TO go over this one more time
1.You don't know where your going to hunt
2.where your going to stay--(get your own room)?
3.Must be a drinker
4.No hicks or rednecks--(ranchers-truck drivers--construction workers ect.)your description in later posts
5. Must be willing to spend money--no tight wad--(yet you cook in your room

6.Won't speak for them BUT bet there is at least one frequent poster --construction worker on here that may take exception that --
7. Also in a previous post when I stated I felt I would pass on a golden opportunity like this--Your comment was it was only for hard core types--
WELL-O311 was my Marine Corps M.O.S.--Vietnam. Feb. 1967-May 1969
So I guess I would not fit that description

8. Please answer one question for me.---has anyone ever hunting with you twice?