Does anyone have a good suggestion on Pay to Hunt in SW ND for one day, Wednesday October 19, 2011? I understand that is how it is done, usually, in that part of the State. We are looking for the "clouds of wild birds experience".
Thanks for your help.
I don't have a problem with anyone hunting however they see fit (& just for the record, I don't pay either), but since the above direct-question was clearly the intent by the original poster of this thread, I was just trying to stay on track & answer the question. I don't really see the need for a sermonizing tirade against the poor man's question - perhaps there just needs to be a totally separate thread started up by one of you guys against the evils of paid hunting.
I do find several things implied so far to be a bit ironic: As to "cultivated" birds, every single rooster in this country has been cultivated in one way or another because there were ZERO native to North America before we brought 'em over & they don't tend to take root well where the habitat is not constantly "cultivated" to their liking (thriving best nationwide in the same basic mosaic/mix of corn, wheat, CRP grass, shelterbelts, ect - regardless of who is paying for it & why). Secondly, pheasant-hunting is a fairly expensive sport any way you look at it whether you purchase & manage your own land, pay outright for the privilege or burn up years worth of miles and gasoline & bust your @$$ scouting and knocking on doors like I have to find the kind of freelance honey-holes I have slowly accumulated. Avoid the fuzzy math & you will quickly conclude that no method of pheasant hunting is "free" or cheap - unless you happen to be one of the very few lucky enough to live right down the road from a friend or landowner & can simply mooch.
Lastly, if you peruse a little further down Hunting For Humanity's page you will easily find this which I simply copied & pasted straight from their website:
Some lodging available
Managed hunts - $180/hunter/day-Oct
Managed hunts - $150/hunter/day-Nov.
Managed hunts - $120/hunter/day-Dec/Jan.
Umm, that would be for guys like me who just want to be turned loose with their dogs & not have a bib put on them & their @$$ wiped for them (that type of pampered hunting always comes with a rather hefty fee)...AND, notice the downward sliding scale as the season progresses - of course the Oct beginning/opener of the season is rightfully-so gonna be more expensive (I am not even allowed to set foot on some of my best FREElance properties until the landowner, friends, family & yes sometimes paying customers have had first crack - but there are always plenty birds left over & in fact my best hunts are usually late in the year when the snow flies anyway).
I have no connection whatsoever to Hunting for Humanity & am not trying to sell anyone or anything - other than I just met them one time, hunted with them & REALLY LIKED both them as people & the definite clouds of pheasants I experienced - they just happened to be who immediately came to mind in the exact New England area where the original inquirer above was specifically asking about.
As to any $250-300 a bird (if you want to count it strictly that way), there are MANY places a man can do that outright in ND, SD, KS & all the rest to the tune of $700-$1000 per day all-inclusive with meals & lodging...Not my cup of tea either, but I begrudge no man who wants to pay his own hard earned money for a vacation with the full VIP experience (which usually comes with turned-down sheets, steak dinner, hot tub, bird cleaning, ect, ect, ect)...
Sheez dudes, nobody asked any of you to pay one red cent for anything or even to go pheasant hunting at all if you don't want to. How bout we just answer the man's question & not castigate him for asking... If that doesn't work, how about one of you with all that free access to clouds of pheasants simply share the privilege with him, me or ALL the rest of us free-of-charge??? Yeah, that's what I thought...
