiling about it, simmer down and drop him a note or email saying he stepped on your trust as a friend.
If you choose, add that you think differently about him, and will need some time--maybe a lot of time--before you have
much more to do with him.

Wish him well and good health.

Then drop it.

Best wishes.
So what you are saying is that I am not too bright?
No you obviously enjoyed his company and probably had some good times with him. Those partners that you share common interest with and enjoy their company can be hard to come by…..

I had a buddy like that. We hunted together for nearly 25 years. Many trips to the Dakotas, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri. We actually had different personalities but meshed while hunting or fishing well. About 8-10 years ago he got divorced and decided he wanted to chase skirts and drink to excess. I put up with his heavy drinking with friends he would bring because it usually lowered my cost on trips and he had some good hookup’s. I should have killed it when we were in Pierre Sd and he decided to take the keys to my brand new truck and go bar hopping while I was sleeping and ended up with some barfly till 5 in the morning. Or the numerous times I had to wake them all up at 9am and hunt with them still half drunk from the night before. Finally 3 years ago I went to pick him up at a girlfriends house to head north. He got the message when after 30 minutes of banging on the door at 5am I left his ass and went by myself. We still talk occasionally but I doubt I ever hunt with him again. Don’t beat yourself up just move along, he isn’t worth it
Update on this bonehead. Have taken him goose hunting 3 times after not pheasant hunting with him after what he classifies as a “misunderstanding “
1st time out was ok. 2nd time he shows up 30 min late with a buddy in tow that surprised me since he was not invited but he was a Ok guy so not bad. Today we go out and he kills his limit plus 2. 7 total on a 5 bird limit. Well I guess I got a little excited he says…
Then we stop by the farmers house to thank him
Offered to share our birds and said he would take a couple for his hired man that liked geese so I suggest to the poacher that maybe he should leave his extra geese?? Nope he says I killed them and don’t share what I kill. So he went home with 7 geese and me with 3. The farmer later suggested I find another hunting partner which I took as don’t bring him back
Found another guy to hunt with me in the morning
Damn Dude you sure are hard headed...You can't seem to figure it out. Farmer did first time.
Good to cut ties with this guy, as he again jeopardized your relationship with the farmer, but also put you at risk for a ticket if a CO came by or farmer called them. Judging by his character from your post i wouldnt put it passed him tobthrow you under the bus if checked. Big what if, but not worth it down the road.
Why are we even still on this thread? OP, you must be a slow learner. You know what they say (and I paraphrase here for the sensitive among us)...cheat me once, shame on you...cheat me twice, shame on me!