lets help the vikings

I think with the massive brain power on this forum we could really help the vikings win a superbowl. A person that picks someone up at the airport is a taxi driver not an NFL coach. See how easy it will be to help. How about more ideas.:)
Bring back the days of Stick-um. ala Oakland Raiders in the 70's.

AP should hold a football 24/7. Sleep, eat, shower, Drive.... ;)
I bet bigfoot don't share his food with others. So the quarterback could learn something from that what I don't know though.
A new stadium with a tilting field instead of a retractable roof.
See? From end zone to end zone. Change of quarters tilt in Vikes favor.
Running down hill always.:cool::10sign:
Best thing the vikings could do is get rid of farve. He's ruined so many talented teams chances of going to the superbowl, because of stupid plays.He thinks its all about him. Really with the talent on the vikings any qb could of done what he done this year. I believe TJ was 6-0 end of last year. They benefitted from an easy schedule. All the other north teams are rebuilding for the future. Vikings old qb theory has never worked.
I dissagree with you on this one. This was the best season he has ever had, he may have very well won the big one if not for all the dirty ileagal hits the Saints put on him,It was pretty clear of their intentions, the trouble with that is most times players don't forget, and when they play again, they useualy get paid back.They were fined for it but not penalized. I think if he comes back he could go back to putting the woopen on them they should have had. I would have no doubt he would be able to lead them all the way again. Some of those washed up QB's as you call them put up the best seasons in NFL history, they did not do that by being bad. Only one team is happy at the end of the year, that does not mean the rest of the NFL teams suck, they all have tallent.
I'm with FCS.
All us Vikes fans should hope for Favre 1 MORE YEAR!! Think about the + & -.
All that experience. And for sure the Vikes had the best talent in the NFL, all back [I hope] including Brett. Sure he can't run. That's a little scary.

That's why I think it would be REALLY cool to have Michel around, have him handy for a quick shuffle pass or a draw, wildcat. Man I'm tellen ya. Some fun!

NO WAY do the vikings go to the championship this past season without Favre.

Not with TJ, not with Rosenfels. Sorry, Farve has something neither of those two have and that is the ability to read defenses. He may be old, but far from washed up. You take the good and you take some of the bad with Favre, but you know that going in. I honestly think that if Peterson would have been more effective last season, then Favre wouldn't have had to put so much pressure on himself to win it with his arm. He's a competitor and that's what we like about him.
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As a packer fan I know he's a great player, but I would be scared of the age in general. Maybe they know sage and tj don't have what it takes but its to risk for them to rely on favre and no backup plan. mcnab,or vick would be great insurance policy. Then if they can draft a qb. Why keep sage and tj if you think they can't play.
Now thats a good point, There just were no better options out there, when Bret came along it was a no brainer, thats the only spot they were missing and they proved that. But if one of those others you talk about come up, I think they might make a play for them and Bret for a year too. Now that would be sweet. They will most likely get rid of the Rose if they get one of those two. TJ, just drop his pay to min wage. Trade AP for a bunch of 1st rounders and were in business for the long hall. You never know in this game.
I see 2 things wrong with the Vikes. One, there O line could be stronger. The Saints game proved that. Other than the front 4 on the Defense. I don't see a lot real big help. They allowed far to many points to be scored against them. The Special teams are joke. Bret gets a touch down and S Team lets them run it back 50 yards or more on the kick-off. They need help in a lot of places in my book.........Bob
Granted the Vikings choke in the big ones and maybe they have some weaknesses and you can make fun of them all you want, BUT since the early 70's the Vikes have always been a pretty competitive team year after year. Rarely have they ever had a really down year. They have always won their share of games and given us fans something to cheer about. That's a whole lot more than many of the teams in the NFL can say. Even though the Saints have now won a Super Bowl I wouldn't trade the last 40 years the Vikes have had with the Saints. Remember when the Saints fans were wearing paper sacks over their heads. Viking fans never had to do that! :D
There are a quite a few old veteran QB's around the league playing back up.
If Favre decides not to come back look for the Vikes to add another Frerotte type QB.