In order for us rooster hunters and such with dogs (heck I probably wouldn't have ever gone bird hunting if I didn't have a dog anyway)...we should be more respectful of the place we are staying and that starts with being a responsible dog owner.
If you have a GOOD WAY TO SECURE YOUR DOG IN A LOCKED KENNELso the dog doesn't get stolen (as in a big enough dog box, secured down in the back of the truck or SUV and a lock on the door)....wouldn't work for your plain airline kennels.
I tell you, I don't bring my dogs into the room unless it is bitter cold and windy. And I definitely don't do it until I am back from dinner or whatever and have aired them and they are fed.
I guess I am old school. Yea, they work hard and hunt hard, however they are dogs.
I learned from an ole pro gun dog trainer while stationed up in Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, AK.
Up there, dogs get used to the cold, sleeping in it, training in it, hunting in it, etc....put some good straw down, keep them dry and plenty of water.
I learned a trick from him. I feed my dogs once a day, in the evening. When I feed them while hunting, I pour water in their bowl with their food.
I guess I get tired of seeing guys baby or pamper their dogs when they are hunting dogs....Just my thoughts,
If you have a GOOD WAY TO SECURE YOUR DOG IN A LOCKED KENNELso the dog doesn't get stolen (as in a big enough dog box, secured down in the back of the truck or SUV and a lock on the door)....wouldn't work for your plain airline kennels.
I tell you, I don't bring my dogs into the room unless it is bitter cold and windy. And I definitely don't do it until I am back from dinner or whatever and have aired them and they are fed.
I guess I am old school. Yea, they work hard and hunt hard, however they are dogs.
I learned from an ole pro gun dog trainer while stationed up in Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, AK.
Up there, dogs get used to the cold, sleeping in it, training in it, hunting in it, etc....put some good straw down, keep them dry and plenty of water.
I learned a trick from him. I feed my dogs once a day, in the evening. When I feed them while hunting, I pour water in their bowl with their food.
I guess I get tired of seeing guys baby or pamper their dogs when they are hunting dogs....Just my thoughts,