UPH Fantacy Football

Well I see I'm on my Bye week. Good 1 week closer to Reggie coming back........Bob
Looks like you caught me:mad: Lost by 7 points I want a recount:D Looks like my next games a must win. Only thing I got going for me he has a bunch of viking players. Mind if I use AP for the week:)

What the heck, I was behind as the game ended. My son says sometimes you get extra points after the game because your team won. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. :10sign::cheers:
I'm on a bye next week.

Da Bears beat the Pack....LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!
Well fantasy has sucked so far for me! but life is good in Kansas City football wise! So I guess I'll take it!
It has been a good season for me so far!!

Sorry, I hope the neck wringing didn't hurt too bad Ken! :cheers:
Sounds like hard times for your football team FC:( I would gladly go in for you I would make footballs follies shows forever:)
Time to talk trash to my next victim. I'm on a major winning streak 1 game that is. I see your team picture is some babe in a bikini right on:thumbsup:. But don't think for a minute that that will destract me. OK maybe it will:D But I will still beat you:)
You all realize that this is a pheasant hunting website. A little research shows that football discussions are the 2 and 3 most posted discussions next to the "show me the picture of fluffy the hunting dogie" post. That's it I quit and am going back to the old website.

Never mind all I found there was links to porn sites.
I'm not talking any trash. I'll start loosing:eek:
I am the "motor city kitty's" of this fantasy league:eek::eek:
Y'all are in for a easy "W" when you play the swatters.:cheers:
I have never played FF before this. But I'm learning something. As a Coach I would never make it. I am a very poor judge of talent I am finding out big time.........Bob
I beat you:) Must give you points for not talking trash. I could learn something here but what I don't know:D. Good luck and hope we don't get matched up again I won't be so nice next time:)

I scared, verwy, verwy scared...:nutz:

Bob, you and your Sea Turkeys caught me on a good week. Too many of my guys on a bye week!!
Geez, I can't believe it. You mean I won one. I hope this is not a run of just one win........Bob
Hey Coot! Thanks I sure needed a "W":cheers:

The only reason I won is cause you didn't bench the guys that had "bye" week.
You got to move them to the bench and replace them for the week.:)