Missing WIHA parcels...

Being that I'm a non resident I am hesitant to open my mouth on this issue, but I will say that I wonder that if everyone resident, and non-resident, paid say a twenty dollar fee to hunt WIHAs and got a special permit to do so, AND the funds so raised be ABSOLUTELY designated towards the farmers who commit their ground to the program...with there being some fairly minimal requirements from the farmers to provide some minimal cover belts and food plots on said property. I'd have no problem paying something like that as part of licensing.

I can certainly understand farmers not wanting to be bothered with being prepared to go to the door everytime somebody comes to ask permission, and I also understand their attraction to knowing WHO is going to be on their property and WHO was the one WHO either broke the fence or left the gate open.

It is a shame that some hunters do not respect the property and the blessing they have of having been granted access to someone's private property. Those who act shamefully in this regard need to be horsewhipped or branded maybe. The system cannot be perfect because there will always be crooked folks trying to beat the system somehow and either get the pay without the honest effort to comply or get the hunting the same way. It works both ways. Even with the imperfections I would think it was way better than not! As with anything I guess the "policing of it" burns most of the money raised though. Another shame!

Can you even imagine the revenue that would come to your state or any state that could get a system worked out, that provided the habitat and therefore the game, to attract the groups of one or two hunters that would rent the motels, eat in the resturants, buy the gas, shop for needed groceries and last minute items at the stores, etc.,etc., etc. While we all look to economize it is still true that if we want to dance...the fiddler must be paid.

I know that driving as far as I did last year and finding not so many birds, I was discouraged about a return trip. I did not ask anyone for permission and hunted either state Parks or WIHA lands. It was my fault that I was intimidated and did not ask any one, although I did stop at one attractive farm to ask and found no one at home. I met one local guy by accident, and I deeply regret, that I did not join his group when he invited me! That was just plain stupid of me, and if I were to have a "do-over" I certainly would. I was trying to follow the map on the south side of Cedar Bluff S.P. and though I made the turns according to my map I ended up on private land by accident. I had just shot down a bird in some wheat stubble, when my wife, who was in my truck, called me on a two way radio, and said I needed to come to the truck because the owner was there, and said I was tresspassing! I unloaded my gun and came directly to meet him at my truck. When I showed him my map and the turns I had made he politely told me that I had turned too quickly and that there would have been a sign. He was right, as I discovered later, but I have to say that he was very, VERY nice about it and told me to go ahead and find my bird. I tried, but did not find it, though I had marked it well, too much time had elapsed, and the dog could not find it. I found my hull and picked it up by backtracking. The man, and I wish I could remember his name, had also graciously invited me to walk his ground with his group , but I was to embarrassed and declined. If he were to read this I'd like to thank him publically. I felt like he was just being nice, and thatI would have just been "horning in" or intruding further on their fun!

I'm sorry to make such a long post, but You guys there have a hunting paradise compared to GA. We have a good bit of public land, but it is managed for timber and much of our license money is siphoned off to other projects instead of game management! All the private land is leased or posted! Thank you for reading thus far and for your kind indulgence, and most especially those farmers willing to let strangers hunt their farms and those who cooperate with the WIHA program. I think "y'all" have a friendly, neighborly state, could use some more "grits" but still friendly! I like hash browns too though! LOL :)

:cheers:Excellent post my friend:thumbsup: I enjoyed every sentence of it. Your post wasn't "too long" for me.

I actually started a thread some time ago pertaining to a WIHA license to help improve the program. Many guys came back saying, "Your states public land is so much better than......you should be more thankful..." Well, I too am thankful for the opportunities in KS. I still think more $ is the key b/c $ talks and BS walks. The WIHA program, like CRP, will not survive against high commodity prices w/o more funding IMO.
i wonder if there is enough moisture in the ground to drill/plant wheat this fall? anyone know what the farmers are planning?.......next year's wheat crop could be even worse.

Yes, my dad's boss is making plans to drill wheat this fall....at least they were when I spoke to him a few days ago. Important note; they've had a couple of small showers when some other parts of SW KS weren't. I can't speak for any other areas.
I for one would be delighted to pay an additional stamp or fee to access WIHA. I too have commented many times that it would be a good idea, I would do it as a stamp. you could then elect to purchase a stamp or not, allowing people with private access to opt out. I do know Kansas has a voluntary contribution form in the WIHA booklet allowing donations to the program. Previously, many moons ago, Kansas had an upland habitat stamp, as Nebraska does now. I have been told by the KDWP that it is not possible to charge a fee under the federal grant provisions of the Program, but Colorado used to, until a couple of years ago. They claim WIHA is an "inclusive" program and a measley 10.00 fee discouraged sportsmen from using the program! If so, so much the better, in my opinion, make it 40.00 or a hundred and really discourage them! South Dakota doesn't apologize for charging 100.00 every 10 days and they don't seem to be short of pheasant hunters, or pheasants. I don't want Kansas to become South Dakota in all ways, ( a topic for another thread), but we as sportsmen need to acknowledge that the days of a free, or at least cheap lunch are gone. As always with the Pitman-Robertson act, and the USFG waterfowl stamp, it is up to us to volunteer tax our selves to acheive a long term solution. Money in Improvement and heightened interest out. Wax on, wax off!
BK, I liked you more with each paragraph! We need more folks like you INSTEAD of those individuals that are breaking the law and violating the sport that they SAY they love.

About the funding, it isn't as easy as just having a WIHA/habitat stamp. With the Pitman Robertson funds, whenever we increase "program income" ie the stamp, those additional funds come directly off of the PR cost match due the state. To say it more directly, when you add a $ that way, they subtract a $ from what we get from the feds. That is why oil leases are not wanted, timber contracts aren't used, etc. Yes, it limits what we can accomplish but, with government, there are always rules associated with receiving funds.

The next time you come to Kansas, call the local KDWP employees in the areas that you are considering, they will tell you if it's worth you time and will probably direct you to better parts of the state if it isn't.
Bknight, don't be hesitant to state those views. You are simply stating what many of us residents have felt for a long time. I do believe that permit fees are needed. I also feel that a raise in license fees are long overdue. South Dakota charges what they do because they can. I for one would pay 2-3 times what I do in license fees as a resident, if the money went to habitat improvement. I think a access fee for wih is a great idea. The thing that the politicians can't figure out is that if " build it they will come". If all the wih was plentiful and more productive in kansas, hunters would come here in droves regardless of cost of license fees. I go on a hunt to South Dakota a couple times a year. Although 115.00 for a license is a lot, it pales in comparison to food, gas, lodging of 6-700.00. That is without a trespass fee if needed. Higher fees will not keep hunters out if the hunting is good. Would somebody really not come here if wih had a 20.00 fee?
BK, I liked you more with each paragraph! We need more folks like you INSTEAD of those individuals that are breaking the law and violating the sport that they SAY they love.

About the funding, it isn't as easy as just having a WIHA/habitat stamp. With the Pitman Robertson funds, whenever we increase "program income" ie the stamp, those additional funds come directly off of the PR cost match due the state. To say it more directly, when you add a $ that way, they subtract a $ from what we get from the feds. That is why oil leases are not wanted, timber contracts aren't used, etc. Yes, it limits what we can accomplish but, with government, there are always rules associated with receiving funds.

The next time you come to Kansas, call the local KDWP employees in the areas that you are considering, they will tell you if it's worth you time and will probably direct you to better parts of the state if it isn't.

In my life I can't think of anything the Feds haven't managed to screw up by "managing" it with burecracy! This would be another fine example. Why can not the PR act be changed? It was a tax we decided to put on ourselves to aid wildlife! The government looks at it as their money when it was to be ours! Let your politicians know you want the system purified and you are willing to start with them if need be, to get it accomplished. It's like the, now, several generations of those who say, "I cain'ts work, I'll lose my check". It is my hope that the legacy of BO will be that America woke up under his reign ( no pun intended), and in turn started to "reign in" the Government instead of the other way around! I think that is our only hope, but this is not the place, and I'm preaching to the choir.

I posted on a message board in Ga about wanting to re-establish quail in a part of Ga that is devoid of them now. I was thinking a couple of pair on a sixhundred acre farm, that common sense would say was good quail habitat, and I was quickly advised that it would take hundreds of dollars and perhaps thousands of $ to do this, and many environmental studies as well as permits would be neccessary, and I would have to close the area to hunting at all for a few years! All this being necessary to import even a single pair of wild quail! The obvious answer then becomes ,well, just obvious! More and more it seems like we have been "educated beyound our intelligence" in this country! Certainly, it seems that way in D.C.! Government only grows more government, and is made up of the same people that cannot "govern" themselves without help from the government! Our Forefathers are rolling in their graves! Sorry for the rant, it just burns my rear like a hot grass fire about waist high! I get carried away!

Seems to me that we need to get about several million signatures on a petition to let the gov'mint know we want something done to take those regs away that make no sense! The Ultimate Pheasant Forum seems like a great place to do something like that. Hunters and fishermen and outdoors people need to stick together and unite our voices and maybe they will listen if we become a voting block that they fear! does anybody feel like they work for us anymore? I don't.
Bknight, don't be hesitant to state those views. You are simply stating what many of us residents have felt for a long time. I do believe that permit fees are needed. I also feel that a raise in license fees are long overdue. South Dakota charges what they do because they can. I for one would pay 2-3 times what I do in license fees as a resident, if the money went to habitat improvement. I think a access fee for wih is a great idea. The thing that the politicians can't figure out is that if " build it they will come". If all the wih was plentiful and more productive in kansas, hunters would come here in droves regardless of cost of license fees. I go on a hunt to South Dakota a couple times a year. Although 115.00 for a license is a lot, it pales in comparison to food, gas, lodging of 6-700.00. That is without a trespass fee if needed. Higher fees will not keep hunters out if the hunting is good. Would somebody really not come here if wih had a 20.00 fee?

I spent close to a K in gas alone last year (round trip), a good bit more in camping fees, eating out, shopping, license fees and had my truck serviced in Dodge City. The trip costed close to two K in all not counting wear on my truck and tires. I killed two pheasant and one quail in Kansas! Those were pretty expensive birds! I can still say that I enjoyed my trip because it was about sightseeing camping and quality time with my spouse and my dog! I will do it again. If I can figure out how to post a picture I'll show you a picture I think is beautiful here with! It is one of the things I loved about the trip! Same view minutes apart. Gorgeous view IMO!
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BK....excellent post sir!

I have been hunting Kansas for over 15 years.....and as a non-resident I appreciate the opportunity the Kansas provides!

As we all concur.....about the problems we bird hunters face.
A habitat stamp and a WIHA access fee would be great to see....Especially if the funds went directly toward habitiat and the landwoners!

I grew up in Nebraska and I recall always buying a stamp for pheasant and quail hunting.....

I know there would be much red tape.....as Troy pointed out. But I am all for any increased fees that would benefit birds, habitat, landowners and help the future of our blessed sport!

Have a great weekend all....

Go Huskers!
with BB integrating KDWP into the tourism realm, i would have doubts on how additional fees might be spent.
the pheasant hunting here has never been on par with SD, good, but not great......start charging SD fees and the big money draw from NR's would be reduced, especially in this economy of "hope and change"!
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with BB integrating KDWP into the tourism realm, i would have doubts on how additional fees might be spent.
the pheasant hunting here has never been on par with SD, good, but not great......start charging SD fees and the big money draw from NR's would be reduced, especially in this economy of "hope and change"!

I'm sorry I do not know what "BB" is. When I know what it is, I will still wonder whywhy is it being combined and who decided to do it and to whom are they answerable? Today the "squeaky wheel" seems to get the grease.
Heck, I used to be able to stay within a 10 mile radius of Scott City (hometown) & easily enjoy a bunch of wiha; my county has dropped drastically.