Vikings vs Packers


Monday night Football

Anybody care?

I predict Christian Ponder will be NFC Offensive player of the week.:confused::eek:
Common sense tells you the Packers at home, but if you look at the past games they have had including the last meeting with the Vikes, you can move the ball and score on their defense. The problem is... you have to outscore them and with Rodgers and that offense that is going to be difficult.

I think Ponder will be able to have some success but the key to winning this game and it will be a monumental task, will be the ability of Jared Allen and the defense to pressure Rodgers all night long and make him do things out of his comfort zone. Fail to do that and he will take advantage our weak secondary to no tomorrow.
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After seeing interviews, I get the impression that the defense of the Packers is under-going serious reworking on skills, communication, and study. Not quite sure how they became what they are, but there was fire in the eyes of McCarthy as he discussed their work to date.

Wish I could see it, should be a good game. Ponder is an impressive young man.
There has to be one for the Packers and that is me. I was born in St.Paul,MN but I still will take the Packers over the Vikes any day or game. They are just a better team and have been for sometime.......Bob
Can't believe I forgot about the big game must be getting old guess it's downhill from here:) Man a got alot of picking I mean helping the Vikings to do. Well they made it through the bye week without getting in trouble thats a plus:thumbsup: Ponders not looking to bad. Won't be easy for the pack to win but I think they will:thumbsup: Pack's defense needs a good butt chewing. Thank goodness the offense wants to be the best out there. Pack 34 Viking -24:D
I'm sure the Pack will not go 16 and 0. They will lose a game maybe 2.
Why not let the lowly Vikes get a win. :cheers:
Vikings by 7:10sign:
Funny comments again there Cooter or whatever it is they call you!
It's funny how you always talk about the fudge packers like they are Gods Gift To The World. As if anyone on the Packers never, never gets in any sort of trouble........ God that's funny...... I'm not sure the Vikings will win, but I sure hope they Knock Rodgers out for the season! Now that would be funny....... Good Clean hit!!! I hope Jared Allen comes off that edge and just destroys the hopes of all the arrogant packer fans out there, just like you!!!!!

Can't believe I forgot about the big game must be getting old guess it's downhill from here:) Man a got alot of picking I mean helping the Vikings to do. Well they made it through the bye week without getting in trouble thats a plus:thumbsup: Ponders not looking to bad. Won't be easy for the pack to win but I think they will:thumbsup: Pack's defense needs a good butt chewing. Thank goodness the offense wants to be the best out there. Pack 34 Viking -24:D
Funny comments again there Cooter or whatever it is they call you!
It's funny how you always talk about the fudge packers like they are Gods Gift To The World. As if anyone on the Packers never, never gets in any sort of trouble........ God that's funny...... I'm not sure the Vikings will win, but I sure hope they Knock Rodgers out for the season! Now that would be funny....... Good Clean hit!!! I hope Jared Allen comes off that edge and just destroys the hopes of all the arrogant packer fans out there, just like you!!!!!

We have a good backup:thumbsup: Why you such an angry Viking fan? All the other ones on here can act like adults maybe you should try it. Someday they'll be good just not this year. Better get me I'm picking on the Vikings again.
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What's a fudge packer? Is that some kind of upper midwest job I am not aware of? Are they in a Union? Does it pay well? I have many questions.
I'm not sure the Vikings will win, but I sure hope they Knock Rodgers out for the season! posted by Labman

That sure seems mean-spirited to me. Not in keeping with what I'd expect on this board.

I'm sure it's going to be the Pack, especially with the home field advantage. I do have to say though I'm a huge Chad Greenway fan so I'd really like to see the Vikings pull out a victory. I'm betting the score will be Packers 28 Vikings 10.
Obviously you haven't read any of coots posts on here about the Vikings, and your a packers fan. But, I'll continue to take the drubbing from Coot. And I'll give it right back.....

I'm not sure the Vikings will win, but I sure hope they Knock Rodgers out for the season! posted by Labman

That sure seems mean-spirited to me. Not in keeping with what I'd expect on this board.

It'll be ok man!!! I'm not a mean guy, but when Coot is as arrogant as he is on here, I'm not going to sit back and listen..... I'm going to put my boots on and go right back at him.....

I'm not sure the Vikings will win, but I sure hope they Knock Rodgers out for the season! posted by Labman

That sure seems mean-spirited to me. Not in keeping with what I'd expect on this board.

What's a fudge packer? Is that some kind of upper midwest job I am not aware of? Are they in a Union? Does it pay well? I have many questions.

Answer the ? angry viking fan we other NFL fans don't know:) We packer fans will never be as smart as the angry one so help us out on this one:thumbsup: Most NFL fans like to see the best talent at work not to have them hurt. I'm looking foward to see if Ponder can become an elite QB in the NFL not to have him hurt. But I guess thats the difference between HAPPY PACKER FANS and angry Viking fans.
I'm sure MNMT didn't want his thread to turn into this:(
Answer the ? angry viking fan we other NFL fans don't know:) We packer fans will never be as smart as the angry one so help us out on this one:thumbsup: Most NFL fans like to see the best talent at work not to have them hurt. I'm looking foward to see if Ponder can become an elite QB in the NFL not to have him hurt. But I guess thats the difference between HAPPY PACKER FANS and angry Viking fans.
I'm sure MNMT didn't want his thread to turn into this:(

Really?? Are you kidding Coot. Think about what the dirt bags in NO did to our QB Bret the year we could have won it all. It happens all the time. To our team more then once in history.:D;) So, maybe now it's time for the vikes to take off the gloves and black and blue a few others to climb back in this thing the next couple years. It's not the National woosy league so hit em hard I say, it's foot ball. I would love to see some fumble causing big hits.Vikes can beat any one if they do what they are suposed to do and play togeather. They need to play as a team is all. Fine time to start.:thumbsup: Getting hurt is part of it as other teams have done. I believe it will however be the pack to win tonight, but it would be a hoot if the youngster kicked their butt.