I already know where the birds are.been hunting this same bunch of birds for about 6-7 years now.Just like to hear them gobble in the mornings,lets me know how many toms and jakes there are.Sometimes get to see flydown,if they are roosting on the north side of the woods.
Must,I never let the weather stop me from hunting,but not going to waste gas to drive out to not here them talking in the rain.I have had some very good hunt in a drizzle,I remember back a few years ago,had my son out for the youth opener,sitting in a pop up,snowing so hard,that you couldn't see the birds at 150 yds.They didn't talk that morning either.Still is fun though.
Sitter,your right turks don't like the woods in a rain storm,can't hear so well in a hard rain,they seem to take the the fields more.Just remember one thing about turkey hunting,just about the time you think you got them firgured out,the will chang up their pattern,just to be turkeys.
I always have said,if turkeys could smell like a deer,they couldn't be shot.
can't wait.