Quail or Pheasants

Which do you like to hunt the most?

  • Quail

    Votes: 29 56.9%
  • Pheasants

    Votes: 22 43.1%

  • Total voters
Setter- This is a great question! im thinking the guys with the pointing dogs will go with quail and the flusher guys will go with phez but I still love hunting both.
Love them both, but pheasants are bigger and taste better imho. If it flys I'm not picky.
I was going to vote for pheasants, but quail was losing by a wide margin so I voted for the poor little buggers instead. They need all the help they can get.:D

I honestly prefer to hunt for the horizon, and will gladly take whatever comes up on my way there.:thumbsup:
I certainly would've voted for the combination of the 2 if that were an option. Since it isn't an option, quail get my vote. If I were to have to choose between a bountiful "supply" of one, at the expense of losing the other in my home state, I'd rather keep the quail and take a trip somewhere else to hunt pheasants once/twice per year.
Quail in paradise---

Man, That's like asking me which one of our boys I like the best.

I love them both so I am netural ,but if the dogs had a vote it would be 2 to 1 leaning to the quail side since the Britts have a 2 to 1 majority over my Lab. Also quail are a native bird not an imported species, but in this case I also say size matters too. It takes less birds to feed the family with roosters.

Final answer- I'll shoot at them both I am not picky this year!

Kick'em Up!:cheers:
#1Quail (they taste the best IMHO), but sadly I find less and less and have given up hunting for them specifically or intentionally all together. Any good quail covert now is a closely guarded place.

#2Prairie Chickens (probably have them second since Ive only killed one but seen hundreds and hundreds and they are so damn hard to hunt with a pointing dog later in the year. Never tried early season and dont quite have them figured out yet.

#3Pheasants - chase after them the most since its easier to get on grounds where they hang out at and theres a broader swath of habitat they hang out in. If I hunt them I would prefer it be in wide open pastures or on a day I want good dog work and lots of points a CRP corner.
20-25 years ago it would definately be pheasants but now with quail number down they are right there.

I really don't have a preferrence either way. I love a mixed bag of both at the end of the day.
pheasants are IT, only quail if they get in the way.......pheasants have a PhD. in elusiveness and evasive tactics for handling the hunter and the dog...the most fun i ever had was late one eveing, getting close to dark, just me and doc and our 2 bird dogs, i would guess the dogs pointed and relocated at least 10 times as we walked out of a CRP field in Kansas. we never did find that rooster, but it was the highlight of a long day and we slobbered over a few gins and talked and laughed about it for a good part of the evening...that is a fight i can enjoy, even when i lose! :thumbsup:
Clearly this is a hypothetical question since we all know that neither of these two critters call KS home;). If I were in a state though that had either or both I would have to say both for the variety. For dog work you can't discount the quail though. In a gentlemens sport the quail is much more a gentlemen in my opinion. Good thread though thanks.
I like a bird that can out-think me on a regular basis. Many might say that doesn't take much of a bird:) I cut my teeth on roosters and there lies my loyalty. I do like a good day on gentleman bob, they can keep you in the field longer and take you different habitats. Might even have to evolve more to quail as the legs object to deep CRP down the road, but until then, I'll concentrate on roosters on my time and manage for quail on the State's. Hey Maynard, that one saw your artillery and just gave up eh?
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You'll please excuse me, Mr. Byrd, for slobbering all over my laptop's monitor screen at the sight of your beautiful side-by-side. A gun like that screams to be used hunting quail.

Wish that was my gun, but it belongs to my buddy from Texas. I believe that would be his Arrieta 16 gauge S x S.

Oh, and my buddy is a young buck and I am the old gezzer behind the lens.:)
I like a bird that can out-think me on a regular basis. Many might say that doesn't take much of a bird:) I cut my teeth on roosters and there lies my loyalty. I do like a good day on gentleman bob, they can keep you in the field longer and take you different habitats. Might even have to evolve more to quail as the legs object to deep CRP down the road, but until then, I'll concentrate on roosters on my time and manage for quail on the State's. Hey Maynard, that one saw your artillery and just gave up eh?

Loyalty...that's probably why I like the quail so much. My appreciation for bird dogs began with quail hunting. I learned about pheasant hunting when the quail hunting got real tough around home. Good post Sir!
For me I much prefer quail. There is nothing better for working young pointing dogs than a covey of quail and singles that follow.

I like pheasants too and will have some hunts focused on them. But given the choice to only hunt one of them, it would definitely be quail.