How about going from smart phone back to basic phone..

I still have a dumb phone.....never went the smart route:eek:
Phones today are capable of so many things. I made the transition about a year and a half ago and I'll never go back to a basic phone. They are a little expensive with the calling plans, but I just cut out a few things to be able to afford it.
I still have a dumb phone.....never went the smart route:eek:

+1 I have no need for a smart phone. Have a laptop and 3g military grade phone that can handle being abused, have not seen a smart phone that can handle the abuse on my jobs.
Galaxy S5 comes out next month, pretty sure I will be a smart phone owner soon after that. My brother tells me you never know how much you will use it until you have that capability right there in your hands.
I like my no-phone. It never makes noise at inconvenient times and it's impossible for anyone to track (wife, gummint, zombies, etc). At $0/mo, the only way another phone would catch my attention is if I were paid to carry it:D

Unless your job requires you to have one or you're unable to walk to get help in the event of a break-down, try going without. I suspect it would be liberating and may even improve your posture.

My wife has a pre-paid phone that she likes to send with me on hunting hasn't proven useful a single time. I suppose it would be nice to have when stuck in places like the airport or Dr's office, but I'm not sure how one would add value to my life, outside of preventing boredom from time to time. Ahhh, maybe someday I'll catch up to the times; I sure hope not.

I hope you're happy with your decision, whatever it may be:thumbsup:
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We know a few people with smart phones. This is obvious,
They visit with while on their smart phones, they drive while on their smart phones, they watch TV while on their smart phones, they eat dinner, lunch, breakfast while on their smart phones, They shop while on their smart phones, do internet forums while on their smart phones, :eek:

Hunt while on their smartphones, I'll bet.
However NEVER with me, never. :cheers:

OK, I admit I am of an age that when I imagine a phone it is black, made of bakelite, and is by-and-large bulletproof. AND it is tethered to a wall near a small table with a chair near-by. I can picture it now.

But for a vast number of professions, it is everything from a communication tool to a customer service addition to a marketing tool to a technique for contacting loved ones when some issue arises or the darned kid is past their curfew.

However, about once a month I light a candle for the poor parents who are raising children in the ?11-21 years of life. Their phone bills are more than my first mortgage payment was.

I was in a profession where the phone was the enemy...and constantly disrupting continuity in project work, so I don't have any warm thoughts about them.

But like any drug, they can be abused.

You guys don't text pics of game or fish you got to the guys who couldn't make it?

Also when it's 34 out and it looks like it's going to start pouring but a bird is cackling in a distant draw you don't check the radar to see if the rain gear should come out?

Check hunting times when 1 mile from the truck where the regs are?

Look up the number from that great bar with the good burgers on the corner of main and state to ask how late they keep their grill open?

Surf the web when sitting in an outhouse in a national forest campground?
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You guys don't text pics of game or fish you got to the guys who couldn't make it?

Also when it's 34 out and it looks like it's going to start pouring but a bird is cackling in a distant draw you don't check the radar to see if the rain gear should come out?

Check hunting times when 1 mile from the truck where the regs are?

Look up the number from that great bar with the good burgers on the corner of main and state to ask how late they keep their grill open?

Surf the web when sitting in an outhouse in a national forest campground?

No. But we could! :)
I was the first kid I knew to have a cell phone. It was a bag phone that plugged into the cigarette lighter of my car and had a magnetic antenna that went on the roof of the car. It was so expensive that I wasn't allowed to use it, but mom got it for me to keep in the car in case of an emergency. I actually used it once or twice when my car broke down, but mostly I just held it up to my ear when I drove around the high school to look "cool". :laugh: I was in college when they came out with phones that fit in your pocket...

Smart phones are nice for getting information and playing playing Angry Birds while you take a dump. That's about the extent of their usefulness to me... :laugh:
I was the first kid I knew to have a cell phone. It was a bag phone that plugged into the cigarette lighter of my car and had a magnetic antenna that went on the roof of the car. It was so expensive that I wasn't allowed to use it, but mom got it for me to keep in the car in case of an emergency. I actually used it once or twice when my car broke down, but mostly I just held it up to my ear when I drove around the high school to look "cool". :laugh: I was in college when they came out with phones that fit in your pocket...

Smart phones are nice for getting information and playing playing Angry Birds while you take a dump. That's about the extent of their usefulness to me... :laugh:

I to was one of the first to have a car/truck phone. Same thing your talking about. As a building contractor and having a couple businesses going it was very useful.
I hated the thing though, always calls .
Employees used it more and more. Need something at the store, go out to eat tonight, blah, blah.
Very useful tool, pain in the Arce.
Can't imagine running a crew these days when everyone has a cell phone on them? :eek:

Oh yeah I have a cell phone, more junk on it then I need. Thing is sitting in my truck, dead and puppy chewed. :cheers:
I to was one of the first to have a car/truck phone. Same thing your talking about. As a building contractor and having a couple businesses going it was very useful.
I hated the thing though, always calls .
Employees used it more and more. Need something at the store, go out to eat tonight, blah, blah.
Very useful tool, pain in the Arce.
Can't imagine running a crew these days when everyone has a cell phone on them? :eek:

Oh yeah I have a cell phone, more junk on it then I need. Thing is sitting in my truck, dead and puppy chewed. :cheers:

On a side note, I'm afraid the kids are getting me a smart phone for my birthday. :confused::eek:
Change is hard, but one constant in this world is change. Not all change is bad. We used to use the bathroom that was outside and down a path, now it is behind a door in our house, that is a good change. Not all conveniences are bad. I fought the smart phone with the high monthly payments. But eventually caved and did you know that they have an app for just about everything. My buddy has a gps and a chip in his boat to guide him on the lake. Cost, $1,500 bucks. Same gps and chip on an app for my phone, $10 bucks. Sometimes they do save you money. But I still hate paying the bill every month.
I'm out there in the lonely minority with kansasbrittany - no cell phone at all. I heartily agree with him - I enjoy the independence from constant connectivity that cell phones bring. When I'm at work my email blips every few minutes - someone wants something from me. My phone (the one on my desk) summons me between the emails. So when I leave that office, especially if it's out to my beloved woods and waters, there's no phone involved. No checking in with work emails. No nagging call-backs from the wife to unclog a toilet. No friends calling to say that they're going to be late to get to the boat launch (they know - be there on time or fish from shore!). But yes, it's true, I'm afraid that if the weather forecast changes, I won't know until I see the stormclouds gathering, and that's just fine with me. And I get turned around in the woods, I won't be able to call home, or search and rescue, or download a gps app - living unthinkably on the edge, but today's standards!
Most of my MT hunting is where there is no cell phone.
Is there service for the smart phones everywhere?
Still wouldn't carry the dang thing with me. Back at camp, could check in with the Wife, weather etc without going to phone service.