Vikes Monday Night Game


Well-known member
Anyone look at the weather for the Twin Cities for tomorrow and tomorrow night? Looks like between they could have 5-9 inches of snow. Should be interesting to say the least. I'm sure it will make a good case for a new stadium with a roof.
Hey didn't the Bears play in heavy snow last weekend? Seems to me they didn't play very well in it either... OH that's right, they were playing the Patriots, now i remember why they didn't play so good. ;)
Did anybody see the rookie for Packers play tonight? He did better than the Bears did last week. Give that young man some experience and he will be a dandy......Bob
did anyone watch the tumble of the giants 2nd half game? way to go for a rookie punt kicker Matt Dodge for not following coach's orders to kick it out of bound. 24-3 giants lead and then the next thing you know.... eagles win the game. 38-31.

im sure matt dodge is pretty much fired today.
The Vikings have nothing to play for. The field is like concrete. All I see if they go for it is injuries on top of injuries. Normal outdoor fields in the north have heating systems under them to keep them thawed and soft. IMO, this idea was nothing but a brain fart. Now a snow storm moving in. I will be interested to see just how many fans are still in the stands come the 4th quarter. Heck, even after half time.

The time for a retractable roof stadium is here. I wasn't at all for it in the past but now it's pretty hard to argue with not building something new. The Metro dome is 28 years old. I would like to see on sight parking but I doubt that will ever happen. Having on sight parking and tailgating like in the good old days. IMO, every game would be sold out. That's what keeps the Packers games sold out year after year, because it isn't that their that much better then the Vikings. I believe the Vikings have made the playoff's more often then the Packers. I know the BS parking and or bus ride to and from your car is why I don't go to the games.
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did anyone watch the tumble of the giants 2nd half game? way to go for a rookie punt kicker Matt Dodge for not following coach's orders to kick it out of bound. 24-3 giants lead and then the next thing you know.... eagles win the game. 38-31.

im sure matt dodge is pretty much fired today.

Are you pouting:D I told you they would get a whoopin. And that was a 7 minute ass whoopin right there. I think it is always funny to see Manning's face when they are getting whooped, he starts this pouting, and the fat lip thing like a spoiled little girl, it's cute.
:cheers: allowing that many points in 7 minutes is getting them no where as far as play off's. Philly will give the Giant screw ups there 3rd whoopin for the year in the P off's.;)
did anyone watch the tumble of the giants 2nd half game? way to go for a rookie punt kicker Matt Dodge for not following coach's orders to kick it out of bound. 24-3 giants lead and then the next thing you know.... eagles win the game. 38-31.

im sure matt dodge is pretty much fired today.

Watched the whole game, MAN!! what a meltdown. The poor little rookie punter. Made a mistake on the punt, then several miserable attempts at tackling by special team after a bobbled ball.:(
4 TD's in 7 minutes, no safety net on an onside kick. Seems an NFL coach would realize the only chance of winning trailing by 4 TD's would be to onside.
One botched punt hang the punter.:rolleyes:
The Vikings have nothing to play for. The field is like concrete. All I see if they go for it is injuries on top of injuries. Normal outdoor fields in the north have heating systems under them to keep them thawed and soft. IMO, this idea was nothing but a brain fart. Now a snow storm moving in. I will be interested to see just how many fans are still in the stands come the 4th quarter. Heck, even after half time.

I would have to agree that this is probably not a great idea. BUT, they didn't have a heating system under the turf at the old Met and how many games did the Vikings play on that frozen field?? I think the players today need to toughen up and quit all the whinning. But as Bud Grant said the other day in an interview regarding the playing conditions now and what his teams played in, Bud said it's a different era and refused to get into a comparison.

Certainly the snow coming in today and tonight isn't going to help an already bad situation. Should give the Vikes a good argument for a new stadium.
So many want an outdoor stadium 9in MN. Short memories I think. Games go on into Jan. Why sit in sub zero when we have TV coverage like we do. I'll hunt in the snow, sit and watch a football game, no way.

But then, we're not going to have to worry about it are we?
It would be nice to be outside (sans rainstorms) during September/October games, but your right on December and possible January games. IN the old days at Met Stadium, at least they had the tailgating and could get lubed up pretty good so they wouldn't feel the cold. :cheers:
Certainly the snow coming in today and tonight isn't going to help an already bad situation. Should give the Vikes a good argument for a new stadium.

The NFL commish is in town today for the game and to talk to legislative members as well as meet with Gov. elect Dayton on the stadium issue. Will he drive home the importance of a new stadium and will someone actually LISTEN?
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did anyone watch the tumble of the giants 2nd half game? way to go for a rookie punt kicker Matt Dodge for not following coach's orders to kick it out of bound. 24-3 giants lead and then the next thing you know.... eagles win the game. 38-31.

im sure matt dodge is pretty much fired today.

gotta love it when the Giants lay an egg in the 4th quarter.:thumbsup:

They may get in as a wild card but I think the Eagles will win the division. Giants can't win at home.
Sorry BM, but after your ribbing all along, you had to expect this.:D

These players need to quit being whoosies, cripes I work out side all winter pounding nails and don't get paid what they do. I have even roofed in 30 below. They get to retire 20+ years ahead of every one else filthy rich, except the ding bats that blow it, and work, what, 3-4 months out of the year, in a game, not even full time.
It's too bad we all have supported this habit and cater to them. We are there enablers so to speak. If we all quit watching and buying in to them, where would they be. They should run on that dam field with enthusiasm and a greatful heart that they get to do what they do. Many do, but these ones that piss and moan need to get a slap up side the head and get sent packing. Gifted or not, they are not a team player and the down fall of many otherwise great teams. All the great teams over the years were not show boat cry babies.
Filling the stands in MN won't be a problem tonight, we sit on a bucket during 30 below for an ice fishing derby that you catch nothing in for 4 hrs. So they will be at the game.:thumbsup: beer game, game beer and a full house.:D
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I believe the Vikings have made the playoff's more often then the Packers.
Not taking anything away from the Vikings but I believe they've appeared in 26 playoff games since they joined the league in 1961.

Since 1961, the Packers have appeared in 35 playoff games.
did anyone watch the tumble of the giants 2nd half game? way to go for a rookie punt kicker Matt Dodge for not following coach's orders to kick it out of bound. 24-3 giants lead and then the next thing you know.... eagles win the game. 38-31.

im sure matt dodge is pretty much fired today.

I was flipping back and forth between that any other game but Eagles put on a CLINIC!
Isnt a 750 million dollar stadium kind of a hard sell in this economy?


It's probably either that or lose the Vikings to LA. What's the economic impact of the Vikings on the Twin Cities area? Gotta weigh it all out. I don't have the answer but it should get interesting. Having the dome colapse may be a good thing as it will bring all this to a head. I'd really hate to see the Vikes leave Minnesota and having them in Minnesota is also good for the Bears and Packers. Think about that!
Isnt a 750 million dollar stadium kind of a hard sell in this economy?


It is, but as Zeb says it's that or lose them to another city. Speaking of another city. Not sure how other cities are financing new stadiums these days, but their getting the job done and this state needs to do the same. There has to be ways to finance part of a new stadium without gouging the tax payer. I have to think it will get done, it's just some like to drag their feet till the end.
It is, but as Zeb says it's that or lose them to another city. Speaking of another city. Not sure how other cities are financing new stadiums these days, but their getting the job done and this state needs to do the same. There has to be ways to finance part of a new stadium without gouging the tax payer. I have to think it will get done, it's just some like to drag their feet till the end.

The problem is the ding bats running MN gov waited, and drug their feet too long. Then they ended up with having 3 demands, TCF, Target field, and a Vike stadium. They as known, just got done with The BankTCF and Target field. So It's all bad timing. And poor planning. Had they done a Vike building first they would have been better off, or a combined Vike and Twins arena. There was no reason what so ever they could not work that out. They have used the same place for almost 30 years. Had they done this it would have been played in this year. And had a retractable roof.