Not exactly how I wanted to get famous

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Very sad, I can't imagine how you are feeling and I'm very sorry for your loss. Thank you for bringing this issue to the fore front, hopefully dogs will be saved because of it.

Rip Bella
My condolences & a prayer sent your way.

I am so sorry for your loss. I saw another post on this recently and now have zip ties in my hunting vests just so I can maybe save the life of my dog or a buddies! I do raise quality hunting golden retrievers and I also live in Ramsey, look me up and we will work a deal on your next dog.
First - I am really sorry about your loss. It is my belief that only a fraction of hunters are aware of the danger and how to rescue a dog. This fraction is even smaller for the general public walking their dog for exercise.

Buy a #220 and practice with both the big zip ties and the rope method. I can squeeze the smaller size by hand, but their is no way I could squeeze the #220 and reset the safety. The #220 is the one that is truly large enough get around most bird dog's head.

By practicing with the zip ties you can master opening the trap with some speed and also make sure the zip ties are long and strong enough. The zip tie method is great because you do not have to worry about the setting the safeties or having them slip back out of place.

The rope method shown in the DNR booklet and on some web sites is not an easy method to master. Odds are low that the rope method will work if the first time you use it is on a trapped dog.
There is a group in MN pushing for positive, proven changes in how bodygrip traps are set. Other states and provinces have made these changes and their fur take has remained high. Get involved, contact your MN state legislator and let them know what you think. It shouldn't be coming to this.

This isn't about stopping trapping. Its about continuing trapping using methods that don't kill dogs. Last years legislature made some weak and ineffective changes. That can be changed this year.

Check this out for yourselves:

and make up your own mind.

So sorry for your loss Tim. I hunt public land all the time with my dog and cannot imagine the pain you and your family are going through. Hopefully, your story will force changes so this doesn't happen to any more pets! I found this online that I thought i would share:
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So sorry for your loss.

Here's a couple video's to hopefully help others if they ever need to free their dog.

Look at the post I started on the main forum and the video attached.

The you tube video above is a "starter" at best. It DOES NOT simulate a 20 - 80 pound dog stuck in the trap. They are holding that trap 2 feet in the air. What it does a great job though is showing how to thread the rope through the trap !!

If this issue concerns you (it should). Buy a #220 and practice. Most will find the rope method cumbersome at best. Zip tie method is faster.
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does anyone have a video showing the zip tie method? This whole thing is horrific. I am sorry for your loss. I do not know that much about trapping...Is it a conceivable thought to have 2 entirely different seasons? Hunting and Trapping so that they do not overlap and these situations can possible be avoided? Or is that not plausible..
Look at the post I started on the main forum and the video attached.

The you tube video above is a "starter" at best. It DOES NOT simulate a 20 - 80 pound dog stuck in the trap. They are holding that trap 2 feet in the air. What it does a great job though is showing how to thread the rope through the trap !!

If this issue concerns you (it should). Buy a #220 and practice. Most will find the rope method cumbersome at best. Zip tie method is faster.

Just trying to help, if you going to criticize the links I provided, at least post the link you believe to be supiror.

Here's a good video with the zip tie method. My dog was thrashing and biting, so it won't be easy in any case. My brother - in - law was with me when my golden got caught. She was unconscious in less than a minute. We used his belt for one of the springs, then worked together to get the rest of the trap opened. It was only a few minutes, but it was too long. Get one of these traps and practice. Practice is good, but your odds are still slim.

I have a new puppy coming home in the beginning of March. I know traps will be on my mind next fall. I just hope by that time the emotions aren't as raw so I can enjoy the season.

Don't be afraid to send a quick email to your local legislators if this concerns you. There is a bill that is currently being put together in mn to make some changes to minimize the chances of this happening in the future.

We have way too much invested in our dogs and sport to ignore it.
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Sorry for your loss. That is terrible! I trap myself, but I've never caught any domestic animal of any type. Honestly, people have to use some common sense when setting traps. If you know people are in the area you are trapping, either make your sets in such a way it won't affect anyone in the area, or move along to a different area. Sad to say but because the price of furs were so high, every idiot who had a trap hanging up in the shed was a trapper this year. I couldn't believe the nerve of some people. Hopefully they do change the laws. If you absolutely have to have a 220 set where a dog can get caught in it, you're not much of a trapper. There are other methods.
Thanks Smitty


Thank you for your common sense when setting traps. I wish those in power at MTA would open their minds just a little bit in Minnesota so the conflict between
dog owners and trappers could be resolved.

There are other ways to set traps and still successfully harvest furbearers. Many other states and provinces with similar climates have made changes and their furbearer harvest did not drop, in some species it actually increased.


Here's a good video with the zip tie method. My dog was thrashing and biting, so it won't be easy in any case. My brother - in - law was with me when my golden got caught. She was unconscious in less than a minute. We used his belt for one of the springs, then worked together to get the rest of the trap opened. It was only a few minutes, but it was too long. Get one of these traps and practice.

I have a new puppy coming home in the beginning of March. I know traps will be on my mind next fall. I just hope by that time the emotions aren't as raw so I can enjoy the season.

Don't be afraid to send a quick email to your local legislators if this concerns you. There is a bill that is currently being put together in mn to make some changes to minimize the chances of this happening in the future.

We have way too much invested in our dogs and sport to ignore it.

Knowing what you know now, do you think you would have had time to save her using the zip ties?

IMO even if you have zip ties, the only way it would work is if you see it actually happen. If the dog is out of your sight when it happens and can't make a sound precious time is lost...

The fix needs to be in how and where these traps are set in the first place. Until both sides of the debate can find some common ground it will continue to happen I'm afraid.
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With the zip ties I think my odds would have gone from 0 to almost 0. It happened so fast, and I was lucky enough to hear a yelp and get to her before she died. As you said, most times there won't be a sound. Learning to get your dog out is good, but it's not anywhere near a solution.
Why are you always so Sensitive Onpoint? My god, your acting like your always the victim or something.

People are trying to help each other out here, don't get all sensitive about everything.

Liberals!!!! Geeezzz.....

Just trying to help, if you going to criticize the links I provided, at least post the link you believe to be supiror.
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