What is/are your favorite loads for Quail? Brand, gauge, ounce, etc...
An ounce of number 8s through cylinder and skeet chokes.
I like 7/8 oz in my 20ga and 3/4oz in my 28ga 7.5 shot, low velocity through cyl/ ic chokes. B&P, estate, Winchester, whatever is cheap.
there ain't no such thing as a cheap 28 ga. shell no matter how slow the quail run and or fly
Probably a funny subject here. I hunt quail, harvest pheasants along the way. Sometimes I prefer hunting in areas without pheasants, the pure simplicity of hunting quail, range for the dogs is desirable, no worries for heavier shot, or range. A harmonious, predictable country walk. Scenery? My knees buckle seeing prairie grass, plum thickets, and a milo field with invasive shatter cane!