To me this is not really an issue of city people vs country folk. It is about ignorant and /or stupid people. I personally have given up going on opening weekend. This year I went fishing instead. Guess where there were more ignorant/stupid people. Started around 630am. Two guys were there catching fish. Three other guys came, saw they were catching fish and started fishing within feet of them. The facts are that Colorado has rapidly changed over the past several years. Not always for the better either. Places I used to hunt are now housing developments. Places I used to go fishing for free now have a fee attatched. Places I used to go camping on a moments notice now need a reservation months in advance. There is now a check station to put my boat in the water. Many of these problems are due to inconsiderate people who only look to their own selfish needs. So many people are looking for easy instead of working, getting instead of hunting. With fewer places to hunt, websights such as this that encourage lazy "hunters" to possible hot spots bring more rifraf to concentrated areas doing stupid stuff. Hopefully pointing out problems will educate those who need guidance and discourage the others. I am not sure it will. An example of this is the Friday after Thanksgiving. Year after year more shopper horror stories. So all this being said, do I have a issue with the original post. No! Sometimes to get a mule attention you have to hit them with a 2x4.
I have known Engpointerman for a lot of years and hunted with him some. I have yet to find a more gracious host, both hunting and not, with his willingness to share some of his hard earned hunting oppotunities. My buddies and I are still waiting for him to come out west to try and repay him on a chukar/hun/quail hunt. He is passionate about hunting, safe to hunt with, is an ethical hunter. Its too bad he is seen in a negative way on here by some.
I have known Engpointerman for a lot of years and hunted with him some. I have yet to find a more gracious host, both hunting and not, with his willingness to share some of his hard earned hunting oppotunities. My buddies and I are still waiting for him to come out west to try and repay him on a chukar/hun/quail hunt. He is passionate about hunting, safe to hunt with, is an ethical hunter. Its too bad he is seen in a negative way on here by some.
Sometimes to get a mule's attention you have to hit them with a 2x4.
Roger/hen, hen, rooster,I don't know EPM personally like some of you (still waiting on the privilege to meet him, notwithstanding any hunting involved), but if I read him right the statement quoted above probably best captures what he was venting over & trying to get at. I'm scared to even ask what really happened to piss him off so much, not sure I wanna know...
P.S. to Retrieverman/Greg: It was a pleasure getting to know you guys & tell that boy Colton we'll get him on a bird yet be4 season's end! Him wantin to ride in my truck & hang with me was a highlight of the trip, he reminded me so much of my gung-ho sons when they were that age! He was one trompin 12 yr old trooper that's for sure, you know it's bad when the dogs start getting more bored than the kid... :cheers:
well here we go again. Nobody has read my posts. The orange there is an inside joke. Once again I wear orange just nobody has caught on yet. So once again I hate orange. Please read my posts instead of skimming over the top and being pist. Anyways I will be vulgar here pheasinator get a grip!!!!!! Me being pist has caused some good discussion. My only point was for people that arnt from here pay attention to ur surroundings. Hen,hen is the only one that posted common sense for being out of town. BUt everyone else has me as the jerk thats fine. Keep the chit up as a group and see what happens. Not sure what else to say. What happens if the dow disapears??????? Obama can cut that stuff tommorrow and we all know it. Just trying to point out reality. I have had a couple more days to think from the original post. Why do any of us as landowners owe anybody hunting priviledges. Im trying to figure that out. The guys that are gracious will always have land to hunt. the guys that are jerks will end up not getting to hunt. IM over as said before. There is a small group that i will help. But Im not gonna fall to my knees and say oh god ur from the front range. I need to let u hunt. By the way pheasinator u have read nothing so u must be one that I have a very dislike for. Anyone that rebels must be guilty!!!!!!!!!! Everytime that some people argue with me I understand why our hunting group is fffff ed up. I promise our motels and restraunts will not go broke over one weekend of extra trafffic. Who put that in the minds of some. CMon u got the other 11.5 months to survive same as the motels