UPH Fantacy Football

I don't expect to win. My main quarterback is out and I was too busy killing ducks, geese and grouse to take the time to switch them. ..Coot..I'm giving you this one..:cheers:
It has been but I'm killing myself. I'm about done, just can't keep up. This crap I have is killing me. I was just trying go a little bit each day. I think I best hang it up for a while or I'll be in the hospital.

Congrats on your win Coot. I even tries to switch WR and I didn't hit the submit and it never took it. what can I say, I'm a rookie at this fantasy football stuff.
Well I see I lost Again. I win streak. My player just did not play up to their normal standards. Some even lost and those point really hurt. Oh well maybe next week.......Bob
Sorry Spence, I don't know how I pulled that one out.:cheers:

haha yeah before the Monday game I figured I was set. Didn't expect The Farve would screw me like that, after all the turnovers it didn't matter how many points they scored. The jets defense was bound to score 500 pts... I didn't even look that night. After watching the game I figures somehow I was going to get screwed. haha
3 teams 4-2

I don't expect to take any titles but will do the best with what I have.
Well some dog jockying and I scrounged up a better team, Sorry about the woopen C.:D Now I do have a bye, but expect to give Coot a woopen in two weeks. Look out now boy's. You guy's are gona drop like fly's.:laugh:
He is tough, but my projections are good now. If I had these guys against him this week, I would have got him by close to a couple hun. Some one else has to deal with him this week. Maybe Rivers will go out on crutches. :D
I'll bet I get stomped this week. My 2 best players are both out with injuries. There goes around 400 points.........Bob
PLEASE somebody whoop the coot!!!!! his head is starting to swell
I see he got a spanking this week. Next week is the big border battle between him and I. I will try to punch him on the chin again. But my new team is not as solid as I thought so it will be a tough scrum. Who horded all the good QB's:D at least he will be out his ringer QB when I take him on.
My bye players last week did better then the one's I had to go with. You going to get it this week FC. No mercy for you MR:eek:. You'll cry just hearing the word football after I'm done with you:D Have a nice day:)
How could I win? I had my best player out. But I still won thank you.......Bob