CRP realities
CRP is set aside option to the landowner, not madatory. Established law in this country is private property is under the tresspass control of solely the landowner. As tapayers you pay subsidies on corn, wheat,and all other crops, called LDP's when prices get so low as to threaten the size of acreage planting, and lack of human and livestock food supply. Been that way since the 1930's in some form or other. Your reward for this is stable prices, and availability of commodities on store shelves, and a policy, though unstated, by all federal leadership during our lifetime, to keep farmers alive, sometimes barely, and keep food available and cheap to the voting public. Lots more hungry voters than farmers. As far as letting anyone hunt, or charging to hunt ground in a CRP program, there's no difference. All ground is virtually in some government program that is taxpayer subsidized, or at least implied some guarantee of some form. As with the soil bank before it, CRP, is first and foremost a savings plan, it saves soil erosion, improves water quality, reduces commodities, so that the government can rely on market value for commodities rather than pay LDP's. A few happy side affects are increased wildlife habitat, but not the real selling point. As far as CRP paying 30-40 dollars an acre, you guys need to wake up, CRP is set by county ag boards at supposedly market rent, currently. In some areas of Iowa it is way over 100.00 per acre, In Kansas I have customers getting 75.00. There are farmers/ranchers getting a whole lot less under the old contract, but those deals were made years ago,and were market value at the time. It's no different than selling your crop in the spring, only to find out it's worth more at harvest, ( like this year). most of the low value CRP should never have been tilled anyway. It's not stable, limited moisture, and yields a crop about 1 out of three years, SEE extreme western Ks, All of Eastern Co., parts of New mexico, parts of Texas panhandle. It's not corn ground unless irrigated, heavily, even then inputs to get your 5.00 per bushel corn will damn near break you, fertilzer, hybrid seed, pesticides, herbicides, anhydrous, not to mention fuel to plant and water to irrigate if you need to,andthere's still risk! CRP doesn't necessarily look so bad. Remember,farmers farm because they want to, nobody said they had to, anymore than you have to work a job you hate. If they don't like the problems, income, long hours, unpredictability,sell out and move to town, there's always a bigger fool to buy you out at a profit and take over, because the romance and appeal are very strong. Also,yes I am a landowner, a pheasant hunter, and I lease ground to hunt on. i reserve my ground for myself and friends, I do not sell access, but as stated before I do buy it.