Report here!!

please everyone , lets keep it clean out there...don't litter and if you find trash or cans, pick them up and dispose of them properly. I now carry a trash bag and pick up litter whenever I get out to hunt...imagine if we all picked up something, just on opening weekend? :)
Come on guys, where are the stories....I'm going nuts back here in NC wanting to live it through you-all....that is until 1.25 weeks from now:thumbsup:
Kansasbrit called me from the field at 11:30 Kansas time but terrible connection so I couldn't get any info....driving me crazy:eek:
saw 15 birds all day. they was getting up way out in front of us. finally got into a group of 7 that stuck close enough for us to shoot at a few and we ended up with 1. they are out here but very scattered and very weary. every bit of cover has been bailed and most the food for that matter. Hope everyone had a safe opening day and had fun.
My dad headed out to Kansas yesterday from Golden, Co. I had to work. He just called at 4 and was already back at home. Said there was very little cover saw a couple of hens and his dog kicked up a rooster way outa head. Wanted to know what tee time I had for tomorrow. Might be that kinda season.
My brother shot a limit of quail this morning. I didn't get out, wasn't feeling real good. They pushed 7 coveys.
Checked hunters all day never checked a bird that didn't have webbed feet. Talked to groups of hunters and most hadn't fired their guns. Most of the folks I talked to had yet to hunt here. Buddy called from NW Kansas at 11:30 and hadn't moved a bird. Another buddy just got off the phone and hunted Clark county and never moved a bird. Checked plenty of deer hunters and the deer were moving. Ducks were very good despite the bluebird conditions.
4 of us shot 5 and I missed a gimme. Every one was after 3pm in fields we had never hunted in, WIHA's. Had some excellent dog work. Tons of points on hens. Most held tight. Better than last year but a long ways from a few years ago. Pics to post when I get home.
Hunted Smith County, 2 guys, 3 seasoned dog, saw 3 hens! My dog pointed 2 hens, one flushed wild and it was 67 degrees.

My nephew after the first two.

Me and Katy after the last bird of the day. She trailed this guy a half mile from beginning to end thru milo stubble. The 16 gauge Ithaca 37 did the job.

How's this for photography skills ? Bro in law and his awesome 9 year old shorthair.
I didn't go out until about 4. Hunted around here.
Found one covey, and my ever reliable 5 year old, blew them out :eek:
Could not fricking believe it.

It was warm, dry and almost no wind. But what the heck was he doing.

But with the limited cover out west, the heat, and dust, its going to be pretty tough for you guys out west.

Good luck and have fun.
Hunted near Russel , group of 4 only got up a few and got one in the bag. I had opportunity for another but missed due to crossing a fence at the time. They always know when you arent ready. Lol Very poor numbers and saw groups of 4 to 8 hunters at dinner tonight and none of the groups had more than one or two birds for the group. I hate to post that but it's the truth. :(
My hunting partner and I got pretty lucky as we got into a few birds We should have been done by 9:00AM, but poor shooting meant that we lost two birds. As a result, we quit with 6 in the bag about 9:15AM. We took the middle of the day off off due to heat and headed back out to another spot about 4:30. We were fortunate enough to finish our limits about 5:00.

Pictured below are "The Boys" who were responsible for 5 of the 8 birds. The girls wanted their picture posted as they helped with the other three

"The Boys"

"The Girls"
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