My Brother


New member
So my brother says he throws in the towel cause he thinks bird hunting is a dieing sport. Now hes trying to sell me how much waterfowl is a good thing. Here we go. I'm still bird hunting.
Waterfowl tastes like its name, unless you can cover it up with marinades, soup and bacon......but why wreck the bacon?
Waterfowl tastes like its name, unless you can cover it up with marinades, soup and bacon......but why wreck the bacon?

as a matter of fact, last night over some really good looking company and some home made wine, we had duck wraps. a slice of pepper, slice of mallard (corn fed) slice or mango wraped in a small piece of bacon and grilled. NO, we did not ruin the bacon bucko

Why I don't think it is a dying sport, it is a concern pheasant numbers are so low. This makes some hunters not want to walk 5 miles to get a bird. I have some friends who have stopped chasing birds all together, due to low numbers. Get him out opening weekend and get on some birds and he will change his tune.
Nothing wrong with duck hunting around here, especially if you like leaving the house at 0100 hours just so you can get a decent spot, enjoy sitting in the dark for hours, don't mind getting crowded by those who arrive at shooting time, and can tolerate sky-busters or those who shoot at birds you're working over your spread. On the plus side, there are more birds. I even had somebody take a dump on my decoy bags one time because I evidently beat him to his preferred spot; that was the straw that broke the camel's back (and likely his had I caught the asshat.). Me, I'll stick with pheasant hunting.
Nothing wrong with duck hunting around here, especially if you like leaving the house at 0100 hours just so you can get a decent spot, enjoy sitting in the dark for hours, don't mind getting crowded by those who arrive at shooting time, and can tolerate sky-busters or those who shoot at birds you're working over your spread. On the plus side, there are more birds. I even had somebody take a dump on my decoy bags one time because I evidently beat him to his preferred spot; that was the straw that broke the camel's back (and likely his had I caught the asshat.). Me, I'll stick with pheasant hunting.
By the time the sun comes up,I have wrung out from the dunking, and want breakfast and a nap. I thank heaven I didn't shoot, because I really don't want to clean one, and make an elaborate culinary delight so we can fool the casual diner at the dinner table:cheers: Always think quail!
Quail work, when I can find them . . . as do huns & grouse.
I'm 64 years old, I reckon I'll bore ya'll with a whole lot of wild upland gamebird pics once again.:eek: Limits yeah, at least part of the time. :)
Got to go out and get after it. Know the habitat, know what the wild birds like.
Undisturbed areas, LOTS of woody cover, that's where to look for the pheasants. And of course the prairie grouse and Huns. Good Hunting for sure for those who want to work at it a bit.:cheers:
tell your brother thank you from me 1 less hunter that means more birds for me to hunt in nebraska!!! i plan to travel 6-9 hours from mn to hunt prairie grouse quail and pheasants in the cornhusker state why a resident would quit upland hunting in ne is just ridiculess...lazy does some it up...

i fall into the oppasit group i gave up waterfowl hunting to chase upland birds???

everytime u shoot a limit or even 1 pheasant quail or grouse id send a pic to ur brother to rub it in... there is always sd pheasants i mean ne does border sd pack the dogs up and ur bro and head north west it sure beats crying there is no birds thats just b/s or somebody who does not know upland birds and there habitat or wear to hunt at very least...???
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Nothing wrong with duck hunting around here, especially if you like leaving the house at 0100 hours just so you can get a decent spot, enjoy sitting in the dark for hours, don't mind getting crowded by those who arrive at shooting time, and can tolerate sky-busters or those who shoot at birds you're working over your spread. On the plus side, there are more birds. I even had somebody take a dump on my decoy bags one time because I evidently beat him to his preferred spot; that was the straw that broke the camel's back (and likely his had I caught the asshat.). Me, I'll stick with pheasant hunting.

You gotta be $hitting me someone did that:( I always say hunters are their own worst enemies because guys keep doing stupid stuff to land owners and other hunters:confused: I'm more of the lone hunter brothers ok group hunting most times suck.
You gotta be $hitting me someone did that:( I always say hunters are their own worst enemies because guys keep doing stupid stuff to land owners and other hunters:confused: I'm more of the lone hunter brothers ok group hunting most times suck.

we have been through this before, really too bad, but it was the local hunter's that do this stuff, as us, from out of state know better. bottling wine today, happens to be nectarine, oughta be here

If I'm lyin' I'm dyin' Cootie. I gave-up duck hunting after that. Decided that I hunted to relax, not to be frustrated & to endure asinine actions performed by others.
A trip to SD for pheasants should disabuse him of the notion that the sport is dying. :D
"So my brother says he throws in the towel cause he thinks bird hunting is a dieing sport. Now hes trying to sell me how much waterfowl is a good thing. Here we go. I'm still bird hunting."

I don't know my anatomy really well but aren't ducks birds? What is the difference? You shoot them when they are flying. Sometimes you have to get up early to pheasant hunt as well. I say let him go, more birds for us!
If I'm lyin' I'm dyin' Cootie. I gave-up duck hunting after that. Decided that I hunted to relax, not to be frustrated & to endure asinine actions performed by others.

Yep. Almost got shot by some wingnut who put out an illegal decoy spread at Willard Bay in Utah. That did it for me. Last time I ever went waterfowling. Every group has it's rotten apples though; I doubt pheasant hunters are immune.
I imagine you Midwestern guys got spoiled with all those years of good hunting. Come out west and hunt some pheasants and you'll appreciate what you have I'm sure.