What State

SD for all the reasons previously mentioned plus we forgot the smallies, chinook salmon, northern pike, spring light goose, etc. etc. And by the weigh, the blue catfish record was in SD for many years, a 93 # fish from the Missouri River near Vermillion.

Not to mention home of the number 1 Pudelpointer 2008 litter, NAVHDA Natural Ability Test, CZECHMATE KENNELS, home of Featherfoot's Hurricane Holly aka Mazzie, the little bitch without a hitch. 5 fo 5 PRIZE I pups avg. score 111 out of 112---If I may brag a little.;)
I enjoy the occasional tornado and the almost annual hail and ice storms.

kansasbrittany, other than the heat, sounds like you might enjoy the TX Panhandle.

For me, I would love to move back to Colorado. Enjoyed the many hunting and fishing opportunities.
Use to drown out a lot of gophers. Place a small trap upside down over their hole and then pour water down the hole until they had to come up. They would then hit the trigger of the trap and WHAM, you'd have a dead gopher by the neck. Those were some fun days as a kid.

oh that brings me back to my younger days at baseball games i played in.

before the game, we all find gopher holes and fill up the holes til they come up and catch them.

lots of memory on that.
kansas no dought

For upland hunting ks is where its at pheasant (quail which the northern states hardly have) prairie chickens, whitetail best state for a monster no if ands or buts iowa might come close as far as huge scores then you have the great mule deer but if your hunting big game not sure which way to lean towards
For upland hunting ks is where its at pheasant (quail which the northern states hardly have) prairie chickens, whitetail best state for a monster no if ands or buts iowa might come close as far as huge scores then you have the great mule deer but if your hunting big game not sure which way to lean towards

pheasants rated best in KS? it may be for you, but South Dakota is the heart of Pheasants and it is the state bird.

Mule deer are who i stay away from. i dont care how BIG it is, mule meat sucks.
i said upland hunting pheasant and quail prairie chickens how many quail do you have hardly any where you learn to read? and whos talking about eating mule deer NOT i said best whitetail for monster bucks.freakin backwoods
isnt upland pheasant same as pheasant?

Im just stating about the difference in both deer. I find Whitetails more challenging than Mules.

I can read just fine.

no need to bash really.. i just prefer the home state of pheasants.. and mules to me are no challenge and white tails have better tasting meat and far more challenging!
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Not meaning to bag, only a pointer, but your grammar and puncuation does make some of your posts a little confusing at times.
Lets think of that happy place so we can all get along:D If deer and mules tasted really good why do people try to give it away. Never seen anyone give away big tasty steer. Not saying deer and mules taste bad. But if they tasted better ranchers and farmers would be raising the s@#@ out of them:)
if the coot picks co. i suppose i would pick sd. or wisc. wi. muskies are a blast. wouldn't be a bad idea to keep some distance between me and the COOT. dont want him to sneak into my state:D hey coot want me to taste test your angus. i "m running low:p
Got bored, found this thread had to rehash it. I may get hassled but bear with me.


Upland birds- turkeys (rios, merriams) pheasants, doves, quail (ca, mtn, gambels), chuckar, huns, grouse (ruffs, bues, sage), ban tailed pidgeon, and ptarmigan.

Waterfowl- more than you could imagine. (I don't hunt them)

Fish- large& small mouth, salmon, perch, crappies, cats, trout, stripers, white bass, wipers. (world record class bass)

Big game- deer (black tails & mulies), elk (roosevelt, rocky mountain, tule), bears, antelope, big horn sheep, rocky mnt goats, mnt lion.

Varmints- coyotes, bob cats, coons, wolverines, badgers, fishers, marmots.

I know I forgot some but you get the idea. Plus beaches, valleys, mountains, and deserts.

Did I mention I'm kicking everyone out and you're all invited to hunt with me?
sounds great. when should i arrive to help you? p.s. dont kick out the baywatch babes. they should stay in case we get tired of hunting.:D
Come by anytime. And yes the baywatch babes are staying!
One place that has a lot to offer and I would love to have a place there is SE Alaska.
California was a pretty special place before it became so densley populated and well......politically inept. If you bought it and kicked everyone out, it may be the best state to own. It offers a great deal of diversity as you've poined out.
this is a good thread, glade you brought it back. i am with maynard on this one. alaska, but wy mt, co, sd, kan, all have there points. ps. MAYNARD dont tell these guys, but alaska, doesnt have any phz. lol:D
Alaska has pheasant, they're just a little smaller and they call them ptarmigan. Must be an Eskimo name.
Quail hound you're a rambo:D CA would be a good choice:) Lived there for five years while in the Navy. Had a Friend in the service that hunted CA all the time always invited me but never went:( What was I thinking thats right baywatch Babes greatest hunting of all:D All the people out theres a bonus it's a freak show on steriods:D
I'd choose Nebraska because it is centrally located. Nothern MN is not too far away for ruffed grouse. You could hit the SD opener for 10 days then hunt Nebraska's season from Nov to January for pheasants and quail. Big game is just one state away. I'm sure Nebraska has plenty of waterfowl and whitetails. The Ohio humidity is killing me and we haven't made it to August yet.