North dakota

Holy crap!!!! The webguy goes out for a 6er of Coors Light :cheers: and I come back and all hell breaks loose in ND?!!!!

Well, no big deal. Funny thing is, I meant to put that down in other states. Something went wrong in the settings. Why did I put them down in other states (well they technically weren't there). Reason? No posts in 1 1/2 months. Nothing like having a stagnant forum.

If we can start posting in that forum, I'll show more prominence. Make sense?
I think you guys should apologies to the Webguy.

Bob my boy! No apologies needed for the ol' Webguy! I'm tough, I can handle it.

I only have 1 rule... piss me off and I'm sending you a bill for 1 case of beer. :thumbsup:
I posted on 12/26/10 ND page

Bob your post is gone.
I am not complaining just having fun... Webguy you have to come to my Man Cave cause I keg my home brew. If you can make it to the get together in GF I can bring u a couple of different brews!
Bob and webguy, please remember that many loyal Uphers lives revolve around bird dogs and hunting season. Right about now I'm sure we are all getting cabin fever and our trigger fingers (the one that clicks the submit button) are getting itchy.:D Sorry if we upset anyone.:cheers:
that will work webguy sorry for stirin things up. thanks for puttin ND back on the board i'm sure it will get more posts now. thanks. Derrick
:confused: I don't get it, all anyone ever basically said was "Hey where did ND go? I sure would like to see it represented on UPH alongside all the other great pheasant states." All I was trying to do in starting up a brand new ND thread is generate some interest to ensure ND's survival on the board.

Internet communication is so funny/goofy/tricky (& actually sometimes, not-so-funny at all) - with short/brief quips from afar & no facial expression or voice inflection to help w/interpretation, people feel free or compelled to read into other person's posts whatever they want, & yet nobody is gonna read an encyclopedic explanation of every single post either (not to mention that most of us don't have the TIME to write an encyclopedia, nor are the bulk of us polished wordsmiths - just common Joes). One of the most hilarious & sad at the same time examples of internet communication gone awry is just this week on my FB page - during a discussion (HAHA, OK argument) about whether hell exists or not due to mega-pastor Rob Bell's firestorm inciting of the issue - my wife & two of my best friends were so heated over the issue thart they got in a knock-down dragout with each other rushing to conclusions & didn't even realize that they were all on the same page!!! :eek: :mad:

I for one don't have the time to live on the UPH forum or visit it every day or even every week (I'm sometimes on here a lot, sometimes gone for long periods of time). After or be4 a long or hard day, I come on here from time to time to relax & take a break -which this kind of totally unnecessary inflammation/ratcheting-up is definitely NOT. Is being on here frequently a requirement to participate??? Also, just for accurate record - there was brief activity on the ND board as recent as last fall (re-check the dates of some of the individual posts) - I know cause I read it at the time & watched for more, just didn't feel I had anything significant, authoritative or local to add to the mix. PEACE & CHEERS!!! Chill pills or a round of brewskis together sounds in order to me! Wish some of you lived closer... :cheers:
I took my Chill Pills boys. Well, gotta run, my train will be here in a bit.


I took my Chill Pills boys. Well, gotta run, my train will be here in a bit.



Webguy that's a pretty big chill pill. Take one every half hour to 45 minutes and you should be good in a couple of hours.:cheers::thumbsup: