Simple acid test for "Big Ag" producer, quality of life is defined as a new piece of equipment, a new Chevy truck in the driveway, a trip to a warm climate to spend the winter, a fatter bottomline, even if it's pennies, paying $5000.00 + per acre of ground. At the possible expense of a pheasant in a hedgerow, hereing a lark sing on a warm spring morning, the joy of a clear pool in a fish filled stream, listening to the breeze rustle through the cattails, watching the leaves and prairie grass turn colors with the seasons. I say possible expense, because we can't prove that the acts of any one producer dozing the hedgerow led to the death of the lark or pheasant, or the drain tile caused the stream to silt in, or that the very atrazine applied by any one individual family farmer, caused cancer in the lady 100 miles down stream, or the roundup caused genetic deformity in the local frogs. Those are just the breaks of life, for which no individual has responsibility. But the new chevy, and fatter wallet on the other hand, now that's tangible benefit, after all you can take it with you when you die, can't you? besides you gave $50.00 to the american cancer society, two years ago, and $50.00 to pheasants forever just last year, even put a bumper sticker on the new chevy, and ate at the banquet. I set aside 100' by 100' patch of perpendicular goat pasture in CRP after the government paid me for it, especially since it was nearly usless and the silly government paid me more than it earned in 20 years previously. Surely I did my part, those birds can survive on that little patch of isolated, fragmented chunk, those city people, scientists, left leaning enviornmentalists, just don't understand the realities of country life, they are just day dreamers, out of touch with reality, they don't understand how resilient those birds are! Let some other chump provide for habitat, esthetics, heck that stuff doesn't make any money anyway, let somebody else care for the sick, or cure cancer, heck we have professionals for that,it's their job! I don't know that lady downstream anyway, Mayo cured my 12 year olds leukimia, muttered something about ground water, but I was watching my corn futures so I didn't really listen. Fire when ready, Griswold.