UPH get together

I was questioning FC's post also but I think what he was getting at was he is hoping for a slow thaw so we have to postpone the event until late April. Right FC?????
I was so excited to see some grass and cattails in my backyard. 2 days later they are gone! I hope we luck out and get another week of 40 and 50 degree weather. I dont think the birds would mind.
Yea I know, thats why I am doing snow dances in the front yard, so you end up waiting till the 26th.:D I'll keep dancing.

Ken, don't you mean the 23rd??? The 26th is on a Tuesday. I think your snow dances are starting to effect your brain!! :D
I think its going to all melt in time! We might need hip boots but I dont think there is going to be much for snow. Forcast if for possible rain next week and some High temps in the low 40s. Now I just need to win a new gun at the Rice County PF banquet next weekend.
It's been a long wait but I hope your right TBear. As we get a little closer I'll keep you guys updated.

@Zeb ( I think your snow dances are starting to effect your brain!! )LOL:D
I stopped at the Minnesota Heartland Preserve this afternoon and visited with a couple of the guys. They were very friendly and more than willing to do whatever we want. Very accommodating. There is still quite a bit of snow there and they aren't letting anyone hunt at this time. Whether the fields will be okay by April 2nd is difficult to determine at this time. I am going to call them in a week to see how it looks and we will have to make a decision at that time.

I have a tentative format of how we could run our event and will post that later. I'll also post the list of guys that have either said they would come or that indicated they might come.
We first and foremost want to make this get together a fun event for all and an opportunity to personally meet one another. We also want to hold the event in a manner that when you are not in the field that you will have the opportunity to watch the other hunters and their dogs work. Since we have quite a few different breeds watching some of the other dogs should be fun. This is not a competition, simply and opportunity to get your dog in the field and shoot a few roosters. In order to have some semblance of order we so need a format for the event and a few simple rules. The following is what we have come up with:

The UPH Hunt

The hunt will take place at the Minnesota Heartland Preserve near Granite Falls, MN on April 2, 2011.

The Agenda

11:00 – Noon: We will have a lunch in the lodge and also discuss the format for the hunt and hunting safety.
Noon - 12:30: We will get organized and began the hunts.
After the Hunt: Time for beer/whiskey and socializing.

The Hunt

1. The hunts will take place on 2 fields approximately 40 acres in size.
2. We will run the fields in “braces” (consisting of 2 hunters per field). Each hunter will be allowed 1 dog, unless the bracemates agree to letting one or each of the hunters in that brace to use more than 1 dog.
3. The preserve will plant 8 pheasants in each field.
4. Once the birds are planted the 2 hunters will be allowed to hunt the field for 30 minutes or until the 8 pheasants are shot, which ever comes first. Additional time may be allowed to harvest all 8 birds.
5. Each hunter will shoot their own 4 birds, unless they agree to let their bracemate and dog(s) help them harvest the remainder of their birds.
6. Once the 8 birds have been harvested the hunters shall leash their dogs and leave the field. Then 8 more pheasants are planted for the next brace of hunters.
7. Hunters will not be allowed to watch the birds being planted prior running their brace.

The above format will allow those hunters not running a brace the opportunity to watch the other hunters and dogs work their respective fields.

Safety is of utmost importance.
1. All hunters will be required to wear and orange hat and one piece of orange apparel above the waist.
2. No shooting of birds on the ground.
3. If a bird flushes and for any reason a completely safe shot cannot be taken please let the bird go.

Remember, we are all here to have an enjoyable day in the field. Please respect your fellow hunters, and the employees, grounds & facilities of the preserve.
I think thats a great format. What if someone does not have a dog? Im bringing my girlfreind and only 1 dog. Can we have someone run there dog with us and not have a gun? I really want another dog!
Here is the list of hunters I have that have said they are coming or possibly coming. Please let me know if there are any changes or omissions. I should have added to my previous post that the cost for the birds at the preserve is $17.50 per bird. $70 for your 4 birds.


goldeneye English Pointer
goldeneye's wife (Julie) English Pointer
Dakotazeb Brittany
GustavDaGSP German Shorthair
Teal Dog Lab
Lazlo Vizsla
Fourtrax French Brittany
Jeffstally Springer/Red Setter
Tbear Lab
Tbear's girl friend Lab
Waterdog Lab

Possible Hunters

FCSpringer Springer
Mr Hyde Pudelpointer
Onpoint Weimeraner
Uncle Buck Pudelpointer
mnbandit32 ?
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I think thats a great format. What if someone does not have a dog? Im bringing my girlfreind and only 1 dog. Can we have someone run there dog with us and not have a gun? I really want another dog!

If you want to be in the field at the same time as your girl friend and want someone to go along and be a dog handler I don't see that as a problem. You can pick whomever you would want. It would give you a chance to see a different breed work.
Sounds fun George. If it works out and I can go, I will show up for moral suport.:D I will not run a dog. I may mess around with a couple short training excersizes after everyone is done if time and situation permits. It would be nice to just meet everyone. I will guard the beer while you guys are gone. But count me out for birds and a hunt.
Zeb- Looks great and i think this will be a good time had by all ! Seems like this has been the longest wait for something ever... I am willing to run my dog with another hunter and their dog i would rather it be a pointer and hopefully my young dog can learn a thing or two! tick tock tick tock :cheers:
cant wait boys/girls!
I think thats a great format. What if someone does not have a dog? Im bringing my girlfreind and only 1 dog. Can we have someone run there dog with us and not have a gun? I really want another dog!

This would be a great chance for your GF to hunt with what ever dog she wants. Let her pick the dog. If she wants she can tag along with us shoot a bird or two. I just hope after this looooong winter my dog stills remembers a few things.
Tick tock Tick tock:cheers: LOL Gustav

Guide lines are well written Zeb. :thumbsup: