New member
Dewey, you averaged 17.6 with the 6.2L pickup, towing? That's really good. And your buddy averaged 8?? Seems like something is wrong there. On the average is 16-17 mpg for the RAM 5.7L, not towing.
My 6.2 isn't even working with sleds on back, it will actually go into v 4.
Now my buddy I've only known for 9 years and in that time he's had 5 rams one was around that blue tech diesel time, nothing but problems. Since then he's had 4 hemis and not ones been worth a shit, only reason he continues with them is something with work.
My brother in law leases a ram and he can only ave 15 empty, lots of road noise, I don't think the die hard dodge boys will agree with any of this but go for a ride with them and then things change, excuses and pulling in 4th gear then more excuses!
I've only heard 3 people complain about their Eco boost other than that Id say that's the truck I see the most pulling 25'+ campers in the different camp grounds.