NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

Going to have to wait and see I guess. Mother Nature throwing a nice curve ball. Friend around Dighton said he had about 6 inches Sat but it was melted off and then they got around a foot with high winds starting Sat evening or late afternoon into Sunday. Snapped all the cedar tops in the tree rows. It will be a muddy mess for a while.Jury is out on the wheat.
Another 0.65" this morning.

People are seeing and killing rattlesnakes, even one out west in the snow.
That's the picture I was talking about. I have been looking for them. It was last April, like maybe the 20th that my bird dog got bit by a big one. I think with the ice, snows, rains, that it will again move some of them out of the dry creek channels. I am still sporting my Muck boots as it is really sloppy yet. As soon as it drys up I will probably be constantly wearing my snake gaiters.

This morning was another blessed morning at the Ponderosa. The turkey, quail and pheasants were feeling especially good this morning. No time today to check the leks for chicken. I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to enjoy and engage all the beauty and the critters at the Ponderosa for most of my lifetime. It is my little slice of heaven here on earth.

Blessings to all.
Those are great thoughts Maynard. How do you feel about the condition of the wheat around dodge and how the pheasant nesting will fare as a result of the storm? I'm gathering that there was a bit less snow around dodge (although still significant). We hunt with family friends around dodge every fall and last fall I was able to get my 8 year old son out during the youth weekend and I'm hoping the nesting success is still decent. We had a blast and he shot a ton of shells and was fortunate enough to take a quail. That's all we brought home on the weekend but he will never forget the dozens and dozens of roosters and multiple coveys of quail that he got to shoot at.
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It varies quite a bit. I am in Garden City frequently and it is really bad there. Haven't been west of Garden. In the Dodge City area there are fields that don't seem to have been affected much and others pretty much laying on the ground. I think a lot of that depends on the maturity of the wheat, the taller headed wheat took a real hit, and the later wheat that was shorter and not as far along fared okay I think.

Not related to the snow, but there is a strip to the southwest of Ness City that the insurance adjusters have already released to plant milo on. This was a drought area that the wheat never got the moisture that was so prevalent all around.

My suggestion to those having private land to hunt in Western Kansas to check with the operators to see how the wheat harvest and bird hatch is faring. Just a few miles may make all the difference in the world.

Glad you had a good outing last year and hope you have another this season.

0.30" at the Ponderosa early this morning. Wish I had my spring planted deer food plots in the ground.
Saw some wheat that went down in this mornings' rains. I should be in Garden tomorrow and I will look at the fields from the highway. I have seen some wheat swathed around Dodge, but it may have been planned for hay.
Dumped another 1.15" from the gauge Wednesday morning from the Tuesday evening storms.
since this is weather related, you all keep your eyes to the sky this PM. Looks like it might get dicey tonight.

Today and tonight!! Hope it doesn't pan out and the early storms ruin it for the later storms. Mother nature can be unforgiving at times!! Keep a eye to the sky!
One of my students lost their home on Tuesday to a tornado. We also had a couple of faculty and staff members whose family had homes destroyed. Looks like we are in the bulls eye again. Lightening and thunder as a type. Doesn't look good.