Still might be to early to tell. But our hatches look pretty lousy. When I see hens its usually one to two chicks or nothing at all. Josh Melby had a write up in the Yuma Pioneer a week or two ago about all the wildlife in general. His outlook was gloomier than mine. So for what its worth ur gonna earn ur birds out here this year.
That's why I am headed to South Dakota for the first time ever. I have a hook up finally up there. We still plan on going out to Kansas in early January, but not opening day here in Colorado. Y"all have fun....
Lets just hope we have a wet fall and then some good snow this winter in the mountians, otherwise we will all burn up next summer
Nice try with your lousy forecast Engpointerman!! Us city slickers will be out there in droves regardless of your attempts to keep all of the birds to yourself!!
That's a scary looking map; I feel for the folks in Nebraska and Kansas. Few birds and lots of burrs. Even up in the mountains where I'm at (just under 10,000 feet) 12 hours after a rain driving on any forest road kicks up a dust cloud. Looking at what I spent on gas last year this might be a good year to join a hunting preserve.
I just talked to the farmer who lets me hunt out in Holyoke. He said its going to be "terrible" hunting this year and we're gonna have to walk a long ways to find a bird. He's only seen 3 small clutches of chicks and they're grazing the CRP to keep the cattle alive. The weeds never grew and the wheat was short, so the stubble is also. At least he has 3 irrigated pivots that might hold some birds in it. The area up the Poudre Canyon where I deer hunt got torched by the High Park fire and the pheasants are taking a beating. Maybe Cabelas in Sydny will be having some good sales. Oh, well.
I got some real good soaking rain Wednesday. I had so much in the bed of my truck it clogged the drain holes in the bed and I had to clean them out and the water came out like a waterfall.
Hopefully we will get some more of this type of moisture this fall.