PEACE OUT on this particular thread dudes, it's hopeless!!!

Except for my one & only suggestion (& I'm quite sure that there are several other options available in the New England area), it seems there has been any-&-every-thing but a straitforward answer to the original poster's simple question. I do not recall him anywhere asking for everybody's opinion of whether he should pay to hunt or not??? Way to hijack a man's thread & turn it upside down on his head...All this cacophony doesn't exactly shine the friendliest or best of light on UPH for a newbie or passing visitor.
Why on earth other than jealousy or possessiveness would anyone begrudge a man who says he would like to spend some of his own hard-earned money however he chooses for access to a first-time (& perhaps one-time only) "cloud of pheasants" experience as an out-of-stater who is simply not privileged with the option of what some of you seem to hoard & gloat over or take for granted???
Like I said, I have also noticed quite clearly that the "matter-of-principle" at hand hasn't bothered a single one of the anti-pay-to-hunt howlers or preachers enough to step forward & say, "Hey dude you don't have to do that. Come on up & I'll show you a cloud or two of pheasants free-of-charge alongside me!" And yet somehow you manage to see yourselves as totally different from all those bad, mean "greedy landowners"...
Yeah, I know the type well! Southwest ND was not very friendly to me at all on my first pheasant-hunting excursion as an outsider knocking on doors to gain free-access & I also got an earful about it from a lot of sw ND landowners (not just the pay-to-hunt operations) as to why - they told me that yrs of constant abuse & being run over roughshod specifically by the LOCAL/RESIDENT entitlement crew is exactly the reason they no longer up their land to anyone!
Thank God I was finally able to win over a few of them & get to know some incredibly fine ND folks with continued access to hunt their land to this day, both paid & non! Good Day Gents... :cheers: