Upland hunting during rifle season--who does, who doesn't

We have deer tags, but we hadn't planned on going out until the antlerless season. I couldn't seem to get on private land during the regular season. It seems everyone has a relative or 6 that is a bone-hunter. Every single one of them turned around and said we could come hunt the late doe season:thumbsup: Good nuff for us; we're looking for some quality meat!
Took the two kids (8 year old girl and 5 year old boy) out Wednesday evening to deer hunt. Took them out of school early, they thought that was neat as all heck and headed for some family ground. Stopped on the way and loaded up on snacks for the evening sit. Climbed in the blind at 3:40 and turned on the propane heater, was opening up some M & M's for the boy and my daughter said "Daddy a doe". I look up and a doe was walking right at the blind, hot on her trail was a nice big 8 pointer. They stopped 40 yards from the blind. We didn't even have the windows open yet. Tried quietly to open it, but wasn't too quiet. Some how the buck stood there looking at the blind and I made a nice 40 yard shot to put him down. So, our deer season lasted 10 minutes, didn't even make it to the snacks! I'll post a picture if I can figure out how to do it.
Took the two kids (8 year old girl and 5 year old boy) out Wednesday evening to deer hunt. Took them out of school early, they thought that was neat as all heck and headed for some family ground. Stopped on the way and loaded up on snacks for the evening sit. Climbed in the blind at 3:40 and turned on the propane heater, was opening up some M & M's for the boy and my daughter said "Daddy a doe". I look up and a doe was walking right at the blind, hot on her trail was a nice big 8 pointer. They stopped 40 yards from the blind. We didn't even have the windows open yet. Tried quietly to open it, but wasn't too quiet. Some how the buck stood there looking at the blind and I made a nice 40 yard shot to put him down. So, our deer season lasted 10 minutes, didn't even make it to the snacks! I'll post a picture if I can figure out how to do it.

He shoots and he scores:thumbsup:

Congrats :10sign:
My uncle was shot AT, while wearing blaze orange and hunting on private land that only he had permission to be on. The truck stopped on the road, no deer in sight, and started firing in his direction. He started waving his hands (with orange gloves) and they kept shooting. He hunkered down behind a tree and they ended up moving on.

That's part of the story I'd left out to this point, and mostly b/c it could be considered an isolated incident. I'm sure this is the primary driver behind dad's opposition to getting out during the rifle season. Anyway, common courtesy and being sensible isn't always enough to keep you safe out there.

That said, if it weren't for the boys wanting to come along, I'd be out there this weekend.

Good luck to all of you who venture out! The weather should be perfect for ya:thumbsup:......and there are a few birds in KS still:cool:

Be safe and please share your tales upon return:cheers:

That's crazy. I'd start firing back after finding some cover!!! I agree it is a very isolated incident and I drive 72 miles round trip on I-70 in Missouri every day...


I don't wear blaze mainly because I think it looks stupid. Second, is that it has very little application outside of the hunting world, which makes it less useful in my opinion. Likewise, I rarely hunt with more than 2 other people and I spend probably 95% of my days afield with those 2 other people either all together or just with one other. They are safe and we communicate with each other in heavy cover to know not only where we are at in relationship to each other but also the dogs' location.

I rarely hunt with "new" people and if I do, that's often the other time that the orange comes out.
I have never deer hunted. Mostly because they don't hold well on point, the dogs don't retrieve them, and they are way to much work after you shoot one. :D

My S-I-L and good friend are down on my place again this morning. They went yesterday evening as well. They froze and didn't see anything but coyotes.

Think I may have to build an elevated box blind to get out of the cold, before I take up deer hunting.
Took the two kids (8 year old girl and 5 year old boy) out Wednesday evening to deer hunt. Took them out of school early, they thought that was neat as all heck and headed for some family ground. Stopped on the way and loaded up on snacks for the evening sit. Climbed in the blind at 3:40 and turned on the propane heater, was opening up some M & M's for the boy and my daughter said "Daddy a doe". I look up and a doe was walking right at the blind, hot on her trail was a nice big 8 pointer. They stopped 40 yards from the blind. We didn't even have the windows open yet. Tried quietly to open it, but wasn't too quiet. Some how the buck stood there looking at the blind and I made a nice 40 yard shot to put him down. So, our deer season lasted 10 minutes, didn't even make it to the snacks! I'll post a picture if I can figure out how to do it.

Now that they'll remember for a lifetime! Congrats on a quick, but productive hunt:cheers:
Took the two kids (8 year old girl and 5 year old boy) out Wednesday evening to deer hunt. Took them out of school early, they thought that was neat as all heck and headed for some family ground. Stopped on the way and loaded up on snacks for the evening sit. Climbed in the blind at 3:40 and turned on the propane heater, was opening up some M & M's for the boy and my daughter said "Daddy a doe". I look up and a doe was walking right at the blind, hot on her trail was a nice big 8 pointer. They stopped 40 yards from the blind. We didn't even have the windows open yet. Tried quietly to open it, but wasn't too quiet. Some how the buck stood there looking at the blind and I made a nice 40 yard shot to put him down. So, our deer season lasted 10 minutes, didn't even make it to the snacks! I'll post a picture if I can figure out how to do it.

Awesome story... The only problem is your kids are going to wonder why the hunt is taking so long when they go with you next year. :)
Took the two kids (8 year old girl and 5 year old boy) out Wednesday evening to deer hunt. Took them out of school early, they thought that was neat as all heck and headed for some family ground. Stopped on the way and loaded up on snacks for the evening sit. Climbed in the blind at 3:40 and turned on the propane heater, was opening up some M & M's for the boy and my daughter said "Daddy a doe". I look up and a doe was walking right at the blind, hot on her trail was a nice big 8 pointer. They stopped 40 yards from the blind. We didn't even have the windows open yet. Tried quietly to open it, but wasn't too quiet. Some how the buck stood there looking at the blind and I made a nice 40 yard shot to put him down. So, our deer season lasted 10 minutes, didn't even make it to the snacks! I'll post a picture if I can figure out how to do it.

Sounds like a really positive experience for them. Think we would have finished the m & m's before getting my hands dirty:) They'll be ready to go next time! Keep up the good work with them. Jalepeno/cheese deer bologna comes to mind! Grilled tenderloin butterfly steaks would keep the little ones from talking for a couple of minutes as well! Good stuff.

i hunt when i can and deer hunters don't bother me a bit as i don't hunt nor run my dogs in the woods, no problem here

Yep, I'm headed out this Saturday. I've got at least one place to hunt where if I get shot, it will have to be considered intentional, so at least there is a chance for justice.

I spent the past Saturday with the baseball teams, then spent Sunday watching my son wrestle.....for those of you familiar with wrestling, he lost the 1st-place match with 12 seconds left to go in triple OT! Win or lose, when the season starts off like that it's exciting and dad's tend to lose their voices:thumbsup: I'm not sure I've ever hated and loved something (especially a sport) simultaneously. I dread every tournament and cuss most practices, but when that boy shakes hands with his opponent, I know that for at least the next 3 minutes, he's as happy and comfortable in that moment as he is anywhere:)

I imagine that those who were able to get out this past weekend did well. Though the snow didn't arrive until late in the w/e, the ice and bitterly cold temps should've been enough to make those roosters sit tight:cheers:
Went Sunday in the fresh snow and they ran like crazy, even the quail would not hold to tight.

Nope private land, all three covies we found also busted wild. A few singles held but most flushed wild also as did the pheasants.

. . . with plennnnty of blaze orange on.
Zeepo I had the same results, they didn't hold worth a darn. I did happen to get a nice point on a rooster, and smoked him. My day was cut real short though, because my wife and kids rolled our Tahoe down a hill. Thankfully the car seats and seat belts did their job. Now I am just going to have to ask my buddy to drive when we go hunting.
Zeepo I had the same results, they didn't hold worth a darn. I did happen to get a nice point on a rooster, and smoked him. My day was cut real short though, because my wife and kids rolled our Tahoe down a hill. Thankfully the car seats and seat belts did their job. Now I am just going to have to ask my buddy to drive when we go hunting.

My goodness brother, that's a call NONE of us want to get while we're out:eek:

I'm relieved to have read next that everyone was okay:thumbsup: