How do you treat/take care of your dogs while hunting

Fenway there was a very large study done by Purdue University on bloat risk factors and steps to take to minimize the risk. I am always very concerned because my dogs build makes him more at risk. If you do a google search for the Purdue bloat study you will find the info.

Now only while hunting I agree it is better to feed only once vs right before but for day to day one big meal is more of risk.

thanks I'll look in to it.
I agree with everything you say except for the aspirin. It's not good for dogs stomachs and there are much better alternatives like Rimadyl and others. I've talked with four vets on this subject and all agree that they would rather see a dog on Rimadyl or similar and none of them recommend aspirin.

Thanks for the tip... I'll look into it. :thumbsup:
When on the road I like the dogs at my feet at night, the wife is not there to keep my feet warm. Some times they like 2 eggs over easy, links and toast with crispy hash browns or just an omlett. Either this or a roast beef comerical they like with the dry food.:D They love the fluffy fresh towels and blankets I put in there crates. I do not let them lick me on the face however after drinking hotel toilet water. And they do love the xtra pillows I have the attendant drop by.:thumbsup: You do have to watch Odie so he does not get the coors light.
Dog care

My dog ( GWP) is to big for a regular airline kennel. I have gone to a dog
Hammock for the back seat of my truck. Works out real well. Available at most
Pet stores and on line. Prices range from $25to$100:10sign:
I treat my dog like a hunting bud should be.. I dont even have a kennel he rides in the cab in the seat... After all he dose more work in the feild then I do... I mean you wouldnt leave your gun out in the rain would you?
@epm - I thought I was the only one! Got the same problem - my dog would rather be around people & hunt than eat. I ALWAYS have a problem getting him to eat on overnite/multi-day trips. My first one from the same bloodlines was exactly like him. Puzzling to watch everybody else's dog beasting out at the end of the day while I have to coax mine...Oh well, better than a fat, lazy good-for-nothing dog & all he wants to do is lay around & eat! :D :thumbsup: :cheers:
I guess I get tired of seeing guys baby or pamper their dogs when they are hunting dogs....Just my thoughts

Yep, those are just your thoughts, and though you are welcome to 'em, some of us think differently. My dog is more than just a working animal - she's my constant companion. She's seen me through some tough times and shared some of the best times with me.

Not everyone gets emotionally invested in their pups, but those of us that do don't need anyone else judging us for it. I feed my pup when it's time to feed her, air her when she needs to be aired, don't let her mess up a hotel room, don't let her make unnecessary noise. Sounds like I'm just as considerate to others as you are.

What exactly am I doing that is so bothersome to you that you feel the need to state just how tired of it you are? Who are you to say that those of us that treat our pups as more than just working animals are doing something wrong?
My dogs are great companions just like everyone elses on here. My dogs are kennel dogs most of the time. But when we hunt they hunt hard. Their treat at the end of the day is to relax those sore bodies in the house. I usually let them stay in the house even a few days after hard hunts to let them feel good again. The only thing I noticed different from u guys is my dogs wont eat when being hunted. Especially if I am out of town. So what I do in the evenings is blend wet food with the typical dry food and they will eat extremely well. If I dont mix in wet food they will go days without eating. SO this is my little trick to know they get a good meal. Also my dogs are getting older so I give a rimadyl in the morning and one in the evening to help with all of the aches and pains of getting older. Good luck out there!!!!

EP you could check into some of the real good glucosamine products out there instead of the pain pill. Might save a few bucks and be a bit easier on the dog. Syn Flex and Eniva Professional hip and joint are good products.
Get ready to grumble.

My dog travels inside my truck. Everywhere. Every day of the year. Work, fun, whatever.

She stays inside any hotel room I ever stay in. I bring her own dog blankets and cover the motel bed SHE SLEEPS ON!:eek: While on hunting trips, she can even sleep on my bed if she wants to.

She gets fed three times as much food as she normally eats after a day of hunting. She gets fed 1/2 as much as she normally eats each morning before hunting. She is not just "a dog"------ She is MY DOG.

I don't doubt you are a fine dog owner, but a heads up on feeding before heavy exercise, it can be harmful, check into it.
Thanks FCS, My chiropractor just suggested those things the other day. She looked at my girl dog. Pretty cool to watch the chiropractor do the same things to the animal as they do u. I was impressed.
Cold Weather Gun Dogs

Great topic.....thanks for bringing it up. I transport my dog in the back of my truck under a camper shell. I put three folded up tarps down for insulation, a dog bed over that and several old bedspreads/towels on that for the dog to lay on. As you know, it gets cold in the back of a truck because it's surrounded by outside air. We have a couple of mornings coming up where it will be single digits on the trip out east. What do you guys think? Is the dog alright back there or do I need to add some heat on the subject.
My dog hunts way harder than I do so he gets the best of everything. He sleeps in my bed,Gets free choice of food,And rides in the cab of the truck. I take my dog everywhere with me, If its hot out I leave the AC on for him and in the winter heat if hes got to be in the truck for any length of time.
Thanks FC.
What do you think? Grace eats 3 cups food a day normally, 1 1/2 cups twice a day. Hunting, she gets 3/4 cup in the AM, usually at least an hour before hunting. Sometimes a couple hours before hunting. Then basially 4 cups or more after we are done. That little amount of food in the AM can be harmful?
Grace is 6 1/2 now, 7 hunting seasons under her belt. No ill effects yet from my feeding habits.
She does have this odd habit of throwing up almost 70% of the times we hunt. Always later in the day. It is tons of water basically as she drinks h2o all day long. Related?:confused: I've long since stopped worrying about it as it doesn't seem to be a problem. I just let her puke, and we keep hunting:D

I am no expert as a vet, but have a bunch of feed back from hundreds of people on dog crap, and I don't like to come across as a know it all. But every one I know and see training from pros,vets and armatures never feed in the AM, if your exercising the dog. Supposedly it can be related to bloat or knots in the digestive system. Caused by foam froth or what ever. Foamy liquid or even liquid being thrown up when you hunt all the time could be a sign to change something. That is not normal. For the dog to get the best out of the aerobic energy it is important to have the colon empty. If not it can cause extra crapping and bloody loose stools. With good food, there is no need to feed twice a day. It is easy to keep them at optimal weight feeding once a day. This is just my opinion. If my dogs don't get all the stool out before a run at a trial or hunting, it shows after the run or during a hunt offten, in loose stool every time. And they perform better if they don't have that loose stool.
Great topic.....thanks for bringing it up. I transport my dog in the back of my truck under a camper shell. I put three folded up tarps down for insulation, a dog bed over that and several old bedspreads/towels on that for the dog to lay on. As you know, it gets cold in the back of a truck because it's surrounded by outside air. We have a couple of mornings coming up where it will be single digits on the trip out east. What do you guys think? Is the dog alright back there or do I need to add some heat on the subject.

Home boy, how are ya, welcome to UPH.:thumbsup:
WE deal with this alot in MN and it would be better to get a porta kennel under the topper as well. Then put bedding in the kennel and wrap the kennel with a nice thick blanket, kennel jacket, or old sleeping bag. Then the dog will have it's body heat heating a small area instead of a big area. The topper is great as it is a nice shelter. I always keep a garbage bag of fresh dry bedding of sort with to change it out if it gets wet.:thumbsup:
Great topic.....thanks for bringing it up. I transport my dog in the back of my truck under a camper shell. I put three folded up tarps down for insulation, a dog bed over that and several old bedspreads/towels on that for the dog to lay on. As you know, it gets cold in the back of a truck because it's surrounded by outside air. We have a couple of mornings coming up where it will be single digits on the trip out east. What do you guys think? Is the dog alright back there or do I need to add some heat on the subject.

keeping the wind off the dog is the main thing.....i drove around SD and Kansas one season with my short haired vizsla in a kennel with just a jacket on it, in the back of my truck, front cover unzipped and open all the time, he was fine...don't forget to water the dog often, they dehydrate in cold weather too...probably have to keep the water jug inside the cab.
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Thanks FCSpringer and Hunter94

Just the kind of practicle info I needed. The wraped up crate is secured under my camper shell now. Me and Bruce will be headed out to Holyoke early Friday morning. The last thing I want to do is "not" take care of my dog.
agree.....except for an energy bar during the day, i only feed at night. i think that is pretty much the standard.
I found a new way to transport your dog!!

I recently attended a first aid clinic for sporting breeds and the subject came up amongst some of the atendees, the fact that one should not feed their dogs in am before hunting.
The 2 Vets that were conducting the seminar (also avid hunters) denied this myth to the hillt. To make their point, they asked how many in the group would start their days hunt with out breakfast. Not one person raised their hand....I think everybody got the point.
I currently own 7 dogs, my oldest will 13 in a couple months and will have atleast one more season in her. I have always fed my dogs in the morning and in the evening. As well they get a peanut butter sandwich for protein (this is the only time of the year they get people food) at noon and again at about 3pm.
While there are dogs in our group that their owners abide by the 1 day a meal for their dogs, (one of them even chastised me for feeding my dogs so much). Well guess what at the end of each day after huntng for 7-8 hours, while these other dogs eat and head straight for bed, my dogs still want to paly ball. By the third day while my dogs are still gung-ho for the next field their dogs either have to be coaxed out or just refuse. But they still chastise me for overfeeding my dogs. I just keep silent while their dogs do the same, while we go hunt the next field, their dog sits this one out.
I know this won't change anybody's opinion, but this has worked very well for me for going on 13 years and nobody will convince me to feed my dog once a day in the field.
Caveat; Several of the fellows in the group stated their dogs just won't eat in the morning they are too excited. The Vets went as far as to say "MAKE THEM" is that important. Mix whatever it is that they can't resist into their; raw egg, warm water...even as much as they hated to throw this one out....canned dog food. They could not express enough the importance of a good breakfast for hunter and dog alike.
Everybody has to do what works for them. These Vets just confirmed what I have been doing is exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

Happy Hunting!
gundogsrus I do like you do on feeding twice a day.My dog seems to do better this way.I keep in the cab of the truck with me too while I'm traveling.I have a crew cab now and she stays in the back seat and lays down and goes to sleep and is ready to go when we get to our destination...Phil