North dakota


what happened to the north dakota page???? just curioius. thanks
I'm not a power to be around here. But I'm on here most everyday. I noticed ND was NOT getting any action. So I think it got put down for that reason. When a Thread goes 3 months or so without a post, something has to happen......Bob
anyway we could give it another shot???? maybe
I don't even have a vote in the matter, but seems to me that since ND (at least the sw section) is def one of heavy-hitters in US pheasant-country overall - that UPH would at least want it to have a permanent/rightful state spot for people to go to on the forum board, even if it lays there basically dormant most of the time. How else is it EVER gonna get any action if it ain't even there??? :confused:

I did see a little action on it late last yr (even though I don't live there & have not had an opportunity to revisit the territory of my first INCREDIBLE introduction to wild pheasant hunting, I do pay attention to these things & read what's there)...
I'm not a power to be around here. But I'm on here most everyday. I noticed ND was NOT getting any action. So I think it got put down for that reason. When a Thread goes 3 months or so without a post, something has to happen......Bob

Bob, I don't understand this action. This is a slow time of the year. Look at Utah, no posts for 4 months. Texas, Washington and Canada almost 3 months. North Dakota is a pretty hot pheasant hunting state and to just eliminate them from the forum doesn't seem right. Maybe there aren't a lot of members from ND and thus not a lot of posts but I can't see not having a ND forum.
Bob, I don't understand this action. This is a slow time of the year. Look at Utah, no posts for 4 months. Texas, Washington and Canada almost 3 months. North Dakota is a pretty hot pheasant hunting state and to just eliminate them from the forum doesn't seem right. Maybe there aren't a lot of members from ND and thus not a lot of posts but I can't see not having a ND forum.

I concur. I have been kicking around making a trip to ND and it would be nice to have the thread up.
this is a good time for everyone from north dakota to chime in right about now. or everyone that would like to see north dakota put back up. i'm not trying to stir anything up here but just would like to see up again. thanks
George, Like I said I don't make the decisions around here. I do know it went through the hunting season with no posts. When you have just so much space to put things up. The ones that get the most action get the best spots. As you will notice So. Dak. Is right up there because it get a lot of action. My question is this; After 3 months, you guys are just noticing now there is no ND. It really shows how much it really was used. As for the states you mentioned they had real good action during the season. A lot of states don't get much action in the off-season........Bob
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Bob I understand you aren't making these decisions but if there is limited space boot Oregon (1post no replies in 2 years) and reinstate ND. It hasn't been gone long, I was just reading a thread in there not long ago.
Bob I understand you aren't making these decisions but if there is limited space boot Oregon (1post no replies in 2 years) and reinstate ND. It hasn't been gone long, I was just reading a thread in there not long ago.

And the one post that is there is clearly some one trying to advertise for their lodge.
I hunt ND!

I own a house in ND I hunt 3 weeks a yr there. I also rent the house.... I guess I wasn't on it enough.
Good thing I have friends in prime ND phez country, just in case UPH ain't gonna help me out any more - first & maybe best pheasant hunt of my life was up there. Too long of a trip & life way too busy for me to slip back since, but I dream, oh how I dream...Saw lots of interesting country, met lots of nice people & never saw so many roosters lining the roadsides anywhere be4 or since! God bless lowly, outcast ND!!! :cheers:
you would think it could be kept alive in the other states forum...hell, Texas is there and our pheasant hunting doesn't even compare!

hi Lazlo!
OK relax people, it is most likely an up date mistake. You can visit other spam infested forums if you like.:D be paitent it will be back. This site takes a bunch of up keep and unless your one doing it you don't know. Give the Webguy a break.