big birds
the rancher/farmer where i hunt a great deal claims that he rarely sees a bird with a big full beard for what ever that means but coupled with what i think i know, something about the area seems to be keeping that from happening, again no science involved but last winter i watched 87 mature toms walk by me at about 100 yds, i had my trusty zeiss 10 x40's and check out everyone of them the best i could, first off i was amazed at the group of birds, 2nd, there was not a jake in the bunch or at least a beard less than 6" but also none of the boys had any trouble keeping from tripping over their beards, for whatever, not one of them caught my eye. hooks of course i couldn't see. with the number of birds i see, surely a die off problem they don't have, therefore some old birds have to be around and in numbers i would think, this would suggest to me that something else is taking place, just don't know. just looking at this fall's reg. i am amazed considering the number of birds i see that there is a limit of just one bird but if i go a 100 miles east i can shoot 4. if that is correct it seems hard for me to believe there could really be that many birds there to warrant that limit, they would have to be everywhere and all on posted land maybe
im sure some of them old 3+ yr old rios out in NW KS put out a nice over 1 inch spur??? its not a genetic thing or regional thing its just age i think... even rios in rocky dry arid western OK put out a spur over 1 inch after 3 yrs they dont have any crops out there...
most birds tagged each season are JAKES or 2 yr olds ive shot a few KS birds over the yrs i hunted in KS it takes about 2.5-3 yr old bird to get to a 1 inch spur out west in rio country if they are younger then 2.5 there spur is under 1 inch around 3/4-7/8 inch & small in diameter by the time there 3.5-4 they put out a spur over 1 inch if the spur is not broke or damaged while fighting ETC...
got to shoot them old timers to get a limbhanger or spurs over 1 inch lol as with you mustistuff most the turkeys ive seen taken in KS have about a 1 inch spur & about a 6-8 inch beard 20+ pounds...
there was way to many hunters in NC KS this season so i think i will be heading out to the NW part of KS next season? less turkeys overall population wise but i assume less hunters also overall so its a fair trade off for me plus many more camping options out in NW KS ill see what kind of spur them birds put out for sure lol
the rancher/farmer where i hunt a great deal claims that he rarely sees a bird with a big full beard for what ever that means but coupled with what i think i know, something about the area seems to be keeping that from happening, again no science involved but last winter i watched 87 mature toms walk by me at about 100 yds, i had my trusty zeiss 10 x40's and check out everyone of them the best i could, first off i was amazed at the group of birds, 2nd, there was not a jake in the bunch or at least a beard less than 6" but also none of the boys had any trouble keeping from tripping over their beards, for whatever, not one of them caught my eye. hooks of course i couldn't see. with the number of birds i see, surely a die off problem they don't have, therefore some old birds have to be around and in numbers i would think, this would suggest to me that something else is taking place, just don't know. just looking at this fall's reg. i am amazed considering the number of birds i see that there is a limit of just one bird but if i go a 100 miles east i can shoot 4. if that is correct it seems hard for me to believe there could really be that many birds there to warrant that limit, they would have to be everywhere and all on posted land maybe