Has anyone ever limited out on pheasant and quail in the same walk in field?iq

What's anybody's longest streak on quail? or doves?
:rolleyes: I bet mine isn't longer than 2 or 3 tops. Not long enough to even keep track really.

Before the season's over, I will try to take a limit of canada geese in 3 shells. Should be easy, but I can't ever remember doing it.

Shot a limit of doves (10) with 13 shells once. Shot 7 quail one day out by myself, got back to the truck and emptied my vest and only had 9 hulls (all my empties go in my vest). My brother still doesn't believe me to this day but it really happened. Then again I've had days where I've shot shell after shell at doves and quail without ever drawing a feather.:eek: I say if you're going to miss miss clean.:D:cheers:
My son had a streak of 12 doves in a row without missing.
I had a long string of quail shot over point Ace's first season.
Currently I am on a streak on pheasants, 1 in a row :rolleyes:
What's anybody's longest streak on quail? or doves?
:rolleyes: I bet mine isn't longer than 2 or 3 tops. Not long enough to even keep track really.

Before the season's over, I will try to take a limit of canada geese in 3 shells. Should be easy, but I can't ever remember doing it.

I got 7 quail in a row one morning when I was in college. Then I emptied the gun (Over/Under, so only two shots) on a covey rise without drawing a feather. I have had a triple (I use an automatic for waterfowl) on Canada geese.
birds in a row

so far this year i am at 15 straight roosters using my 14 ga. muzzle loader, the best streak i ever had with a shotgun was 29 roosters with 31 shots, don't think my runs on dove or quail are very good, 3 for 3 with the 14 ga. on turkey but then they were not flying
6 pointed quail in a row, with my 20ga. 870 back in HS. 7 roosters killed in a row without a miss, using my 12ga. 870 in my early 20's. Now I own a little "nicer" gun and my efficiencies plummeted. I believe 3 or 4 is my longest dove streak.

I know for a fact that this year's dove opener saw me shoot 15 times before I finally connected with one:eek: That is some SAD shootin' and/or poor shot selection!!
Doves was 14 in a row, then proceeded to shoot 20 shells before my last dove fell!!!! Public area and when I walked out guys were saying that they thought I had limited a long time ago!!! Then I told them of the 20 shell bird!!!:eek:
I think the best I have ever done is 5 quail and a couple of pheasants. I personally shot a limit ( roosters only) in Iowa less than ten minutes after shooting time started. Many limits in SD in one field. I have witnessed a couple of real cool things over the years:

1. 1980 in Phillipsburg kansas when my dad was still alive, and I still hunted with a large group opening weekend. Was hunting with a guy that couldn't hit a barn wall from the inside with all the doors closed. Everybody was giving him crap. Well three cocks got up, two right next to each other and one slightly behind about 40 yards out. He fired and all three came down at once! We had to chase the last one a little, but the other two were nearly dead upon landing. Never seen anything close to that before.

2. Around that same time watched a guy shoot 4 cocks on the side of a big draw without moving in about 5 minutes. It was real foggy and birds were sitting real tight. The birds got up one at a time for him. Four shots four birds.

As far as streaks go, I have had runs of three or four before hunting with a flusher. Much different than hunting behind a pointer:D I don't know how you guys ever miss:D. I did shoot a bird on a point back in October. One for one on that one:p
I think the best I have ever done is 5 quail and a couple of pheasants. I personally shot a limit ( roosters only) in Iowa less than ten minutes after shooting time started. Many limits in SD in one field. I have witnessed a couple of real cool things over the years:

1. 1980 in Phillipsburg kansas when my dad was still alive, and I still hunted with a large group opening weekend. Was hunting with a guy that couldn't hit a barn wall from the inside with all the doors closed. Everybody was giving him crap. Well three cocks got up, two right next to each other and one slightly behind about 40 yards out. He fired and all three came down at once! We had to chase the last one a little, but the other two were nearly dead upon landing. Never seen anything close to that before.

2. Around that same time watched a guy shoot 4 cocks on the side of a big draw without moving in about 5 minutes. It was real foggy and birds were sitting real tight. The birds got up one at a time for him. Four shots four birds.

As far as streaks go, I have had runs of three or four before hunting with a flusher. Much different than hunting behind a pointer:D I don't know how you guys ever miss:D. I did shoot a bird on a point back in October. One for one on that one:p

wow what a old dead eye you are carp next i will be hearing the mirror over the shoulder shot :D You have heard how i only shoot the male quail on here before right? Not many can shoot like us carp :cheers:
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Started out this morning 5 for 6 on quail and then proceeded on a missing streak I would rather not talk about then went 3 for 3 to end the day. My brother, who is usually the better shot, went 2 for 27 today.:eek: The dogs began to think we were missing on purpose.:D