NO Birds!!!!!!

I am convinced there are certain groups that mainly road hunt and whenever they see one any where they will jump out and go after it. On the NE opener I saw a group from KS stop their truck in the middle of the road below the top of a hill and leave both doors wide open while they went after a rooster. When I came over the hill they pretty much ran to the truck as it was blocking the entire road. These guys did not have permission to hunt either as I knew the landowner. Truthfully EP I think there are a lot of folks that probably don't even know of this website and are weekend warriors from where ever(city/country/who knows). I feel your pain as it reminds me when I go up to Cheyenne Frontier days the people that live near Frontier Park hate that week as all the rowdies it brings in. Hang in there it will get better as many of these folks only hunt the opener.
EP....have you ever thought about how it feels to be someone that is not from where you are and doesn't live there? That doesn't have what you have or have the direct access too?

You make many very valid points.

Have you ever been somewhere in your life where you are the "out of towner" so to speak?

Please let me make this very clear, I do not condone in anyway hunters that are local or from out of town, who exhibit the type of blatant disrespect for folks property and way of life. I have a 12yr old son and now that he is hunting with me I try my damndest to set the best the example possible for him so that I can pass it on to him and then hopefully his son.

Your motels and restaurants may be okay without hunting, however can the same be said for every small town in Colorado, Kansas, Texas, south dakota, nebraska and wherever else? I don't know for sure, I don't have the data to truly back it up, however that is just an uneducated guess.

If you read my post, of which you say that alot of folks did not read yours entirely, I am one of those who does get what you are saying. I am also one who has the utmost respect for those who live in rural communities, farm, ranch and raise their families to do the same. I respect the tradition and the character of the "flyover" part of our country.

I think you will find if you met in person everyone of the guys on this forum that you would be suprised how many have the same beliefs as you do.

It isn't what you say, it is how you say it. That's what I teach my kids. It isn't about being thin skinned, it is about not labeling everyone the same. Hen, hen rooster (Roger) knows what kind of man, father and hunter I am.

I just don't think it is right or fair to judge anyone on this forum based upon some words that are typed. Now, if we were all to sit down with some beers and talk about things, that would totally be different. :eek::cheers:

EG, I hope you are your family have a Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings.

??? You guys can rush to his support and he may be a fine person, but keep in mind the posts here are a reaction to the stuff Engpointerman wrote when he started the thread. Inflammatory and dangerous to discourage people from wearing orange. He got what he asked for, and probably expected. It sounds like he was grumpy after some hassles and not being able to hunt. If I meet him, I'll keep an open mind, but being "seen in a negative way" for an inflammatory post encouraging stupid behavior... that's reality. :rolleyes:

I hope he makes you all mad so you won't ask to hunt with him :D

So you know where I sit before I tell you were I stand I too know EP. Having met him several years ago on the forum that preceded this one. Through the forum I met him & he invited me out for a hunt. He's a decent guy & didn't even give me a hard time about my orange :)
Now to his post: It's a rant he said it was rant & he was blowing off steam. Sometimes that's what brings some humor to these forums. A good rant followed by some good replys. He can rant & you guys can call em out on it. Free speech baby!!

When I was back on the farm there were 3 kinds of drivers behind me. 1. the impatient horn honking one, 2 the patient one that let you wait to cross the narrow bridge & pull over , 3 the one that sat behind you for 5 miles. 1 & 3 were a pain.......

Remember when we used to be able to hunt the corners while they were harvesting in the field. Well someone messed that all up. I would always ask the guy in the truck if it was ok & they would always say sure maybe we'll kick some out for you. But now we can't do that anymore. Which is probably good because some folks don't know where to park so that the semi can make the wide turn out of the field w/out getting caught on the culvert. Heck I had to educate my own buddies on where to park. Some folks just don't know these things. So if you see someone doing something you know will inconvenience the locals kindly let them know & it's win-win.

You all have every right to go out when the season opens & EP knows that. All he is saying is if you want to find more birds wait til the crops are out.
I skipped the CO opener this year & went to KS since most crops were out. It was almost as crowded though.. Still bagged a few & saw some great dog work. I still wear some orange a hold over from my Illinois upland days where if it was deer season you had to wear it or you got a ticket. EP didn't care one bit when I hunted w/ him....
There's my rant.....
lol..... I can't believe this post is still going on. Relax people, there was just some venting going on........... nobody says exactly what they mean to say and it hardly comes accross in the right way! At least it doesn't for me?????:D Lets just get back to the simplicity of pheasant hunting, that's why I'm here!
lol..... I can't believe this post is still going on. Relax people, there was just some venting going on........... nobody says exactly what they mean to say and it hardly comes accross in the right way! At least it doesn't for me?????:D Lets just get back to the simplicity of pheasant hunting, that's why I'm here!

Yeah, what he said. On one hand you guys have to admit some of the crap these guys show up wearing on openning weekend makes you feel like you are at a Cabela's runway show. I wonder sometimes if they hunt just so they can buy the latest new bright orange jump suit and floppy orange Greg Norman straw hat. Seriously I have seen it in Colorado on the openner. Another great reason not to go openning weekend and all the more reason why every one that does should definately wear every piece of orange they got because I guarantee that guy did not have a clue what rooster chasin' is all about. It was funny though. The last time I hunted opeening weekend needless to say.
Heres my inside joke on the orange someone already mentioned it kinda. at least roll around in the dirt or somethin so its not quite as bright or looks like u actually have been hunting for at least a week or somthin. I hate seeing the cabelas magazine on opening weekend. Anyways its all good:cheers:
what about the bright orange dog vests and matching booties. i mean c'mon, it's one thing if you make the decision for yourself....................
Lol......... that's not fair englishpointerman! My orange and tan vest is brand new, a gift from my fianc'e so I had to replace my old one of about 15 years! Lol..... so now I'm sterotyped??? :D jk
I think if I wore orange it might scare my dog, And the locals out there would no longer recognize me. As it is alot of them wave when they pass. A sure sign I hunt too much
Just was thinking engpointerman, maybe you could drag my vest for a couple miles behind the tractor? Accomplishing 2 things, your frustrations of the brand new orange, and for me, making new orange into old orange? Just don't wear out my game carrying area or my shell carrying area!!!! Lol...... Maybe then I'll fit in with the good ole boys! :D ........ Again, just poking!!
1971 thats a pretty good idea. But I would probly ruin it. LOL so might tell the fiance to wash it at least 30 times before u go to the field next. Than be sure and rub it in that favorite pheasnt ground when u show up. :cheers:
Hey EPM, I got a nifty little idea: Maybe I could paint the truck orange so you could really see me comin & you could doll up the tractor & house like purty pumpkins so we all know exactly where you're at!!! :D :p :cheers:
Not aiming at anyone in particular, but is it just me that feels like I have sometimes walked into a big ol' cactus patch on the UPH forum & especially this thread??? Things sure do seem to have a regular habit/pattern of rather quickly downgrading/breaking-down into downright PRICKly behavior on any volatile subject instead of sticking to the issue at hand... :eek: :mad:

Is this really necessary & the only way us hunters can communicate with each other every time we don't happen to see eye to eye??? Sheez, feels like a canine pissing/marking match with snarling, toothy fights & a whole lotta hackles-raised/butt-sniffin breaking out everywhere like a bunch of bad-genetics bird dogs. Sure glad I'm a lab man, I don't really care much for pitt bulls & rottweiler antics...:cheers:
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Good post HHR. Guess it irks me a little people can't carry a conversation on without someone bitching about beating a dead horse. Heres a clue why read this thread if you think it is dead? Personally I think there are some guilty parties reading EP's points and they don't want to hear about it any more.