Oil Boom in North Dakota destroying wildlife

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I hate reading articles like that. I remember hunting that area in the 1970's Better have full tank of gas because it seemed like you alone at the end of the world. I haven't been in a while, but it made me feel better to know it was there! I frankly feel a personal sense for the loss, like I do about the Red Basin in Wyoming, sage grouse vs. oil. No offense, but North Dakota better wise up or be like Pennsylvania in the 1880's. No resources left and the oil drillers and miners gone on to a richer load, leaving the mess behind.
Onpoint, you have no idea! You have to see it. Take Highway 85 N to Watford City and on the Williston.You've seen nothing like it.:eek:

The land is ruined! Ain't no putting it back, and it's only just begun. There's oil and Gas everywhere, Well, roads, powerlines and pipelines going in everywhere.
Thousands of wells and pre fab housing complexes up and down the hillsides between wells.

Way beyond worrying about the wildlife that's been gone for a while. Might as well get the oil. I'm thinking a world class refinery maybe two. Trouble is of course:rolleyes: All that energy will NOT lower our fuel prices.
I agree this isnt going to bring cheaper gas thats for sure. And it's not like oil is becoming short on supply yet. All this is doing is destroying habitat.

Greed is a horrible thing.
Onpoint, you have no idea! You have to see it. Take Highway 85 N to Watford City and on the Williston.You've seen nothing like it.:eek:

The land is ruined! Ain't no putting it back, and it's only just begun. There's oil and Gas everywhere, Well, roads, powerlines and pipelines going in everywhere.
Thousands of wells and pre fab housing complexes up and down the hillsides between wells.

Way beyond worrying about the wildlife that's been gone for a while. Might as well get the oil. I'm thinking a world class refinery maybe two. Trouble is of course:rolleyes: All that energy will NOT lower our fuel prices.

If they get their Keystone pipeling. They plan to move all that oil to the gulf from North Dakota...it will be exported to the world market. Where we will have to try and buy it back at world market price. Don't let any of them BS us about energy independence. That's not in the plan in the least when it comes to old energy ideas like oil and coal. One candidate is even talking about exploring 1930-1940 ideas like liquifying coal. Ya, lets go backwards 60-70 years. Can we say pollution. My mother inlaw ana father inlaw just came back from China. They said you couldn't even imagine the pollution. They are both sick with upper respiratory problem now after returning. I sure hope this isn't the future of our beloved west and plains. My friend worked in the oil field in NoDak for over a year. He said you wouldn't believe what they are doing to the area. Many locals who have lived there their whole life, have packed up and moved. He said at night, you would think your looking across a huge metro area. It's lights as far as you can see from wells and trucks

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I find a lot of humor with those of the opinion that no matter what we do domestically,it will never ease the pricing.The reason the pipeline runs to the gulf is because the antis have not allowed a refinery to be built in NA for over thirty years.So,that's the only logical place to pipe it.

And the reason energy costs will continue to rise,no matter, is that is exactly what the President wants.He said that under his administration energy costs will neccessarily skyrocket.When you have a nation run by watermelon liberals (green on the outside,red on the inside)this will be the new norm.

Is damage being done in ND?Of course.Is it irrepairable?For the most part,no.We aren't talking about pristine wilderness here,we are talking about gumbo and shale,both of which are reclaimable.

Consider the source(Star Tribune is a left-leaning activist paper).

If you opine from Ill or any other state run into the dirt by bleeding hearts with no concept of the problems they cause with indescriminate spending,take a look at NDs budget situation (while you are filling up on $4 gas). Good schools,good infrastructure,free people and billions,in cash, in the bank.
I was born up in that area. US must become more energy self-reliant. Some areas will just have to change-unfortunately for the worse on habitat. This will decrease money heading to the arab coffers.

That said, it will not help much lowering gasoline prices. Gas and diesel prices are now set on a global price basis. Europe is closing refineries. Latin America is short on refineries. Even the US is closing a few refineries - not building new ones. Out put is constrained globally. The US is a net exporter of gasoline now.

The changes in ag (CRP) have a much broader impact on wildlife.
There ya have it, if you just choose to turn a blind eye to a problem that is plain as the nose on your face. If all else fails...blame the liberals. Zeb, sorry this is turning political..it's a shame we can't talk about obvious destruction of a great deal of habitat and clean water. That will surly effect many, many species of animals, birds and fish, along with ground water for human consumption. Yet conservatives OUTDOOR folks just choose to except it in the name of capitalism. I just don't understand that kind of thinking. Specially from folks who call themselves hunters. We only have so much ground/water to enjoy for our sport we love. When it's gone..IT'S GONE!! I would like to see it here for my two sons and their children. I think a little past my days on this blue planet.
Just how do y'all intend to transport your gear and dogs all the way to the pheasant field?I suspect a good many who wax poetic about "what a shame",and "what a waste" will be doing it with a steering wheel in their hand as they head to SD this week. How many are blaming others from the comforts of a suburban home that's twice as big as neccessary and heated with fossil fuel?(Those coal trains ain't dumping their loads here in Rapid City).How about buying your food at the mass retailer who charged you a buttload in fuel surcharges because he had to haul that head of lettuce you just threw in the garbage all the way from the Imperial Valley?
I'm done now.Time to get these veggies from the farmers market canned,throw another log on the fire here in the cabin and get my 25 year-old Toyota mini truck tuned-up for hunting season.
There ya have it, if you just choose to turn a blind eye to a problem that is plain as the nose on your face. If all else fails...blame the liberals. Zeb, sorry this is turning political..it's a shame we can't talk about obvious destruction of a great deal of habitat and clean water. That will surly effect many, many species of animals, birds and fish, along with ground water for human consumption. Yet conservatives OUTDOOR folks just choose to except it in the name of capitalism. I just don't understand that kind of thinking. Specially from folks who call themselves hunters. We only have so much ground/water to enjoy for our sport we love. When it's gone..IT'S GONE!! I would like to see it here for my two sons and their children. I think a little past my days on this blue planet.

I totally agree.It would be nice to discuss stuff like this without it getting nasty. It is funny the nastiness always seems to be from the extreme. We have to go to intelligent name calling. Wow that really helps the situation. The first move is always to blame the reports on the media. I read the story seemed like pretty straight forward reporting to me. The reporter even commented that the oil companies seemed to want to work with the conservation workers. The problem is the greed. We could rape all the land in the United States and it still wouldn't be enough. Maybe we could all conserve a little, I know I could.
The toe hold on saving the planet in my neck of the world is passing fast. I would like to think some wonderful place like this would be around forever. Unfortunately, man won't allow it, reality is probably nature won't either. Reality is change, it things don't change they die, unfortunately we are seeing long term transgression in our short lifetime. I always believed we would have good quaility quail hunting when I left the field the last time, like our fathers and grandfathers hunted, some good years, some bad, but not virtually no quail at all. If you see the threads hear, we have a drop of 500, 000-1,000,000 drop off annually in some states. We had quail through the magic off standard agricultural practices,low ground prices, low comodity prices, oil the same comparisons. Agriculture nearly did a way wide the sage grouse, oil will probably be the end. Shot 15 per day in the 1960's and 1970's, might be residents of a wildlife refuge, if wild at all.
There ya have it, if you just choose to turn a blind eye to a problem that is plain as the nose on your face. If all else fails...blame the liberals.

Not the liberals,just the progressive know it all limosine liberals who have openly stated their intentions for us.In the case of the previously mentioned statement by the Prez,his words,not mine.I have to take a man at his word until he gives me a reason to think otherwise.
This is a very good thread, good points being brought up on both sides of the fence. I tell you all a little story, about a town in Wyoming.

Casper Wyoming had four oil refinerys operating in the 60' 70's and early 80's.
They where Texico, Amico, Sinclar, and Little America. All but Little america has closed, and been torn down. They are still cleaning up the mess they left. The North Platte river, in town has been cleaned up to the point it is a blue ribbon trout stream. That's right the oil companies cleaned up the mess. State of Wyoming demanded it. The river is not just a blue ribbon trout fishery but the #1 big trout fishery in the lower 48. That's just one example of what a state can do.

Wyoming requires coal strip mines to be restored to 95% origanal condition. Meaning the land has to be contured and reseeded to 95% of condition be for overbruden was removed, to mine coal. It works I've seen it.

The biggest Eye sore in Wyoming and waste of money, Imho is Wind energy. They are an eye sore, kill birds of all kinds, noise pollution, and just don't work. Some of the first to be built in the US. Where constucted around Medicine Bow, Wyoming, in the 70's. They where hugh, and a hugh fail. They blew down because wind speeds in that area, aproach 70 to 75 miles per hour, on a fairly regular basis. The ones they are building in Wyoming these days are 100 to 150 feet in hieght. Casper, Douglas, Glen Rock, and Rawlins are surrounded by them. They don't even put power into the Grid. They can't figure out how to build the power lines to put the power in the grid. The wind in Wyoming Is just to strong for this to work.

That said I have seen it work in Hawaii. Slow wind speeds that are consitant , not gusting, and the tribines can handle.

My point in all of this is we can become energy independent, By drilling our own resources, And it will lower cost. We don't have to play by globel rules if it ours. Because they don't have what we have in North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming, and much of Canada. The largest of oil reserve in the world.
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Careful JMAC they'll be calling you "conservative" or "extreme".
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