Pheasant Slaughter near Liberal

Some of you guys throw a BIG loop...:rolleyes: "ALL" big groups are unethical.. "ALL" big groups are slobs.. "ALL big groups aren't hunters... (another :rolleyes:)

"OUR" group stopped and looked, and brought dogs from up and down the line to find the birds. The entire line was held to a standstill for several minutes sometimes. Sure we lost a few, but anyone who says they don't or haven't, "I" hold highly suspect. I doubt we lost any more than any other 20 hunters on average.
Not one hen was shot. I did see one shot AT... and boy did that guy get the razzin'... :eek:
I hunted with a group of about 40 on Saturday morning, in the same part of the state, with hunters from Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Colorado. We had around a dozen dogs working the line most of the morning. We typically were walking quarter by mile sections and very spread out. Without the dogs, what rooster we were pushing could have easily ran right through out line.
We wait everytime a bird goes down. I didn't personally see any hens shot over the weekend - I saw some shot at by mistake, but a few of the older blockers (they don't see or hear to well :D ). We didn't harvest massive numbers of birds and had a great time hanging out together. On more than one occassion went back to the same fields Sunday or Monday morning with much smaller numbers and continued to find birds.
Not every large group you see out there is full of unethical rookie shooters, nor are they always intent on wiping the rooster from the planet.

I agree,our opening day group swelled to over 20 guys this year,some doc's from Ok City,and we stop and looked for every bird shot,had several dogs,and still lost birds.But, we all where hunters,not shooters.Not some wild hip shooting mob.
I agree that hunting in smaller groups3-5,is a blast,but nothing wrong with ethical hunters,getting together,once a year,to hunt.
Living in NW KS, I can tell you that most of the farmers here that I have talked to are pretty disgusted by what took place this weekend. Most of them have said that they saw more large group of hunters than they can ever remember. The biggest complaint that I heard was the amount of trash that was thrown out everwhere. I have had 2 landowners tell me that they will never allow large group of hunters on their ground ever again.

I know that there are large groups that hunt the right way and are respectful of landowners and the resources we have. But when you combine large groups with guys who hunt once a year, alcohol, and everything else you get with a group hunt, conservation takes a backseat.

One group of pheasant hunters poached a mule deer Saturday that will gross in the 240's in our county. He was caught by the landowner and held at gunpoint until the authorities got there. They have already fined him $13000.
I have hunted with the "big groups" several times over the years. If we felt that we had lost several birds dad and I would get right back in the field with our dogs and look til we were happy we had all we could. Some times that ment all day. The alcohol never was an issue as dad is allittle under 6 6 and would tell the boys one is fine two will get you kicked out of the field. And for the litter bugs stay at home and trash your own yard, bet this year we picked up $20 worth of cans so we would not be blamed. Farmer stopped once to run us off till he saw what we were doing and invited us to lunch at his house. Now I have around 5000 more acres to hunt.
Boy do they paint with a wide brush around this place. That's why I didn't post much about our trip and can't say I like seeing hunters bagg on others so badly.
I have hunted with the "big groups" several times over the years. If we felt that we had lost several birds dad and I would get right back in the field with our dogs and look til we were happy we had all we could. Some times that ment all day. The alcohol never was an issue as dad is allittle under 6 6 and would tell the boys one is fine two will get you kicked out of the field. And for the litter bugs stay at home and trash your own yard, bet this year we picked up $20 worth of cans so we would not be blamed. Farmer stopped once to run us off till he saw what we were doing and invited us to lunch at his house. Now I have around 5000 more acres to hunt.

growing up my mom always told me, good things happen to good people.. there is a prime example.
lol def not my style i prefer driving my truck through the field with my gun out the window but each is own i guess lol what came to mind seriously is ive asked a few farmers this weekend to hunt and the first thing they asked was how many guys just 3 of us and the farmer says go ahead your not going to hurt anything can you imagine 50 guys pulling up to ask a farmer i am emberrassed for them
I have hunted with my dad since I was a kid. Usually he and I and a couple of others. A group of 6 or 7 is a "big" group for us. A friend of mine invited us to hunt a couple of years ago near Garden City. We showed up at the diner for breakfast that morning and realized we had a group of about 25. As introductions were made and conversations started, we learned that some of them hadn't hunted in years, etc. We stuck with them until just after lunch and then took off on our own. The two of us got 4 or 5 birds that afternoon but it was a lot more fun (and safe) than the mess earlier that day. No ARMY hunting for me.