Our new Pup.


New member
I'm orginally from Montana, lived in Utah for quite a few years chasing Pheasants with my 2 English Setters, but when they retired and the areas to hunt Pheasants in Utah disappeared and the hunting season shorten to 2 weeks I told myself that I wasn't going to get another Setter until I lived somewhere that there was plenty of area to hunt Pheasants, and enough pheasants to hunt. Well, I started a new job here in Colorado in January, and I have done some looking and it seems that I have found what I needed, so I pick up my new English Setter Pup on Friday! I'm really happy with my choice!!Then the pup (Andy) and I will start doing some research to see where we will be hunting together, so any suggestions would be much appreciated!!! :D I live in Firestone, CO.

I attached a picture of Andy, I just hope it works??? First time on this site!

Here's his pedigree:

This pup's dad is from frozen semen of, HOF CH Tomoka .

Ch. Tomoka ,ch. pinkone max jr.,Ch.grouseridge john, Ch. susan's lady bird, ch brannigan , ch pinekone max , ch. southwind mike, ch. baraka , ch bob lee's stare , ch. hick's rising sun , ch. sam l's skyhigh , ch. orchard valley skylight , ch. pinnacle , ch The performer , ch. brawny lad , ch. bob lee's dot , ch. Tekoa mountain sunrise,ch. sam l's hadaway,Ch skyrocket pride's hank, Ch orchard valley skylight,Ch amber, Ch cashmaster

Ch high marks,Ch hamilton's blue diamond,Ch hick's rising sun,Ch brannigan,Ch tekoa mountian sunrise,Ch baraka, Ch bob lee's star,
Ch the performer,Ch brawn lad, Ch bob lee's dot, Ch mr. motion, Ch pinnacl, Ch cashmaster'sDd, Ch tyoneon barney, Ch tomoka, Ch flaming star, Ch tekoa mountain hope, Ch anaconi
Welcome to UPH. Good looking pup. I'm sure you will get lots of advice on places in colorado to hunt pheasants, from members from Colorado.:)
Where is the closest Pheasants Forever Chapter to me? I live in Firestone. Also, have they already done their Banquet for this year?
Welcome to UPH!!! ChadsBritt lives in Firestone as well I believe!!!! PF chapter here in NOCO already had their Banquet!!!! CB is on the Committee!!! You can pm him!!!! Birds are doing well east of you 3 hrs!!!! Keep us posted on the pup!!!!:cheers:
Thanks for the greetings! :cheers: I'm really glad to be here in Colorado, and looking forward to the upcoming fall. This year I'm thinking no Big Game and just chase some birds with my new buddy! In the mean time I've got to learn some areas and at the same time show the pup around and show him what we are after! :thumbsup:
Does anybody know where I can get a pheasant from, dead one is all I need! Or any wings? LOL..... Or any other suggestions to start him with?
Does anybody know where I can get a pheasant from, dead one is all I need! Or any wings? LOL..... Or any other suggestions to start him with?

Congrats on the pup! Looks great too! I bought some pheasant wings off of ebay from a guy in SD. Spent like $5 for 10 of them.
Hey guys, I haven't had much time to get on the site lately. Work has been hammering my a$$. I am an active member of the Northern CO PF chapter. It's a great group of guys. You should come to the monthly meeting once things get going again. We don't have meetings in July and August, but there will be a "fun shoot" out at great guns in late August. I know the day includes a round of sporting clays and lunch. I don't recall what else is included off of the top of my head.

You can get pheasants from Aeur Bird Valley east of Hudson. Game Birds Unlimited in Longmont used to sell them, but I'm not sure they do anymore.

Talk to you soon.
Pheasants are pretty expensive for training but there used to be a place just north of hwy. 66 on county line road in longmont. I use pigeons that can be caught at night with a fishing net. If you need a quiet place to train not to far from firestone let me know.
Great bloodlines. My old neighbor had a bighand in those bloodlines. He was the breeder and trainer of Ch Grouse Ridge John. Many of his dogs went into the hall of fame. C.A. passed away many years ago, but I believe you can still get a copy of his book "Here, Whoa, Dead Bird". In it he talks about the dogs in your pups pedigree.