How do you feel about landowners charging to hunt their CRP, etc...

That poor farmer crap hasn't been true since Willie Nelson had a hit record. I wish I had every January, February, and March off work.

Wow. You kidding me?

I know plenty of farmers who work hard year round.
Farmers who have cattle especially.
That poor farmer crap hasn't been true since Willie Nelson had a hit record. I wish I had every January, February, and March off work.

Wow. You kidding me?

I know plenty of farmers who work hard year round.
Farmers who have cattle especially.

yes, niceshot has no clue.

wow really niceshot? you have no idea. ag fuel prices is more than gas, prices for equipment is outragous, grain market prices are ridiculous. as of last thursday or friday, prices for corn has dropped dramatically.

its funny how the govt can control fuel prices but the farmer cant sell his cows or grain for what he wants for them since the govt is the one who basically the buyer among private buyers.. and farmers cant set a price for their grain.

this is why 80% farmers that arent in generations and generations of farming have still old equipment trying to get by to survive another year. i know my neighbor still has a 176 John Deere 95 combine and a 1980 Gleaners L2. two OLD 1960s trucks to haul grain, has 200 heads of cattle and works alone. he works hard all year round PLUS he has sheeps which his wife helps exclusively. every year I go help him bc 200 for one farmer is alot of work when seperating/weaning calves. he would love to have a new 275,000 combine, or a brand new tractor.. but it isnt happening because of the market. it isnt like hes a business owner of AIG or GM fleet and fly off in a million dollar plane and get bailout money to go to jamaica for a weeks of vacations.

stop smoking mr willie's pot and open your eyes.

a picture of a combine even today he still uses and yes still runs.


and a picture of his newest combine he has 6 years ago. this picture is a rep photo of the model he has.

@niceshot - Oh boy, here we go again...Can't you even be NICE on a holiday & stop touting your ignorance. Do you even spend enough time afield to have ever met a real farmer? What planet do you live on??? :confused:
Up late, indigestion, too much turkey...

Interesting thread...

The crux of this discussion is what I dislike most about pheasant hunting since coming to the midwest 7 years ago.

I guess I call it my "private land" dilemma.

Other than the occasional access I receive as a guest through a hunting friend (I have a good bird dog-that sometimes gets me invites to hunt on the fancy private land), I have never had success knocking on doors out here in Iowa.

Trespass fees to hunt privately held land enrolled in federal programs funded with tax revenue paid for by you and me just doesn't seem right, and I won't be convinced otherwise. I do realize that these subsidy programs in concert with the agriculture can create the very optimal habitat mix for these birds to thrive.

The whole concept of trespass fees is really foreign to this guy who cut his teeth hunting the vast public forests of the northwoods and New England.

Trespass fees are leases, plain and simple. Just lease it to the highest bidder, waive the liability, and treat it like the business it really is. Bittersweet? You betcha.

So, I hunt public land nearly exclusively. I am hunting on land my license and taxes pay for. It works for me, I'm not at a financial station where I can shell out even $100/day in lease fees. This trespass fee business is no different than what has occured in Europe for 100s if not 1000s of years-the land wealthy (read that as it says, I know farmers are not all rich) end up controlling access to most, if not all hunting opportunties. Abundant public hunting is one of the things that sets our country apart from others. Capitalism is too, I don't have any problem with a landowner charging a lease fee or running a game farm, just if he receives a tax-funded subsidy that to great extent permits him to run that very portion of his business. The government payment should be waived or reduced if they lease the acreage for hunting or are running a game farm-both "for profit" enterprises.

However, despite my feelings, most-if not all-major business receive some form of tax funded subsidy, so this is really a moot point. The CRP programs, to my understanding, were conceived to take land out of production to control erosion and stabilize grain supply. That they benefited the pheasants is without question, and maybe that is the rub. Pheasant hunting land leasing is a side business of something that really was intended for other purposes; and that gets some of us taxpayer pheasant hunters without access to the game resource so plentifully created as a consequence of this agriculture program a little jealous.

Freedom is a great thing. The farmer can choose to enroll their land in walk-in style programs as they have in some states, lease it to hunters, or just farm it. Hunters can lease land or hunt public. In the end, I am just greatful that we have these freedoms.

The car analogy is ridiculous. :rolleyes:
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Would the pheasant be there if there was no CRP? No problem with the landowner doing what he wants with his land. However, I will not pay for a lease.
Rusty Trigger, I sympathize with the sentiment of not paying for leases. I think you Texans should all thank your lucky Lone Star, you're driving distance from Kansas, because you sure aren't shooting any pheasants, quail, ducks, deer, or anything else in Texas, without paying through the nose, or marrying right! Texas and Texans started all that lease nonsense in the first place. Disease spread from there.
Rusty Trigger, I sympathize with the sentiment of not paying for leases. I think you Texans should all thank your lucky Lone Star, you're driving distance from Kansas, because you sure aren't shooting any pheasants, quail, ducks, deer, or anything else in Texas, without paying through the nose, or marrying right! Texas and Texans started all that lease nonsense in the first place. Disease spread from there.

True True. And we say the disease spread is from California! At least the fishing is good and inexpensive.
nice shot come on down to the farm and help me enjoy my part time job. We didnt do anything today but feed ,build fence, work on the neighbors new 1967 john deere tractor, and pulled a dumb ass city boy "hunter" out of the pond. God where is Willie Nelson with that vacation money for me?
nice shot come on down to the farm and help me enjoy my part time job. We didnt do anything today but feed ,build fence, work on the neighbors new 1967 john deere tractor, and pulled a dumb ass city boy "hunter" out of the pond. God where is Willie Nelson with that vacation money for me?

i second that.
nice shot come on down to the farm and help me enjoy my part time job. We didnt do anything today but feed ,build fence, work on the neighbors new 1967 john deere tractor, and pulled a dumb ass city boy "hunter" out of the pond. God where is Willie Nelson with that vacation money for me?

Pulled out his truck, or the actual "hunter"? Sometimes it's hard to know where to drive in a pasture because there are no street signs.:laugh: Of course, if he walked into the pond and got stuck... well, that's another story.
Me thinks the man doth protest to much. (Willie Shakespeare)

If you are talking to Willie Shakespeare, would you send him my way, I'd love a hired hand that didn't complain about the chores I gave him to do. :) Besides that the winters are shorter here than in Iowa.:):)
ever since his quoting william Shakespeare, he hasnt been back. i think he realize he dug his hole on this one.

i love it how people assume they know things such as farming and farm life when they have no clue at all.
Pulled out his truck, or the actual "hunter"? Sometimes it's hard to know where to drive in a pasture because there are no street signs.:laugh: Of course, if he walked into the pond and got stuck... well, that's another story.

Not even a truck. It was some weird looking BMW station wagon space shuttle thingy that had pink dices hanging from the rear view. Wish I would have taken a picture, cause you all aint ever seen such a rig for "hunting". To top it off he wanted me to wash off his back window because my old ford 460 may have thrown a tad bit of stinky mud on . I did point him in the right direction to a car wash.